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Posts posted by Ashen

  1. Well it seems we have a new issue. Sellers are being tech raided.

    sexyshadow of Shadow Nation http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=188818 thinks it's okay to tech raid our sellers. I have asked him to stop and this was his reply:

    To: Ashen From: sexyshadow 4/27/2008 1:50:49 AM Subject: RE: Alanon of Azgarth

    he doesn't have an alliance and tech raid is tech raid i will not pay anything back because he attack me back if he would tell me him self that he is active and that he wants peace i will give it to him but he didn't do none of that he just fight back

    I will send this to the buyers via pm as well.

    Issue has been resolved, thank you!

  2. I sent out several PMs and they are not showing up in my outbox. I still have received PMs in my inbox, and because of replies I know the PMs went out.

    Is this like the search function and a method of saving server cycles and space? Or is something wrong? :unsure:


    EDIT: By outbox I mean sent items.

  3. The GSA has now opened up our tech forum. Due to the success of Gamestrafe tech deals our reputation was bringing more buyers then we could provide sellers for. However, to expedite this we have created a Tech Dealer sub on our forums that will be open to anyone. We are also recruiting more small alliances and nations to help us sell.

    Thank you for your patients and cooperation!

    Visit us here:


  4. Ok, Looks like 3/5 buyers are ready now and all sellers are ready now. So why not get this going ASAP!

    I will PM everyone and let's try to work this schedule. Since we are starting somewhat staggered, I'll let the selling stagger naturally. Sellers, on the day the tech is due send it as early as possible (you may have to delete the record of the previous deal to get it to go through). Buyers, when it is due try to accept it as soon as possible so the sellers can get to the next person. for me personally, who ever send the money first will get the tech first? Easy! Any questions?

    Buyers 1, 3, 4 send your 3MM to all sellers asap. Buyers 2 and 5 send your 3MM on the 25th.

  5. Stepping out of my place here as I know really nothing of the story and the wiki is a bit vague. But I am curious as to why some get their feathers so ruffled about by these statements. It's like a toddler taunting a teenager, neither one making fully rational decisions, and their reasoning is impaired by central egotism. Thus, eventually the teenager gets tired of the heckling and punts the toddler.

    The right thing to do? We know better. But that's the nature of most teens and toddlers.

  6. Mirreille, you pose an interesting question. :popcorn: I'd give you a cookie, but I ate them all . . .

    Anyway, from some of the statements I see that some people understand what it means to have a micro AA, but others really miss the point. I will elaborate from my own POV.

    GS:A is what you could call a micro alliance. We've been around for a few months and are actually a little smaller than when we first formed. But growth has renewed; more on that in a moment.

    We came here from a PC gaming forum and wanted to check it out. Many people got bored within the first few weeks (understandably, it's not exactly RTS, 3D-RPG, or FPS) since most people on our forums are renowned PC gamers, some even semi-pro or highly ranked in the competitive circles at the least.

    We started off as an ignorant fiery group almost commanding our own ZI before we even knew what the term meant. But through perseverance we have created some great friendships with some great alliances and powerful nations who guide us in growing ourselves.

    Why are we still a micro? Well that's easy. We like the autonomy of our friendship. We have pretty close to a true democracy with a group of senior members (those that have the time, energy, and wishes) who steer the alliance. It would be easy to join a larger group, but them we are nobody. A tech farmer at the least, or a ZI enforcer at the greatest. Yes, we could instantly have our Infra double or tripled with a membership in a sanctioned alliance, but who says that's what we want?

    How fun is it to give up your liberty for power? It's not to me. I pride myself in accomplishing things by my own merits. You may call it learning things the hard way, but I call it gaining understanding and fun. We are having fun, and this is a game.

    If wars are what you find fun, well there are plenty of fish in the pond to throw dynamite at. Look at some of the larger alliances.

    IRL I am a small business owner and this game give me an opportunity to practice a sort of faux-pas diplomacy. I am having a lot of fun playing and learning, but if the server suddenly shut down and never came back up would I miss it? No, my family takes precedence to my gaming and this is only one of many. I have been finding these things since RA and WWIV BBS systems on my Tandy 1000 and 300 baud modem.

    Again, I have spent hours reading the forums, wikis, and other alliance policies and politics. Some of it is very eloquent and fascinating. It charms me in a way to want to get to know these people and make friends. Others I find disturbing and reek of 13 year old pre-pubescence, a serious turn-off. I feel that many of my alliance members are not much different than me.

    We have been asked by several larger alliances to join with them, and while honored we prefer our independence. This has created great opportunities for us to move closer to the inside goings on of the game though, making friends and protectors. But in the end, each small voice is still a voice and taken into consideration. Consensus has done us well so far as we are happy to stay where we are if that's how it remains. However we have decided to test some of our own political abilities and have begun to grow. Though small scale it may be and only one nation at a time we like being able to hand pick our members so as to not get anyone that will later cause us grief and go rogue.

    Some people lament that this game is not what it used to be. I think the small and micro AA's are the cure for that. We are way down from the heyday of over 45K nations. And with an ever-growing list of ZI's and perma ZI's it will continue to dwindle. I think the whole perma ZI list is bad for the game. I won't get into a debate about it here, but make another thread and I will be happy to discuss it.

    Anyway, from a micro AA standpoint, that's the gist of my own personal feelings. It's not to be a big fish or a king/lord/emperor/ruler of many nations. But to have fun with my friends, people I know, make decisions collectively; see what we can accomplish while remaining a pertinent voice to ourselves autonomously.

    Does all this make sense? Whew, sorry for the micro (haha) novel.

  7. Welcome! ^_^

    Yeah, once you log in after the first nation lionk you should be ok from there. If you tab them all open it confuses the system and begins asking for PW verfication.

    On the start date, the 25th at the latest. Pending free time I can arrange, I'm going to look at everyones aid slots and see if we can get some of this going sooner. It will be better for the sellers if they don't have to carry much more than 50 tech at once, but the buyers want it asap. I also know the sellers want their money asap. So as soon as I figure out a better timeline, I'll get messeges out as to when we get rolling.

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