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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. [quote name='Janquel' timestamp='1314778511' post='2791538']

    You just want more time to practice your L4D2 so you can keep your edge :P

    /see ya on Steam, man

    This may or may not be true.

    [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1314801093' post='2791605']
    It is my hope that in the 5 years that you were here that you learned something from the experience, whether it was about the behaviors of others or yourself. Some (many) come here and learn nothing. That is their loss, for there is much to be learned.

    Over the years you and I came to agree on much. I will however disagree with you on the point that there is nothing to stick around for after all this time. Even if this world is on the latter third of the novel, there is still plenty of action to be had and the possibility that this is not the end, but merely the first volume.

    Come back and visit with us in a few months. If you like what you see, roll up a new nation and join me at Valhalla. You will be welcomed.

    It's not that I think there won't be any more wars or drama or anything like that. There always has been, and there always will be, until admin pulls the plug. It's just that said drama doesn't really interest me anymore.

  2. Having recently passed the five-year mark on my nation, I have decided it's time to move on. I can't really find the motivation anymore to continue playing; hell, I haven't even bothered to fix my trades since February. My involvement in CN politics has degenerated to the level of general annoyance at most people and alliances, and that with that mindset the game is no longer enjoyable. In the absence of the faintest desire to continue onward, I will be letting my nation reach 25 days and delete.

    It's been a fun five years, and I'm happy to be able to say I really don't have any regrets. There've been ups and downs, but there's not really anything I've done that I would want to go back and change. I've made good friends, and - I think - relatively fewer enemies. And before someone hijacks this thread to talk about how the game is in some unstoppable decline, I want to make it clear that I'm not quitting because there's any problem with CN. I've put far more hours into this game than any other, and the fact that it's taken [i]this long[/i] for me to become bored of it is a testament to how enjoyable it truly is.

    [i]I've put this off for far too long. I regret to announce that this is the end. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye.


  3. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1310636693' post='2756010']
    To be fair it does seem to be more than just one TOP member baying for Polaris's blood, its fairly evident on a variety of different threads :mellow:

    Not sure where you got the idea that Dajobo's comment was in reference to one member of TOP.

  4. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1310308792' post='2753878']
    Please point to me the page and section number in the Cybernations Rule Book that states that a CB must be used by X amount of days.

    D34th: Your MoFA and his assistant recently requested an embassy over at our forums and being the nice people that we are we granted them their request. Since that moment they have failed to show up. Should I chalk this up to forgetfulness or a lack of balls on their part?

    I would be happy to come over if it means that much!

    [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1310287234' post='2753801']
    Much less, because while peace mode is a viable strategy used by almost all alliances in Cyberverse, including yours in the last war, ODN has a singular history of canceling their treaties to avoid the losing side of a war and [b]good jokes like ODN never gets old.[/b]

    They really, really do.

  5. [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1310101280' post='2752123']
    the amount of class exhibited in this thread makes me feel like I'm stuck in summer school.

    1) Polaris; I love you guys but seriously until your situation drastically improves you don't really have room to be cocky. Either make friends or just shut up.
    2) TOP (and friends): you guys are, for the most part, !@#$%bags. Stop pretending like NpO still owes you jack from BiPolar, when 90% of the field (including a current very close ally, but I'm sure you can conveniently forget that) laughed at your stupid ass when you attacked CnG
    3) MK; not cool. What's said in private needs to stay in private. Someone mentioned something about "oh we're not allies anymore". That's a !@#$%* excuse and you know it. The treaty web is as dynamic as anything else around here, and if you want to ride that train, then every one of your allies would be stupid to post something private in your embassies, knowing that when the day comes that you are no longer allied, then all that private stuff is open to the public. Bad precedent, to say the least.

    my 2 cents anyways.

    I would like to point out that the vast majority of us are not acting cocky in the least, and indeed we are acutely aware of what our current position is.

  6. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1309385698' post='2744424']
    He responded to Shah with [u]"I think our decision to honour the treaty ultimately cost us a lot more than it cost you."[/u] I'm merely wondering how he came up with that ridiculous comment. Perhaps he misspoke?

    Right, and my point is that the part I took away from the post was the sentiment that Polar faced significant consequences from our actions, not just TOP/Duckroll, and that in the long-term, the war was not a clear-cut "Polar won, you lost" situation. For my part I don't think it's really possible to measure which alliance was damaged more, but I think it's still possible to interpret the post in a meaningful way without getting bogged down in such a pointless and silly argument.

  7. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1309368460' post='2744277']
    It may have been a good decision for you internally but it was a stupid move when in terms of foreign affairs. It'd be akin to us bringing back Crymson. The part of the web your alliance was intertwined with considered Legion to be part of the enemy/opposition and it caused you to lose a considerable amount of political capital. After this no one wanted to stand up for you on that side of the web. This of course coming after the WCE and Random's coronation. Still, we're getting away from the overall point I was making.

