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Posts posted by Thaksin

  1. 1). do you still liek babies?

    2). What is your plan (besides this) to combat anti-Pacifican propaganda?

    3). When is Ivan comming back? :wub:

    4). How are more recent relations with NpO since the incidents in August?

    o/ Pacifica! the only true Non-Profit Organization on CN! ;)

  2. HA! Those GATO are phail! the wars against USN are progressing acording to plan with 3 nations in anarchy. USNations are being left in ruins and only one was even able to mount a counter attack, which was quickly beaten off by the Royal Thai army.

    Good hunting!

    o/ Pacifica!

  3. The Thai Rak Thai II welcomes all FM refugees fleeing from religios persecution. Any indication of further human rights violations by the nation of Zameria may prompt an invasion by the Royal Thai army to restore your citizens unalienable rights. You have been warned.

    Furthermore, the TRT II will sever all diplomatic and economic ties an may impose sanctions on all nations found to be aiding or supporting Zameria in these Human Rights violations.

  4. If you want a tl;dr, it's this: I really made a pig's breakfast of things, and I must apologize for the mess I've made if I'm ever to find forgiveness.

    For specifics?

    I'd have to start with BDC. I'd been building it up carefully and then I do this. What is this? Well, I suppose that needs explaining, as well...

    OOC: Those who have read the Peace Mode Island thread know I like to role-play. Beyond that, I want to see the game itself stay as IC as possible. As TCC formed and forces began to gather around it, it was obvious that it was going to get whacked, and soon. I didn't want to see it get whacked for OOC reasons, though. NoV takes a lot of crap, but they really aren't chock full o' Nazis, any more than the occasional racist or sexist winds up in another alliance. True, their AA will attract those of the NSDAP-ish persuasion more than, say, CPCN, but there are some disgusting personality types that crop up in other alliances from time to time. The solution in dealing with them is not an assault on an alliance for OOC content, but to give a word of protest to their leadership and, if they don't feel like cleaning it up, stay off their IRC and forums. That's my personal view, and I didn't want to see NoV get stomped for OOC reasons. GOD looking for revenge? No probalo. That's IC. Alliance X deciding that it can't stand the fact that there's an alliance with a German-language name and going on a anti-German pogrom? I don't want that in my game.

    LUA took some flak from Turkish players that choose to deny the Armenian genocide, but those Turkish players didn't arouse the ire of the racist-stompers. This is the Kuwait argument: Either fix problems in Haiti and Somalia, too, or don't just focus on where the oil... or tech... may be. And since this is OOC, set this aside from any IC responses you might want to make. Suffice to say, I wanted to see the war I saw as imminent for NoV to be for IC reasons. That was my OOC motivation behind the move. Now for the IC explanation.

    IC: When TCC formed, it was obvious from the responses to its announcement that violence against it was imminent. NV canceled an MADP with NoV due to the fact the alliances had drifted apart, and GDA canceled an MDP, as well. Storm clouds were brewing over GATO and IAA, as well. It looked like war would break out, and soon.

    I have a friend in Schattenmann. We have always worked things through discussion and negotiation at the Black Conclave. While he crossed verbal swords with other leaders there, our relationship had always been cordial. I saw him as a man of talent and as someone I could work with in building more stability on Black. I did want to help him not be crushed in the coming storm.

    NoV and OTS were in TCC at the time: I know that they are all tough fighters and that they would stand with each other to the death. I have friends in OTS, and I did not want to see them destroyed, either. Or, if they were to be destroyed, I wanted it to be in as noble a manner as possible, that they might have a glorious memory of their final stand.

    I saw that BC had no hope of survival. Its government was in disarray and its ability to mount a successful defense would be minimal. As Schattenmann was in BC, I did not want to see him come to that end. Perhaps there was a better way?

    I discussed possible scenarios with OTS, NoV, and BC. Both OTS and NoV declined. They said if war was to come, they would stand: they would not try to escape its terrible fury. For that, I salute their true bravery in the face of insurmountable odds. Schattenmann at BC refused at first, then came back and said he now felt it was BC's only way to survive.

    We agreed the war would be a brief one, reps would be paid, and BC would be a protectorate of BDC and possibly eventually move into it. Schattenmann would insult me and my alliance for the CB, and BDC would attack. We were the only ones involved in this discussion.

    Meanwhile, I had put BDC on alert and had mentioned to BDC's allies that action was imminent. They then acted in good - no, EXCELLENT faith - and planned for BDC's defense if TCC responded as a bloc.

    Let me state this unequivocally: even if they were to order my permanent zero infrastructure, New Polar Order, Nueva Vida, the Common Defense Treaty bloc, and the Dark Confederacy Pact are the best allies one could ask for. I did not see completely what was going on at the time, but they were making extensive preparations to work with BDC in war. No hesitation on their part - they were there. While what I was doing would later meet with their disgust, nothing they were doing at the time was anything less than honorable. There was no greedy rubbing of hands to motivate their combat plans. They were purely preparing for the outbreak of a major conflict and were ready to go all the way to the wall with BDC.

