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Posts posted by OniTasku2

  1. I must admit, your Emperor is a rather stand-up fellow, if I do say so myself. I saved my last nukes for the other attackers, aside from good sir Uhtred. Been a long, long journey and time to fizzle out like the lack-luster nation I always ways. Cheers, Tyga, you were always pretty badass and I enjoyed being in the STA during the first CN:TE.

    Hope you guys have fun ZI'ing my nation. ;3

  2. Also, I want to just say that AlmightyGrub is a stand-up fellow. I like him. You should like him. Everyone should like him. As a fading memory to no-one, and a minor member but oldfag to all, I endorse this guy. He's a swell character and everyone should go and join New Polar Order.

    We talked with our nukes, and we connected. ONLY WORDS BETWEEN MEN COULD BE SHARED THEN, AND ONLY THEN!

  3. Well, it seems you have put quite a bit of thought into all of this JB. As many of us have seen (and many more, not) these past years have been quite tumultuous. Within the world of CN, there have been major fiasco's and triumphs. Undoubtedly it has been a trying time for quite a few. Understandably emotions often get mixed in with something that is given so much time and effort. It is hard to deny those things when your work is trampled upon or questioned. Though it didn't seem that your break(s) helped much, or maybe it did. I can only extend my best wishes for whatever path you choose in the future, as a former comrade in arms, co-conspirator and I believe an enemy on the other side.

    Your words were well said, now may you keep true to not just them, but onto yourself. Best of luck, mate.

  4. Hahaha, oh GGA. You guys just keep giving the world twists and turns. I also can't help but notice the absence of degenerate's signature on that little bit; this arouses some mild suspicion of the current state GGA is in. Well, in any case, that really isn't my business (nor I guess, anyone's business at this point). Best of luck completely rewriting, redrafting, redoing and recreating the Grand Global Alliance. Perhaps you guys will really try to stick to an alliance morale and make sure you continue to uphold it. And I do mean the best of luck, being a former member.

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