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Ali Gator

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Posts posted by Ali Gator

  1. According to the logs you showed me, all it did was have a name of a person. By the looks of the logs, it just seems like former UJP alliance members were just hanging out together in a private room.

    Most likely, yes, they were just hanging. But one can never be certain.

  2. Indeed. Clearly, he wants to reform Vox Populi.

    ROFL. I was wondering why his chain said VOX.

    AD changed the key himself, than, because when I was in there it was "lolwut." And although I don't mean to defend AD, as he is an immature moron, the pics linked were not of any CN player.

    They claimed they were of an ex-\m/ government official who no longer plays.

  3. Chief_Stubbs. Yesterday, I joined #ujp after AppealDenied blurted out the key. The key was very childish and demeaning to a certain player of CN. Upon joining, I was greeted by AppealDenied. The topic was very derogative and childish. It included links to nude photos of an ex-\m/ member and said '$%&@ ~' with a link to the the 'Official ~ Announcement'. Once you realized I was in there, you quickly K+B me. Can you explain this?

    EDIT: Query me on IRC if you want the logs.

  4. Yay to drgumbofunk

    Yay on Adamsonovgrad

    Ishiopia seconds this vote.

    yay to Adamsonovgrad
    Promised Land votes Yay on Adamsonovgrad (ruled by drgumbofunk).

    Adamsonovgrad would like to ask the remaining members of the World Congress for their support.

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