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Col. Fitswilliam

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Posts posted by Col. Fitswilliam

  1. Late last night we had a government member go rogue and take over our forums, we are currently in the process of restoring order and using our backup site. If anyone has any questions please contact us on #mash or PM me personally in game.

    - Best Regards Col. Fitswilliam, MASH Commanding General

  2. Though I initially disagree with this, I will not shoot my 2nd in command in the leg for what he saw was a right move for the alliance as a whole. M*A*S*H will recognize this peace, but M*A*S*H is and will remain a strong and committed ally to Legion unto eternity.

    @ Umbrella & Asgaard: You guys fought well, it was an honor meeting you guys on the battlefield.

  3. Mashflag.png

    Announcement from M*A*S*H's Commanding General's

    In light of recent events The Mighty Armed States of Honor declares that we will support and defend our allies in the Coincidence Coalition from any attacks they may fall upon their members. Further more we see it as our right to defend our beautiful purple motherland from any attempts to disrupt her, hurt her, or change the status quo of purple. That is all.


    Col. Fitswilliam, Commanding General, M*A*S*H

    Bedford Forrest, Commanding General, M*A*S*H

    RPR Francheezi, Commanding General, M*A*S*H

  4. Hey magic I was beginning to think you forgot how to post.

    No I got basis. You guys were the only ones in that room that went turncoat. Almost seems obvious when you add in that fact.

    Really and what basis is that? Don't start accusing if you can't back up your claims. I'm sorry that your dislike of MASH blinds you from seeing the facts.

  5. CEN has been a great Protectorate since we signed with them back in May of this year. M*A*S*H is very sad to see this happen to CEN and wishes its members best of luck in future endeavors. M*A*S*H will be protecting the AA of Coalition of Erratic Nations for 120 hours starting right now. Any attack on them is an attack on us.

    Edit: people post quick these days I need to brush up on my forum posting skills.

  6. Most despicable? Damn, you should read the rest of forums man. And I am curious who exactly is "we"....did we have to get permission from you or something to be in purple sphere? Think before you type something stupid.

    Excuse me,

    I also have too much ammo in my AK-47...

    Sperm please do not respond in this manner anymore.

  7. MASH's involvement in PEACE is limited to the economic treaty. To my knowledge, they have yet to join Poseidon.

    Regardless, PEACE does include a non-aggression clause. Please remember your commitment to our purple neighbours who now stand in the front opposite yours when conducting your wars. Let us remain a sphere of friends.

    We are aware of this and since our inception have always had a policy of not fighting any alliance that has a treaty with us or a long term friendship. MASH will never DOW on a Purple alliance and looks forward to continuing building the purple sphere after the war.

  8. An Announcement from the Mighty Armed States of Honor


    1.) First off I would like to announce a change in the government of M*A*S*H.

    Replacing Article II of our Constitution:

    Article II: The Generals of the States

    Section 1: The sole executive power of the Mighty Armed States of Honor will be invested within the Generals of M*A*S*H.

    Section 2: The Generals of M*A*S*H will be the Commanders of all M*A*S*H members and the armed forces during times of war and peace. The Generals of M*A*S*H reserves the right to make any directives as seen fit to protect the integrity and security of its membership. These directives will be henceforth known as Executive Orders.

    Section 3: The Generals of M*A*S*H can also fill positions in the government that become vacant. He or she can remove officials who become inactive, and promote the person who is best qualified to fill that position. The appointment must be cleared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    *Inactive is defined as either not posting or logging into game or forums for more then 19 + days without notice.

    Section 4: The Generals of M*A*S*H can only jointly declare a State of Emergency with a 2/3rds vote.

    2.) This letter was sent to the members of M*A*S*H a few hours ago.

    Nearly Two Years Ago, on June 3rd, 2007 , the New Pacific Order attacked and decimated the Organized Nations of Superiority. For those of us who were there and remember that traumatizing time there can be no forgiveness for those who flatten our home. We have forgiven the actions of the traitor spy Da Choice, but have not and will not ever forgive Pacifica.

    Since June 4th, 2007 we have been plotting and rebuilding, the passion for revenge keeping us going. For a better part of a month many of us fought in the underground resistance. The Black Knights and Salvation Nations are but a few of these splinter cells of ONOS resistance, the rest were lost to history.

    M*A*S*H's sole original purpose was to rebuild ONOS into the great alliance it once was, it was the vision of my founding partner Neanderthal to turn M*A*S*H into a force to take on the NPO and avenge the fall of ONOS. Now I never thought we would survive this long.

    Along this 2 year journey we have lost many great and close friends, but have also gained many new great friends. I would gladly stand a fight with this small lot of 160 something members then 1000 of any other alliance's members.

    It has come time to stand up against the Fascist regime that has controlled the game since most of us have known. Let us stand and yell at those repressors " We will not take this anymore!". Let us stand and fight for what is right, for a more equalized world so that those that come after us can live without fear of domination from the Francoist regime that is the New Pacific Order and its Henchmen.

