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sodom gomorrah

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Posts posted by sodom gomorrah

  1. Eh. I just can't help thinking of that song i used to like so long ago..

    Would you mind if I hurt you?
    Understand that I need to
    Wish that I had other choices
    than to harm the one I love

    What have you done now?!

    I know I'd better stop trying
    You know that there's no denying
    I won't show mercy on you now
    I know, should stop believing
    I know, there's no retrieving
    It's over now, what have you done?

    What have you done now?!

    I, I've been waiting for someone like you
    But now you are slipping away... oh
    Why, why does fate make us suffer?
    There's a curse between us, between me and you

    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done now?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done now?!

    Would you mind if I killed you?
    Would you mind if I tried to?
    'cause you have turned into my worst enemy
    You carry hate that I don't feel
    It's over now
    What have you done?

    What have you done now?!

    I, I've been waiting for someone like you
    But now you are slipping away... oh
    What have you done now?!
    Why, why does fate make us suffer?
    There's a curse between us, between me and you

    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done now?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done?! What have you done?!
    What have you done now?!
    What have you done now, what have you done?...

    I will not fall, won't let it go
    We will be free when it ends

    I, I've been waiting for someone like you
    But now you are slipping away... oh
    What have you done now?!
    Why, why does fate make us suffer?
    There's a curse between us, between me and you

    I, I've been waiting for someone like you
    But now you are slipping away... oh
    What have you done now?!
    Why, why does fate make us suffer
    There's a curse between us, between me and you[/center]

    Edit1: It's"what have you done?" by within temptation.
    Edit2: They're dutch (the band). How fitting.

  2. We had a topic about this recently, but I will make another, rather than grave-digging.

    I have promised to host a Werewolf forum game at our protectorate VOC's forums, and i would like to invite you all to this joyful celebration. Now I've spoken to people in many of the major alliances, but would like to extend the invitation to everyone. '

    The party hosted is more or less an occasion to meet new people from different alliances, people that might not be dragged forth so easily otherwise. We have quite a few government peeps coming from alliances like Umbrella and FOK, and in general; people from all around. The werewolf game we'll be playing is a long-time thing, it goes on for two to four weeks, but doesn't require any insane activity, although activity sure makes it more enjoyable.

    I hope i doesn't kill VOC*s boards or anything now, but.. welcome to City 17. It's safer here.

    Oh, and there will be Pie, cookies and beer. And sky if i can convince her she ain't otherwise occupied:) (It's remarkable how most things are more enjoyable in the company of charming women, isn't it? :) )

    /Sodom Gomorrah

    Ps. Take this, it is dangerous ahead :)http://board.voc-concord.net/index.php

  3. I know everyone has drama to roll around in for now, but hey, get over here and get to know peeps. Right now we have some of those awesome VOCcers, some bosses from TOP, as well as representation from ODN and NpO. Hopefully those OBR:ers i talked to will get over too.

    There's new-year-driks&pie for everyone!

  4. TOP is once again making a drive for trade circles, this time joining up with VOC. If you are looking for an orange trade circle, you are more than happy to join in (if your resources fits :)

    If You want to join a circle, please post in the following format:

    [b]Ruler name:[/b]
    [b]Link to nation:[/b]
    [b]Resource 1:[/b]
    [b]Resource 2:[/b]
    [b]Circle you wish to join:[/b]

    Here's the part that i'll update :)

    OWF link


    Only wants 3br+uranium'

    *Simon De Montfort - (Cattle/aluminum)

    *Deus Imperator Draco - (Spice/Uranium)

    *Venetia - (Pigs/Water}

    Wants Uranium

    *Avernite - (Gems/Sugar) (Also wants construction)

    *HellAngel - (Oil/Coal)

    People who hasn't specified

    Basharious - (Lead/Oil) (ZtS)

    *Abyssmal Fiend - (Coal/Fish)

    *Consul of Monkeys - (Pigs/Rubber)

    *Guru VII - (Aluminium/Gems)

    *unclebryan - (Wheat/Oil)

    VOCcers (Didn't specify)

    Dioney - (Fish/Sugar)*

    *Rhizoctonia - (Gems/Water)

    *Callofktulu - (Marble/Wine)

    *Ywain - (Spices/Sugar)

    *tiailds - (Cattle/WAter)

    *Balnaar - (Coal/Pigs)