    BDC anarchied the BC nations that night. The next day, Schattenmann and other members of BC government arrived at BDC forums to agree to terms. I set them, they made some requests, and then I modified them. As the top leader of BDC at the time, I did have authority to declare war and peace under the BDC constitution at the time.

    My plans after BC surrendered? I hoped to try and bring them around and help build them as nations and as allies or members of BDC and its excellent allies. I hoped to be able to go to war with OTS and NoV: Hormones at OTS had asked that if he was attacked, that I would take one of his slots. This was no dark plot, but a chivalric request, and one I intended to honor. I had good relations with members of NoV and I knew they would want BDC to attack them, if war was to come.

    So, in a sense, the war with BC was also a training exercise for BDC, to give it a victory so that it would be active and pumped to take on a group of fighters such as NoV, fighting alongside CIS, CDT, NV, and NpO.

    I also saw the BC maneuver as a bit of salami tactics. True, their combat value was not great, but they nevertheless had some combat value. On another level, taking them out of TCC was that much less the bloc would have on its side, and possibly affect the morale of other member alliances. But that was my thought. I truly did not consider the reactions of my alliance partners.

    I truly also did not think my plan would meet with such disapproval, once revealed. I did expect it to be revealed at some point in time and felt confident that the plan was sound, and would lead to even better things. As the reactions to the arrangement came in, only then did I realize the disapproval with which it was received. I may have been innocent of malice, but I was certainly guilty of poor judgment and failure to communicate in even the most basic and truthful of manners with my treatied allies.

    Individually, I must apologize to Anu Drake, Duncan King, MyWorld, VanHooIII, TehChad, Sharduke, Corey Faith, Raasaa, Prince Arutha, Owned-You, King Penchuk: You all acted with the best of faith in my actions and had no suspicion of what I was really doing behind the scenes. Yes, I did lie about what was going on, and you all were persons not to be lied to. You had extended a hand of fellowship to me and my alliance. While BDC rejoiced with that, I managed to come up with a plan that undermined it all. I am ashamed of what I have done, now that I realize the enormity of it all.

    Collectively, I must again apologize to BDC: I led you astray. I did not disclose my plans to you all, and now you suffer as a result of my lack of communication with you. What I wanted to be another great step forward for BDC turned instead into a colossal mistake. MyWorld will lead you well. He truly does want to see you succeed.

    Also collectively, I have to apologize to BDC's allies, current and former. Your names should not have been associated with what I had done. You deserve far better than that. Because you did not know of it initially, your reactions of joy at BDC's victory were genuine. When you learned of what truly had happened, your reactions of disappointment, dismay, and disgust were just as genuine, and speak to your credit and character. Judge people by the company they keep, and they keep my company no more.

    I apologize as well to the extended alliance family of BDC's allies, current and former. You should not have had to be confronted with the spectacle that made you see your allies treated with such disrespect as I now know I did. Some of you have called informally for my ZI. I hope I might mollify such a stance with this apology.

    I apologize to TCC and BC: my machinations should not have been entertained even in my own mind. You did not deserve the confusion, embarrassment, and disruption that I wrought. While some would think some of you might be beneath an apology, it is not my place to judge. I must seek forgiveness from all, both high and low.

    To the Black team: My actions have been called a disgrace, and I have been asked to leave the Black team. I apologize to you all for my disgrace, and encourage you all to work towards the unity the sphere truly needs. Act wiser than I have done and you will have better success and peace.

    To all the nations of Bob: what more can I say? I had high hopes and good intentions, but was too clever by half. I am sorry for putting you all through that terrible drama.

    Now that I have apologized, I must consider the question of my forgiveness.

    I've made mistakes in the past for the sake of my friends. I agree that I do not have a disposition conducive to leading an alliance: I care, but I care for others outside my alliance in ways that I should not. I should therefore pledge that I ought never to have a top executive leadership position again. If I go back there, I'll make the errors of passion again. I guarantee they would not be the same errors, but new, profound, and dazzling errors... which would not at all be a good thing. Novelty does not increase the chance of redemption.

    I have forgiven others for their mistakes if they show signs of repentance. There have been persons who have lied to me in the past that I have since forgiven and returned to good graces. If you will look over this apology, not once will you see me point a finger of accusation at anyone but myself. I try to live by a personal code of forgiveness, and ask that that be considered to my credit. I am not a bitter man, and even if some do call for my formal sentence of ZI after this apology, I will forgive you, as well.

    Where should I go, forgiven or not?

    If forgiven, I'll actually have been granted a rare and exceptional second chance on Bob. Perhaps it would be best for me to remain in peace mode and not join any alliance. Ever. I have a wealth of knowledge, though, and can offer it to other alliances. I want to help small, fledgling gatherings of nations and show them the way to better relations with all of Bob. I'd like to help them build up their organization so that they might be considered worthy protectorates or allies of those that I was once allied to and their treatied friends. If I remain with "None" for my AA, they will find me.

