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Da DreadLord

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Posts posted by Da DreadLord

  1. tbc.png


    Blue Tentacled Bears From Beyond


    Article I: Of the Elder Gods and the Unmentionable Stygian Creatures That Lurk.
    Tsayka. Da Dreadlord. Elder Gods from a forgotten time, part of a collective known as NATO. Only briefly mentioned in an ancient and accursed manuscript. Names that mankind dare not evoke out of fear that their retribution will be swift and ghastly. Their names are not even spoken by the most arcane.
    Van Hoo III. Shurukian. Gibsonator21. Leaders of a cult of omnivorous daemonaic beings disguised as Earthly creatures of the Ursidae family. Shunned by the civilized world for their indescribable and unthinkable acts of violence, they were often worshiped as deities by long forgotten cultures and lesser imps.
    A pact was written in the blood of nameless and loathsome beings and added to the Book of Azathoth. Cooperate these vile and feared pantheons of old had decided. Do not presume though that groups of this level of depravity do not also value their own sovereignty.
    Article II: Like Minded Deities See Great Value in the Whisperings of Mortals and Others
    Elder Gods and daemonic beings deal in information, blasphemous or otherwise. From their dark thrones and dank charnel houses, they collect and share such things. This is beyond the comprehension of mere mortal men, but understood with ease by those of the eldritch variety. Lesser beings would delve into madness and despair should they dare gaze upon the tomes and unutterable words within.
    These manuscripts are best left to the eyes and ears of the two who invoke the aforementioned blood pact. It was meticulously written by them and the immense and hideous undertaking was for them and them alone.

    Article III: Reptilian Claws. Swarthy Robes of Unknown Origin. Tentacles From the Abyss
    There will be those who dare lash out at the members of this pact. As unthinkable as it may seem to dare to topple beings of such immeasurable and incomprehensible power, one would be foolish to underestimate the audacity that fear and dread creates. Should an aggressor choose a single party from this pact, assistance by the other would not be shunned and would in fact be encouraged.
    Deities and other like-minded creatures from the beyond are the calculating sort though and should the non-aggrieved party decline to assist it would not be viewed as immoral, blasphemous, abnormal, or even faintly cruel. No, such a decision would be understood as per the scribblings of the Book of Azathoth itself.

    Article IV: Glub, Glub ... Glub, Glub
    Despite being immortal in nature, the two members of this pact understand that there is no such thing as forever. Indeed, all pacts (blood or otherwise) have a starting and ending point. While a falling out between two of such omnipotence would baffle simpler minds, the beings involved will make every attempt to make amends. Should no compromise be reached, a parting of ways shall commence. Some will lurk, hoping to use this opportunity to do the unthinkable -- to swoop in and end one party in an insane gambit for dark power. Know this: 72 hours must pass before that which is not dead can eternal lie, and indeed with strange aeons even death may die.

    Tremble before us,
    Tsayka, Secretary General
    Da DreadLord, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
    Lenny N Karl, Two-headed Serpent of Madness

    The Bear Cavalry
    Van HooIII, Crowley
    Shurukian, Lillith
    Gibsonator21, Azazel

  2. tbf you should possibly re-write the clause so it is't as open to interpretation.

    I think it's quite clear as it is written now.. attack one = all signatories consider themselves at war with aggressor.. no idea how anyone can 'interpret' that differently


    Well no, GOONS declared on R&R.  TIO and NATO are welcome to view themselves as defending R&R though and war with GOONS.  You have the direct bloc ties for that.  But no, an attack on one is not an attack on all, it is still just an attack on one.


    We would be foolish to think NATO and TIO wouldn't come in against GOONS, but at least call it like it is.

    We did call it like it is.

  4. Oh hello. So sorry if this took a while, but I've been a bit busy..



    According to article 4 of the Plan B Accords, TOP managed to declare on TIO when it declared on NATO.. even if they tried to avoid us for some reason.


    TIO hereby acknowledges TOP's declaration of war.


    TIO also hates R&R for filling Skippy's slots >.>


    PS: I'm sorry if you don't find many targets TOP. We have been taking a look into your peace mode strategy.. so far, it's quite boring :/ You should bring out your nations to play with and I'll bring out mine ;)

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