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Posts posted by Melek

  1. Really?

    Go to your district Court, or whatever local municipal court for your jurisdiction that handles civil restraining cases, and I would love to see the bemused ADA and a 60-70 year old judge try to make sense of a civil restraining order for a faux cyberstalking case about a text-based game.

    Victim advocate's offices, ADAs, and our municipal court systems in the 50 states have bigger fish to fry. I see ADAs screw up much simpler civil restraining orders every day that involve real people and the possibilities of real violence.

    At the federal level, they're looking for child pornography, they're looking for serious, real cyberstalking, identity thefts, things of that nature. Game prosecutions are not a priority for the DoJ.


    I had an experience very similar to this. At the time, when I had my experience, I was not living in North America and in order to proceed, it was very complicated, expensive and I finally had to drop it. I contacted my ISP to get a new IP address and stopped playing that game. During this ordeal, the lawyer I had, first had a hard time understanding it and putting the case together, however, not once did she ever make "fun" of it as cyberstalking is real and can make your live a living nightmare.

  2. I would love to see the look on the face of an attorney presented with this.

    Realistically, IMO, the costs involved in proceeding with something of this nature, on the client end, could possibly make it an impossible action to take.

  3. Exactly what were you trying to change it to?

    I want it to say:

    Looking for a Peaceful Blue Team Alliance

    I would like to know:

    *what you have to offer

    *what other alliances you are aligned with if any

    *what your history is in the game

    *what makes you different from other alliances

    Do you have your cookies enabled? :blink:

    Yes my cookies are enabled.

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