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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1297638106' post='2631601']
    Posting in a truly epic thread. Words cannot describe how hilarious this is.

    You wait until the Polar theater is a full-on rout...
    You attack a much smaller alliance who's pitifully outnumbered...
    [i]And you surrender?[/i]

    I propose a THL-TGE gladiator match for Worst Alliance 2011. Whoever fails more hilariously gets the award.


    I am convinced they would find a way to surrender to each other.

  2. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1297103737' post='2624272']
    we need to get this propaganda back to the level of simple honorable namecalling:


    I think that's the most adorable piece of propaganda yet.

  3. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296429741' post='2611661']I know that. Your point?[/quote]

    AirMe pointed out it's reasonable to expect TPF hadn't fully rebuilt yet, as NPO hadn't rebuilt yet either. You responded by saying NPO had at least rebuilt enough "to combat MK and Umbrella", implying that by comparison TPF had done a poor job of rebuilding. And then I pointed out that NPO has had substantially longer to rebuild than TPF, as they didn't get knocked back down twice last winter. My point is it's unreasonable to expect TPF to rebuild anywhere close to the extent that NPO did.

  4. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296423512' post='2611519']
    Please, you're not FAN or Vox. You've had a year (without reps in TPF's case) since the last war to rebuild.

    A solid upper tier is not built in a year. Especially in TPF's case, where they were in a very damaging war a month prior to the Bipolar War, I would presume that after Bipolar they had very little left in the way of warchests with which to rebuild. Getting nations from ZI to 70k or 80k NS, with solid tech ratios and strong warchests, is not something that can feasibly be done in a year.

  5. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1295656940' post='2589868']
    It doesn't change the fact that he walked into a blatantly obvious trap. Ignorance has never been an excuse and it still isn't.

    Great, so if I send out screenshots of my private forums to passerby, anyone who takes them I instantly get a CB on? At this point, the CB has fallen below even the standards of that used in the Karma War, about which VE was oh-so-outraged. Not only is the crime "accepting screenshots", but the screenshots were taken by the leader of the alliance with the [i]hope[/i] that they would be accepted.

  6. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295548449' post='2586771']
    Polaris says "Do I know you" as if you didn't know that we went into the last war for you. Then Polaris says, "It's your fault" to TOP, duh, for ever helping then. Then VE shows up, kills you with a bad CB, you ask for help, but due to your pride refuse to apologize for stabbing us in the back as we watch on not caring.

    Oh. I thought we were making propaganda for [i]this[/i] war.

  7. It makes no sense. Polar asks [someone] "Do I know you", [someone] answers "where are you going", then... Polar says it's... FOK's fault for joining the war? Then VE shows up, and we ask for help? I thought VE had declared first. Huh. Then VE gets lockjaw, I guess.

  8. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295503552' post='2585500']
    This isn't about Polaris anymore Toto, alliances will make their decisions based on what is good for them. Anyone who chooses to ignore logic to give Polaris a backhander deserves exactly what they will get. You lot are self-serving enough to work it out. Enjoy

    Don't you bring Toto into this :(

  9. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295500232' post='2585057']

    Tell me, how's MyWorld doing now? Let's see... Mask of Blue?

    Oh right. She's at war with your alliance.

    I could go on. But it would get dull after a while.

    Your alliance used to be a beacon of stability. You did manage to change all that. Now you're paying the price for your attempts to destroy another person's community, yet again. Congratulations.

    Wait, I thought we were paying the price for talking to a wannabe spy.

    It's also amusing that you evidently think naming two individuals who have not been in the alliance for years (one of whom was in the alliance only very briefly) somehow disproves the notion that we care more about our community than having powerful nations. It's a complete non sequitur, albeit on par with what the CN community has come to expect from a Haflinger post.

  10. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295332934' post='2580554']
    Peace mode being a sound tactic or not has absolutely nothing to do with the impression that it can leave on general members (especially the less active ones) when the people who just happened to be ordered to peace mode are gov. Its a great image of the peons burning for their leaders sins while their leaders stay safe.

    Two things. First, peace mode nations were not selected by any method that would favor government over regular members. The fact that any government hit peace mode is a result of the government being more active and thus quicker to react to the situation. Second, why don't you let us worry about how we feel when we see our government in peace mode? It's not your concern, and not your place to make blind guesses at how you think we perceive the issue of government hitting peace mode. For my part, I'm glad they didn't have too much pride and that they simply did what was best for the alliance.

    [quote name='Sakura' timestamp='1295333117' post='2580564']
    Polar has already been declared on 4 times over -- 'recognition of hostilities' seemed redundant to me.[/quote]

    It is extremely common during wars for the defender to make an announcement. Rarely have I seen anyone put up a fuss about such a trivial issue.

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