    You've neglected to inform the world's population how you have suffered more than IRON, DAWN, TORN, TSO, and TOP. Perhaps your decision not to answer this question or even make a remark on it is proof that you realized how utterly retarded your comment was.

    When looking at the effect our actions had on Polar, I do not think "suffered" is at all the right word, and indeed Dajobo originally used the word "cost". Suffering implies victimization which we certainly can't claim, whereas cost is without such connotations.

    It's difficult to deny that Polar did pay a significant price for its actions in the war; whether one quantifies it as being more or less than TOP, IRON, DAWN, TORN, or TSO's is a different issue entirely. Rather than turn it into a competition where we try to quantify intangibles and then determine whose position was damaged more by Polar's actions during that war, I believe Dajobo's original point was that it was an era we do not enjoy remembering, in part because of the significant repercussions of Polar's actions, which were not isolated to only TOP/IRON/et al. If Dajobo wants to insist Polar was damaged more he certainly can, but I am taking his disinterest in continuing the topic as an indication that it was probably not really meant to be the salient point of the post.

  8. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309224345' post='2743069']
    You do have a point there so you are correct, embassies are not always private. However, could the MK - Polaris embassy be seen by anyone who was not an MK or Polaris member?

    EDIT: It's funny too, because I seem to recall having a discussion sometime within the past year with an MK member where he said they never leaked private discussions.

    You don't need to protest for us. Yes, the NpO-MK embassy was private and to my knowledge it was never communicated to us that this would be changed prior to this thread. On the other hand, we don't really care all that much because there's not a lot to be gained by making it public. It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone that entertainment takes precedence over courtesy on the MK forums.

  9. [quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1309218706' post='2743000']
    I like this. Hurray for transparency! (sorry Polaris <_<)

    There is not really any reason to be sorry; I concur with Ardus that there's not really a 'winner' in that thread. It's an absurdly long thread mostly of flaming back and forth, at least from the onset of the Bipolar War and forward. There could be quite a contest over which alliance manages to sound the most self-righteous.

  10. [center] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/f/f7/Vox7-2.png[/img]


    Today marks the second anniversary of the disbandment of an alliance unique in the history of CyberNations. Vox Populi entered the world stage as a suicide pact between eleven disaffected has-beens, and left it triumphant beyond our wildest expectations. We have not seen its like again, and may never. This is not to claim it is the greatest or most influential alliance - or indeed any other superlative - but unique.

    In typical Doitzel fashion, our favorite wordsmith has abrubtly disappeared, and given the similar absence of other more notables names, it has been requested that I post this in their place. I am sure it will not be difficult to identify the author of this anniversary piece.

    [size="5"][b]In Your Own Words[/b][/size]
    [i]Or why you're all stupid[/i]

    No, really. It's hard to believe you're not [i]trying[/i] to be so dense.

    There were 250 people in Vox Populi in the opening days. That's a lot relative to the active participants around here both now and then. A lot of you are still around. Some of you are even in places of influence. Yet you've forgotten everything that was exciting and inspiring in those few days and the revolution more broadly. [i](No, I don't mean Bob Sanders's comedically poor grammar.)[/i] We broke free and stood up to say "no" to all the established conventions that were the pillars of the Continuum and all blocs of power that seek to dominate.

    Yet here everyone is, comfortably settled back into their cozy niches, contented to jump and dance to the same old tunes. Wars are still nearly indefinite. Treaty webs grow more complex even as populations dwindle. Harsh surrenders are still enforced on those attacked on the flimsiest of bases the moment one side of the endless staring contest decides he has the upper hand. Political discourse has again degenerated to tired internet memes and toilet humour because nobody else can find anything else to talk about. This couldn't be farther from the truth.

    There are so many of you who are not from the first and second generations, who were [i]not[/i] here when the bricks were laid to suit the political interests of the NPO and its lackeys. Yet you follow those leads unquestioningly. Has anyone ever stopped to ask, "why?" Why do you need a treaty to fight for or against an alliance you are willing to defend? Why is joining in such a manner so frowned-upon? [i](Hint: it's because it throws a wrench in the plans of those setting up curbstomps.)[/i] Why are entire alliances held responsible for the unsanctioned actions of individual members? Why is it so reprehensible to fire the first shot?

    There are so many questions unasked and thus unanswered. The only way these ingrained doctrines of the past are going to be challenged is if someone stands up and challenges them, not just with action, but with reason, with courage, and with determination. Don't underestimate what you can accomplish by these virtues. To borrow a phrase of the day, someone has to put a weasel in the shorts of the man: if not you, who? And if not now, when? It's in plain sight to all, at this point: if someone doesn't do something then these ruins will just continue to crumble. Don't wait for someone else to put their foot out first, because if they never do then all hope is lost.

