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Posts posted by EAKOP

  1. oh hay, If you despise it so much, saying you denounce it doesnt look like you support that type of behavior, you'd be denouncing it, and obviously if you denounce it, you dont support it, which is why these terms were given, to allow those whop do not support these ideals to get peace.

    Well I say you are wrong in your explanation my friend. It insinuates that there is a connection to WS and LUA members.

  2. I was just wondering, do you train your troops in wierd messages with bad spelling, or is a simultaneous spontaneous expression of their, umm... love for their government that is the result of this? :P

    Anyway, the tech and land is nice, hope those 5 nations left in peace mode (ooh, where did the other 1 go?) have got a lot of money though to regrow these guys taking all the brunt of the attack. ^_^

    That is a highly classified information, that we are not at liberty to discuss. :jihad: :P

    I thank you for your concern of our well being after the war. :awesome:

  3. I too agree thats its cowardice to back away from a treaty because of seeing a fight you can't win... you signed it honor it. but like has been said, leaders do make mistakes. and everyone is givin the opportunity to rectify those mistakes. Thsi move was made before LUA would have been drug into the mess.

    as for The NoV situation it is a sad one that i have yet to see enough details about... weiss i feel that i have had some good conversations with and never once got the impression of naziism... but weather someone was lead astray i don't know... all i know is that the political side of the game must always be remembered... once a alliance sees something that os not in the best intrest of its members they always have the right to make a decision to keep their allaince safe...

    Amen to that!

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