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Posts posted by Blackjax

  1. What happened to joining NV musso?

    I was excited that you were coming. I even baked cookies.

    It was hard for me to find another alliance that was as fun and close as the PrF was, but NV definitely filled the hole in my heart that was left from the PrF-VL merger.

  2. Goodluck to... None of the involved parties.

    @NV, just give LSF peace already, you're the final hurdle, let's end this left/right nonsense right here, right now. If more than 1/2 of your members can actually name the reason stated in the CB why you're at war with LSF right now, I'd really be surprised.

    @MRA... WTF? Seriously...

    @spoofmaniac - Please take screenshots people can actually read without a microscope.

    Since when are we "the right"?

  3. TGE and NoV should fight it out 1v1. TGE hiding behind their allies with big mouths is cute, but means nothing.

    I agree that TGE is only making this bold move while knowing that NoV can't fight them do to their allies. I think announcing it on the forums like this and forcing them to a time limit was overly aggressive on your part TGE.

    @ NoV, I think getting rid of the Nordland Doctrine now would probably be the best.

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