    The People hunger for change, so let us be the reaper of change. Let us by every rifle, ship, airplane and tank fight. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. They can not take from us our forums, name, members, or identity and community. I for one is tired of the boring homogeneity that CN has become. If it means ZI, so be it, I rather live for 15 days of fighting for a true cause then spend 2 years building pointless pixels. If this shall fail then I will walk away from politics for good, my time I feel has come.

    To the Old Guard of ONOS; This is our time, our chance to do what we always wanted but never had enough help to do it.

    To the newer generation of M*A*S*H; This is your great patriotic war, this your opportunity to do something great, and I will be proud to stand beside you and fight.

    Sincerely, Col. Fitswilliam

    Current MASH General of the States

    Permanent Leader of Jamoney

    Former ONOS Soldier / Executor

    Former Salvation Nations Intelligence Technician

    Former MASH Commanding Officer /SDI

    The Mighty Armed States of Honor hereby activates Article 4 of its treaty with Athens and declares war on the Grand Global Alliance


    Col. Fitswilliam - General of the States

    Boomerisgod - General of the States

    Flonker - General of the States

    RpR Francheezi - Executive Officer

    Bedford Forrest - Foreign Affairs Officer

    Kaznecki - Deputy Foreign Affairs

    Justavictim82 - Senior Drill Instructor

    Dran - Enlistment Officer

    Gorrillaballz - Deputy Enlistment Officer

    IburnmyCD - Economic Officer

    HellsGamer- Deputy Economic Officer

    John Ramsey - Internal Affairs Officer

    Serenissima - Deputy Internal Affairs

    note: All question may be answered in #mash

    :nuke: We consider all weapons usable.

  9. acvmashflagxl3.jpg

    The Mighty Armed States of Honor and The Armed Coalition of Valor present the Atlas II Treaty!

    Several months ago when ACV was new to our neighborhood, M*A*S*H decided to come over and play Halo with these new kids on the block. From that day a friendship was formed which eventually evolved into the Atlas I Treaty, one of the first treaties that ACV signed. Since then our cross color sphere friendship has grown, and we have also come to realize that we really like blowing stuff up. These mutual feeling of friendship, respect, and love of blowing stuff up has come to fruition in the Atlas II Treaty. Without further stalling I present the Atlas II Treaty.


    In the interests of mutual defense and protection, the Mighty Armed States of Honor, also known as M*A*S*H, and The Armed Coalition of Valor, also known as ACV (henceforth known as the Signatories). Do hereby declare the following agreement to be in effect as of 9:50 PM on February 8th, 2009.

    Article 1 – Sovereignty

    A. Individual Nation and Alliance Sovereignty

    Both signatories recognize the quality and merit of the other. Therefore, they are to remain self-governing, in order to grow and prosper in separate but equally suitable directions. Both alliances remain sovereign and independent of each other, as do the members within each alliance.

    B. Treaty Sovereignty

    Both signatories recognize the value of treaties and respect the independence of the other signatory and their right to actively or passively seek and sign treaties with other alliances. The Signatories further agree to inform the other Signatory if any new diplomatic agreement could cause possible conflict with this current Agreement, and to do so at the first opportunity. Under no circumstance shall one signatory be brought into direct conflict through treaties against another signatory. Both Signatories recognize the standard ranking of treaties on Planet Bob.

    C. Non Chaining

    If one signatory enters a conflict due to the activation of an unrelated defence pact and are subsequently attacked, the other signatory is not required to provide assistance.

    Article 2 – Peace

    A. Current State of Peace

    A current state of peace is mutually observed and agreed to be in effect between the Signatories and that each Signatory joins into this contract of its own volition with the intent of preserving and maintaining peace.

    B. Diplomacy

    In the present and future, the Signatories will use diplomacy wherever possible to solve any disputes that may arise and dedicate themselves to preserving the peace between their alliances.

    Article 3 – Intelligence

    A. Information sharing

    It is the mutual desire of both parties to remain in contact in order to achieve the highest quality of diplomatic relations. They vow to do so on a regular basis with ambassadors, visits to offsite forums, and through the use of IRC Channels.

    In the spirit of teamwork, the signatories pledge to share all information that may be relevant with each other. They will not refrain from disclosing information to the other signatory provided that said information does not compromise the security of the originating alliance.

    B. Forum Security

    Forum security must be ensured so that any potentially sensitive information can be provided between signatories. Regular testing of the forums should occur

    C. Communication Channels

    Any official signatory alliance IRC channels shall be identified and provided to the other signatory for their reference and ease of use. Although this is not a requirement for the treaty, it is recommended for prosperity and efficiency.

    Article 4 – Prohibited Acts of Aggression

    A. Espionage

    That the Signatories agree that Espionage is a clear and present danger to lasting peace and they agree to prohibit its use against the other.

    Also, if a sovereign nation of a Signatory indulges in any form of espionage or spying against the other, it will be the responsibility of the offending signatory to inform the other of the event, and to discipline its member according to the rules and regulations of the Sovereign Nation's alliance.

    B. In-game spying

    If a sovereign nation of a Signatory indulges in spying against a member of the other signatory, it will be the responsibility of the offending signatory to inform the other of the event within 48 hours, and to discipline its member according to the rules and regulations of the Sovereign Nation's alliance.

