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Everything posted by UnholyArmyOfWamplers

  1. Technically, since we have all our home computers AND a global work computer, we are at an okay ratio, right? I mean, it's technically a 1-to-1 ratio player-to-IP with one IP extra. Seems like given your specs we fall within the params.
  2. Okay, here is the situation... I recently got all my co-workers into cybernations. And they've all registered from their home computers, but we also share one IP at work. Recently two of them tried to set up a trade and got flagged as "cheaters". I realize that doing so has put all of us who have logged on at work in risk of the ax. My question is: If you log on from 2 different IPs, 1 unique and 1 shared, will you still be deleted? Even if the 1 shared is only work hours on work days. Thanks in advance, Wampler
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