    Communities are only self-sustaining for so long. A loss of uniting purpose and interest is inevitable with the same routine day-in and day-out. [i](Fun fact: this is why divorce rates are so high.)[/i] Action and interaction is the only way to preserve the bonds you cherish. Two years ago Vox Populi passed the torch along to those who cheered us on. I confess myself disappointed. The disbanding of Vox Populi was -- and [b]is[/b] -- a day to be remembered. So, let's remember.

    [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1242859608' post='1543315']
    I'd be sad to see you disband but I know this is a begining not an end.

    [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1242859670' post='1543321']
    Farewell Vox and thankyou.
    The world needs people who fight for what they believe in.

    [quote name='Logan' timestamp='1242861119' post='1543394']
    Vox, despite the haters, I was one of those people who you helped give a voice to. For without you, we would all still be lost in the dark. And now the worms in the gutter are blowing up the elitists in the stars.

    [quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1242861778' post='1543423']
    You guys changed the game for the better.

    That is more than most can say.

    [quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1242862026' post='1543435']
    Whether you believed in their methods or not; whether you like them at all or not, these people did something with more guts than a vast majority could stomach.

    [quote name='PorkPotPie' timestamp='1242870563' post='1543895']
    How depressing, one of the major stories ending. I suppose a new one will start...

    [quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1242873360' post='1544108']
    Vox, you truly were a one of a kind alliance. You've changed Planet Bob, and shown once and for all that you don't have to be a 900 member alliance to change the game. Thank you.

    [quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1242875262' post='1544238']
    I certianly hope this does not mean Doitzels martyrdom will stop. I've rather enjoyed reading 'LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!'

    [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1242878931' post='1544514']
    Every person that spied for Vox is a hero. They were able to transcend the morality of the hegemony slave masters and risked their futures in this world for its greater good.

    Don't let the house slaves of Pacifica judge what you've done. Hold your heads high. We are forever in your debt.

    Well, there's a lot more, but you get the idea. All of the above are recently active.

    I remember the days when enemies challenged us to "do something about it", when we did something about it, and how immensely fun it was. Let go of the conventions and, for want of better phrasing, live a little. You might be surprised at how little you actually have to lose.[/quote]

    And now, let the traditional claims of irrelevance begin!

  11. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1304132592' post='2702322']
    I don't recall what I gave Polar but I don't think it was extremely unfavorable. Just because they did a few questionable political moves, have members that openly don't like us, and royally screwed up, doesn't mean I think they're an objectively terrible alliance.

    There's nothing in the ratings thread indicating that we should be attempting any sort of objective measurement and not simply offering our personal opinion. There is not, at any rate, any metric by which an objective measurement could be made, so all the ratings are subjective anyway, and some are merely masquerading as being based in something other than personal opinion.

  12. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1304085792' post='2701919']
    I find it funny seeing the butthurt from some members of Polar tossing 0's and 1's our way :P

    Is it surprising that members of an alliance you attack don't like you? It'd be a valid point if the war was in ancient history, or if we were giving you low scores because of who said what in 2008, but I think disliking an alliance for attacking one's own alliance in a war that ended only a month and a half ago isn't exactly unreasonable.

  13. I gave 5s to anybody I don't have an opinion on. Nobody gets a 10.

    Mostly Harmless Alliance - 7. Good people. A bit predictable, which isn't a bad thing.
    Green Protection Agency - 5. Hippies.
    Fark - 8.
    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 6. Stick to their guns and pulled through an unenviable position.
    Sparta - 7
    World Task Force - 5. Hippies.
    Orange Defense Network - 5
    The Order Of The Paradox - 5. Had a lot of respect, but the bitterness gets tiresome.
    Umbrella - 6. Mostly due to a few individuals.
    New Pacific Order - 4. Don't trust them.
    Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 5
    Viridian Entente - 2
    The Democratic Order - 5. Hippies.
    New Polar Order - 9. Pros: Great alliance. Cons: Fallen Fool.
    FOK - 6
    R&R - 6
    Mushroom Kingdom - 1. How the mighty have fallen!
    Nordreich - 5
    LoSS - 5
    Nusantara Elite Warriors - 2. Crazy. Volatile.
    The Legion - 7
    Valhalla - 3
    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
    Nueva Vida - 6
    The Foreign Division - 3
    Federation Of Armed Nations - 6. Yet to really see much from them post-Karma, but I suppose there's always more to come.
    NATO - 5
    Global Order of Darkness - 6. I disagree with them about 90% of the time but at least they're consistent.
    The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5
    Legacy - 5
    The Templar Knights - 4
    The Order Of Light - 5
    Asgaard - 5
    iFOK - 6
    Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 6
    Athens - 4
    World Federation - 2
    Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 1. Associates with NPO.
    Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
    Global Democratic Alliance - 5
    Argent - 6
    Guru Order - 6
    Christian Coalition Of Countries - 7
    Ragnarok - 8
    The Phoenix Federation - 6
    Random Insanity Alliance - 7

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