    C. Acts of War

    The Signatories agree that their membership shall not indulge in tech raiding or any declarations of war on the others membership.

    No member nation may aid the aggressor so long as that state of war exists. The victim of such attacks may not retaliate in any way for twenty-four hours following notification to their alliance of the war, to allow time for diplomatic resolution.

    Violators of this portion of the Agreement must immediately stand down from all attacks and prepare to pay reparations for damages caused as defined in Article 4. section F

    D. Taunting, flaming, baiting or inter-recruiting

    Taunting, flaming, baiting or recruiting members of the other signatory’s alliance, via in-game pm, on open forums, via IRC channels or during open conversations are examples of unacceptable behavior and these actions are prohibited by the signatories.

    Member nations who conduct in this behavior may to be ordered to provide a public apology upon request from the offended alliance and may be disciplined as determined by their home signatory alliance.

    Reparations for recruitment from another alliance are to be paid by the offending alliance in the value of no less than $3Million and 50 tech per nation recruited and the recruiting nation may be evicted from the alliance.

    E. Rogue nations

    Nations that go rogue on a member of the other signatory alliance are to be held individually accountable for their actions. The offender’s original alliance cannot be held accountable for the actions of the rogue nation, however in the interests of peace, they are requested to provide financial support to the defending nation as defined in article 6

    F. Reparations

    Where necessary, reparations will be provided to the defending alliance by the offending signatory for 100% of all losses, at the victim's current costs for replacement of land, infrastructure, military, and technology. A reduction in the amount will be granted with the return of stolen technology, but only to the extent of the cost of said technology, not in the quantity.

    At the option of the payee, reparations payment can be made in combinations of cash and derivatives of technology, the amount to be calculated at the fixed rate of $1.25Million per 50 tech.

    Article 5 – Peacetime Aid

    A. Financial, Military, Diplomatic and Technological Aid

    The Signatories agree that in times of peace, they may ask for military, economic, diplomatic, political or technological aid from the other signatory through official channels and that these requests will be carefully considered and where possible provided.

    B. Pursuit of wealth

    Wherever possible, the Signatories will engage in mutual tech deals at the rate of 1.5 million per 50 tech in order to spur the growth of both Signatories.

    The Signatories agree that during peace time, trades (defined as any transaction with the use of a trade and or aid slot) in the form of temporary, fixed, or long-term deals may take place to improve the economies of both alliances, even if those trades may not be of the same team color.

    If a member requests to abandon an active trade circle, they shall strive to provide at least 48 hours notice before cancellation of the trades can occur.

    Article 6 - Wartime Assistance

    A. Financial, Military, Diplomatic and Technological Aid

    The Signatories hereby agree to come to the others defense in time of war where a 3rd party declares war on either signatory.. Aid includes but is not limited to diplomatic, military, and financial aid.

    The Signatories shall have the right to ask military, economic, and/or diplomatic aid in time of need of the other signatory, and the other signatory is obligated to supply this aid unless in direct violation of Article 1, Sections B and C.

    The Signatories agree not to aid enemies of the Signatories in times of war, whether mutual or individual enemies of the Respective Signatories. Such aid is defined as economic or military aid.

    Signatories shall be free to give such diplomatic aid that does not endanger the growth, prosperity or sovereignty of either signatory. When requested, any mediation activities by either signatory between alliances and their opponents shall not be perceived as aiding an enemy, but in deriving peace which would be a form of defense.

    Article 7 – Cancellation

    A. Reason

    Should one signatory wish to cancel the treaty, advance warning shall be provided as specified below and the detailed reasons for the potential cancellation shall be provided to the other signatory upon request. Any cancellation postings on Open World forums must be completed in a respectful manner.

    B. Treaty Failure

    Failure of either party to comply with the terms of Articles 4 may be considered just cause for immediate revocation of this treaty, at the other party's discretion. Should this treaty be so revoked by either alliance, a seventy-two hour grace period begins in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

    C. Advance Notice

    That this Agreement shall be in effect until canceled or when superseded by a stronger treaty between the two signatories. Official cancellation requires 72 hours prior notice.

    D. Mandatory Non-Aggression period

    After cancellation of this treaty regardless of reason, a 3-day auto-terminating Non-Aggression pact, mirroring articles 2 & 4 comes into effect.

    For The Mighty Armed States of Honor:

    Commanding Officer - Col. Fitswilliam

    Executive Officer - RpR Francheezi

    Joint Chiefs of Staff:

    Senior Drill Instructor - Flonker

    Foreign Affairs Officer - Bedford Forrest

    Enlistment Officer - Dran

    Economic Officer - Iburnmycd

    For The Armed Coalition of Valor:

    General Sayeret

    Commanding Officer of the General Staff

    Armed Coalition of Valor

    Lieutenant General Kevin McDonald

    Executive Officer and Communications Officer

    Armed Coalition of Valor

    Major General Jake997, Commanding Officer of Personnel

    Major General Jordite, Commanding Officer of Logistics

    Sergeant Major UnitedNations, SGM of the ACV and Special Advisor to the Government

    Tl; DR : Get to the Chopper! :jihad:

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