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The Greatevilfish

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Posts posted by The Greatevilfish

  1. Damn Bob is stealing my thoughts on the rare occasion i have something to say he is faster again. The "left" being "united" ...canĀ“t be. You were the best example how silly (better say stubborness) idealism can be, now when no "right" alliance with power existed anymore you guys finally made it .... 2 years late. Sloooooow decision process i guess.

    I dont actually think you are saying at all what Bob is saying in your quote there :)

    And a slow decision process is a typical feature of a democracy in CN I suppose, we live and learn. We are still standing, our enemies are not. I think at the end of the day that is all the reassurance I need that the CN left can work.

    @Bobs question: We saw no need to upgrade the treaty to an MDP. We are all friends and if any signatory were to come under unjust attack I am sure they would be defended, we all share treaty partners as it is. This treaty is not setting out to make us look strong, or threatening, or deter attackers, but simply to unite us all and encourage us to improve relations. In CNs current climate, I feel this kind of treaty is worth ten MDP blocs.

  2. 2n0r8k3.jpg

    Citizens of the Cyberverse!

    It gives me great pleasure to announce the finalisation of a brand new treaty from the CN Left :)

    Leftists in CN have come a long way in recent months, with rifts between SE and CPCN healed, the LSF Liberated and reestablished as a functioning alliance, and a great amount of diplomatic progress for all the major leftist alliances! This treaty is the obvious result of a great improvement in leftist relations, and as someone who worked for a long time on this project I am pleased to see it realised!

    here, without further ado, is CADRE!


    This treaty is signed by the alliances of the Cybernations Leftists, in recognition of their friendship, common cause, and a need for unity and organisation between CN Leftists.

    Article I: Friendship

    The Signatories of this treaty come together in Friendship, recognising their similarities and shared history, but also respecting each others differences, to build a better CN left.

    Article II: Non-Aggression

    No Signatory of this treaty will commit any form of aggression against another Signatory, be it through military action, in game or out of game espionage, or unrequested Senate action. Rogue attacks will be dealt with by all alliances, to prevent abuse of this treaty.

    Article III: Information and Aid

    Should a signatory of this treaty come into contact with information potentially harmful or important to another signatory of this treaty, then that signatory is bound by this treaty to pass that information on to where it is needed. All signatories recognise the need to uphold their democratic ideals, and in the case of a threat to democracy from inside a signatory alliance the other signatories are encouraged to act to protect the democratic nature of said alliance.

    Article IV: Discussion/relation building

    All Signatories agree to regularly meet and discuss on each others forums, on the shared Cadre boards, and via IRC, to build up relations and maintain old bonds.

    Article V: Economics

    The signatory alliances shall make efforts to integrate their economies with each other as a means of ensuring mutual good relations. This includes integrated tech trading, loans, grants, and the organization, where possible and profitable, the facilitation of trades between nations of the same color.

    Article VI: Addition and Removal of Signatories

    A vote on the addition of a new signatory can be called at any time, for a period of 72 hours. If no signatories have raised an objection within this timeframe as to why said signatory should not be admitted, then the new signatory can be added to the treaty. Discussion is encouraged before beginning a vote. A signatory can be removed from the treaty with a 100% vote in favour by the other signatories, and they are considered void from the treaty after 48 hours.


    Signed for the Socialistic Empire:

    The Peoples Assembly

    SupCom: Subcommandante Marcoz

    DefCom: Fadejev

    EcoCom: Baron Terror

    SoCom: Ned the Great

    DipCom: Ivan Feodorevich

    Signed for the Communist Party of Cybernations:

    The General Assembly of the Communist Party of Cybernations

    Signed for the Libertarian Socialist Federation:

    The Delegates Council of the Libertarian Socialist Federation

    Signed for The Righteous Fist:

    TRF General Assembly

  3. 7wql24h.jpg

    Greetings Peoples of the Cyberverse!

    After 72 hours of riots, backstabbing, tear gas, and mass deportations, I am pleased to announce that the Communist Party Of Cybernations has elected its government for the final Term of the year. Without further ado I present to you the newly elected commissariat!

    Party Chairman: The Greatevilfish

    Party Secretary: Comrade Craig

    Foreign Commissar: Sovyet Gelibou

    Defence Commissar: Q-collective

    Central Planning Commissar: Mongol-Swedes

    Interior Commissar: Azreal

    I know every individual on this list (with the exception of that TGEF guy) to be extremely talented at the position to which they have been elected, and I can safely say that CPCN, and those around us, can look forward to an extremely productive term from the lolcommies!

    That said, the more astute of you may notice that Finnish Commie, our resident dictator, is not in this elected government. FC has decided to take a break from an elected position in the CPCN, and his leadership will be sorely missed.

    However, my first act as elected Chairman of the CPCN is to Present Finnish Commie with the following award:


    This medal bears with it the title of Protector of the Party, of which Finnish Commie is the first and sole recipient. I hope he will bear it with pride, as he carries with this medal the gratitude of the entirety of the CPCN.

    If you have any queries for the new government of CPCN please feel free to contact us at #CPCN, or head over to our forums at cpcn.ipbfree.com!

    The Greatevilfish, Chairman of CPCN, on behalf of the General Assembly.


  4. On behalf of Raasaa and the rest of Nueva Vida and myself personally, I believe I may say thank you for recognizing Raasaa with such a fine award, however, none of it would have been possible if not for the trust and respect that I, and Raasaa have for TGEF. TGEF was and is an incredible member of CPCN and I have no doubt that as long as he is in CPCN that CPCN will flourish... Even if I do still look shifty eyed and you guys from time to time.

    o/ CPCN

    :D Thank you! And We can handle a few shifty looks ;)


  5. The League was a reaction, a attempt to thwart The Initiative. If they had won the war they wouldn't have known what to do with the new situation and far sooner then The Initiative they would have imploded. For them to be considered the largest power-bloc, The Legion would have had to join after the war, else you would have had a different bloc with Legion and ODN. The Initiatve either splintered or sticking together would have been regaining strength fast.

    In my opinion, even if they had won the war, they wouldn't have kept the advantage.

    this kind of talk amuses me. The League fought apallingly, I know, I was in it. But had ODN and Legion Joined it and thrown their weight in, the only thing protecting the initiative would be the same sense of decency that protected NPO from beind disbanded in GW1.

    I find this discussion irrelevent :P but all the big time initiative members saying 'we'd have come back and won' need to rethink.

    Legion and ODN decisiveness killed the League, and the South Web. If theyd got over this early, wed see a totally different world.


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