    If not forgiven, I would still want to do the same thing. "Alliance: None" should not be a matter of waging a vendetta against one's past. It should be to operate as a beneficial non-governmental organization to improve the world.

    These are my intentions for the future. If I am officially ZI'd or not for my actions, I will work for the betterment of the planet. Nothing will change that.

    As of this writing, I am not aware of any official ZI sentences decreed against me. (OOC: I have not checked the forums exhaustively, and have been several hours in composing this, so forgive me IRL if I'm amiss in my judgment.) New Polar Order was kind enough to not call for it. I know it saddened them deeply to see me do as I have done, and that they have turned their face from me, but I must nevertheless thank them for their officially stated mercy.

    BDC, NV, DCP, and CDT have yet to speak publicly or privately on the matter of decreeing me a fair target for ZI. They definitely have an interest in this matter, and I pray that they consider I did all I could to avoid their full wrath and that awful sentence. I apologized profusely, both here and in the thread where my perfidy was revealed. I resigned from government in a rapid fashion, that I not leave BDC vulnerable to charges of doing nothing to cleanse itself of my poison. I exited from that alliance without railing or ranting, and made sure that my administrative duties were handed over to a successor without any rancor or obstruction upon my part. (OOC: I made sure my successor got Root access, and my account at BDC is terminated. I have no back door accounts, as I know the danger that would expose BDC to.) When Corey Faith told me I needed to leave Black, I asked him for 48 hours to put my affairs in order and he graciously granted that. I was off Black in less than that time, less than 24, even. Of all the woes that I could have brought upon my BDC: slowness to leave power, remaining where I should not, fighting a just and appropriate punishment... not one did I let visit my now former alliance. Others have failed to do so and brought tempests and troubles on their alliances and themselves. I made all the moves that the politics of Bob taught me should be made in order to avoid a ZI after making a terrible, terrible mistake.

    And even if I do remain in peace mode, I would ask that it not be with the stigma of a ZI upon my head, but, rather, that my peace mode serve as a reminder to myself of the pains and perils of rash judgment without considering all of one's true friends. They are, ultimately, more important than papers. They are the reason those papers are signed.

    Should any alliance leader or nation see fit to pronounce a sentence of ZI upon me for my actions, no matter who you are, I ask that you do notify me publicly or privately, that I might know where I stand with you. I have said the best I can say. I pray that it moves hearts that were hardened towards me to become softer, that I might find place among the benevolent mercies of the leaders of Planet Bob.

    Thank you for reading this over and...

    :: guy offstage hands Zzzptm a note ::

    ... it looks like I'm out of time. Coming up next is the Carmen Banana show.

    :: picture cuts over ::


    (OOC EDIT: Yes, there really is a Carmen Banana. I loved that show on Austin Public Access back in the late 80's... good times...)

    :: offstage ::

    Well, I guess that's what happens when you're on Public Access... maybe if I hadn't screwed up, I'd still have the crack PR teams of BDC behind me, and... come to think of it, Public Access actually ran better than they did... sheesh... well, I still forgive them. No grudges. Noooooooo grudges. They're good people, too. Even if they never did size flags properly.

    OOC: OK, so I got silly at the end. But that's who I am. I do get silly at the end. That's why I should be an alliance of one, tops. I had some hints that some persons might want to hear a full apology, and I decided to deliver it in my own style. I am who I am, and I know that's what brightens the day of lots of people here. If I can also start teaching other alliances how to head to bigger alliances to help sell tech to them, everyone benefits and there are more smiles on more faces. :)

    The length of this document defends it well against the risk of its being read. - Winston Churchill

    Brevity is the soul of wit. - William Shakespeare

    An interesting and lengthy speech. Your actions, while good intentioned towards your own selfish interests, remain some of the most inexplicable I have seen in my time here, though.

    Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


  5. OCC: Absolutely! We should force everyone from the game who uses in game features to play! Hurray! :rolleyes:

    Thats not what I meant, and don't twist my words.

    Let people use the game features, but sovereign alliances need to exercise their right to PROTECTION from rogues. The most effective way of this is perma=ZIing them when it's clear that they won't just go on their merry way and pay reparations.

    I'm not so much of a FAN of your general !@#$%^&* commited in the olde days, may I remind you. :angry:

  6. Why was walford on it? Maybe you were unable to outwit him on the forums ? As far as i can remember his nation was never over 1k infra so he definately was not a threat to anyone much less an entire alliance. All i ever remember is the famous facepalms that was your only thought out responce to his posting on the forums?I thought his postings encouraged intelligent debate unlike most postings that go on here .

    Not the opinion of my alliance . Just tired of asshattery directed at single nations and entire "respectable" alliances attempting to force players from the game .

    BTW i know Walford contributed quite a bit of money to admin which is gone now because people like you. You may have not agreed with his views but he did contribute in numerous ways to our community.

    Walford was an intersting player, I must agree. He truly did contribute to the development of the CN community, but for his actions, his perma-ZI is sadly necessary.

    Good hunting Andromeda!

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