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Posts posted by Blackjax

  1. I am eager to see you distribute to FOK the same beatdown you gave MCXA.

    Ah, so I see you've followed our work. :awesome:

    The general feelings in nv is that "FOK is a great group of people, and they will be a competent and honorable opponent." So we're all looking forward to this one.

    And holy god... that aztec flag is incredible amounts of sexy. :wub:

  2. there wont be a war.

    Mogar started it by his rumours now the entire Planet bob thinks there is something on. <--- IT WAS A JOKE BTW!

    ive heard 4 Different alliances who are supposedly to be declared on at update.

    The one way to know for sure something is coming. The denial's

  3. I didn't think all of NoR were nazi's.

    In my experience, NoV had far fewer racist or Nazi member's, but even in Nordreich nobody was openly a Nazi.

    This being an OOC forum, I think being a fascist is not something I want a 12 year old kid that comes online before he is mentally mature enough to really make intellectual leaps to start thinking fascism is cool.

    Of everything on the internet, Cyber-Fascism is definitely not the worst thing that could destroy the mind of all the mentally immature 12 year old's.

  4. I was in the PrF, NoR and NoV.

    I wouldn't mind a reincarnation of NoR coming back, but I don't foresee that ever happening as I believe most of them have moved on.

    And I too have gained a strange respect for the communist alliances of this game after having fought a few of them (several times).

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