    *Nick381 - (Uranium/wheat)


    C1: 3BR+uranium

    Bonus resources: Beer, Fast Food, Construction

    Circle Stats

    Aluminum - Simon De Montfort

    Cattle - Simon De Montfort

    Iron - GeoDeathiC



    Pigs - GeoDeathiC

    Spices - Deus Imperator Draco

    Sugar - Avernite



    Uranium - Deus Imperator Draco

    Gems - Avernite

    C2: 3BR

    Bonus resources: Beer, Fast Food, Construction

    Circle Stats


    Cattle - tiailds

    Iron - cmack7


    Marble - Callofktulu

    Pigs - cmack7

    Spices - Ywain

    Sugar - Ywain

    Water - tiailds

    Wheat - Nick381

    Wine - Callofktulu

    Uranium - Nick381

    C3: 5BR

    Bonus resources: Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Steel

    Circle Stats


    Coal - Abyssmal Fiend




    Oil - unclebryan

    Rubber - Consul of Monkeys

    Water - Rhizoctonia

    Wheat - unclebryan

    Pigs - Consul of Monkeys

    Fish - Abyssmal Fiend

    Gems - Rhizoctonia


    C4: Pop-3BR

    Bonus resources: Affluent Population, Fast Food, Fine Jewelry

    Circle Stats

    Cattle -Sergei Yurinov

    Coal - Balnaar

    Fish - Dioney

    Furs -Tactical Evil Dan IRON

    Gems - Guru VII

    Gold - Tactical Evil Dan IRON

    Pigs - Balnaar

    Silver - Reisklok IRON

    Spices - Reisklok IRON

    Sugar - Dioney

    Wine - Sergei Yurinov

    Aluminum - Guru VII

  5. Well, an interesting topic actually. And yes, that's OWF relative.

    Everyone knows that smaller alliances usually have a better military coordination due to smaller size which gives a shorter path from high command to footman. The members are usually more loyal to the alliance as it's probably more tight-knit. But to compare an alliance with say 100 members with MHA, Sparta or IRON seems quite odd, since the big difference in size of the alliances makes it separate shows to keep 'em running. Sure, small alliances IS more effective in %, but in a 1 vs. 1 showdown between say MHA and TPF, 10 or even 30% more effectiveness won't matter, being outnumbered 6 to 1 with about equal avg NS means you're getting stomped.

    If we instead compare say 6 of those 100-man-alliances with MHA, the effectiveness of those six alliances depends big time upon the effectiveness of their milcom and their governments ability to cooperate. MHA don't have to coop with anyone in this scenario, they have their milcom standing and their structure done. My point is that who's under/overrated between smaller and mass alliances solely on the smaller alliances ability to cooperate versus the mass alliances internal organization. With Karma wars in the back, I think that we've got plenty of proof that both of these might fail, if Karma milcom with Archon and LM (& co.) would not have centralized it as they did, then considerably less of karma forces would have returned from the battlefield.

    When it comes to elite alliances, I think you must accept that you can't compare them to mass alliances. For example, no other alliance, possibly except for WTF can match TOP or Grä top tier(ehh, pun?). It's the same as the comparison between TPF and MHA in the beginning. What gives the larger elite alliances and citadel in general i s'ppose) a head start, is the fact that you'd have to form a coalition of a large number of smaller alliance to make it even in numbers. If their united milcom is capable of this, then one can speak of over/underrated here.

    Generally though, I think that mass alliances are slightly underrated by most, they have the time to prepare their military structure, just look at NpO's nuke drive for example. Their internal aid programs has given them some of the finest middle-tier on planet bob. Programs as that is much easier to be done in mass alliances; i.e. it's the best for military growth if you do it right. And since we just have maybe one great war each year, the growth in that long period between them is much more important than that month of fighting.

    When it comes to elite alliances, I think they are generally overrated, they can't do much against most foes since they can't hit most of them. However, i still think citadel is underrated. Citadel is more or less the only top-tier mass-bloc out there, which means it's the nemesis for all small elite alliances and upper-middle-tier alliances, nones simply got the numbers to do it without forming another 103-alliance-coalition opposed to cit, and with the treaty web as it is, that's might be a problem :P

    And yes, I'd love comments, but i did this with as few names as possible for a reason, I have absolutely no interest in having some trollish debates this time :)

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