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Posts posted by Sande

  1. Far better idea for a CN world map -
    1) Make a world map into a hex grid. Count all land hexes. It's better if there are at least 10k-20k hexes.
    2) Let all alliances join the map within 3 months. Each alliance has to choose the "capital" for their nation. Only one capital can land on one hex.
    3) Alliances describe what part of the world their alliance wants to conquer.
    4) The capital will remain for said alliance whatever it's size is. If the alliance disbands or whatever, it will be erased and maybe substituted with another alliance that wnats to join the map project.
    5) When all alliances have placed their capitals, the map creator calculates how many percentages of the world each alliance should get. He also gives each alliance the hexes they might want to conquer according to their description.
    6) Alliance percentages will be recalculated once a month. Map updates also. (No point in doing this daily since not much changes in one day. Only after a war or disbandment you will see a significant change.)

    Maybe more rules should be applied, dunno.

  2. What I read from this is that only Rebel Virginia is allowed to look stupid. Really?
    Maybe it's because he has no way to NOT look stupid. Well, there are other people too. We should allow them look stupid too.
    If they coloured their lame posts then we would automatically know not to read the low-quality posts...

  3. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1282516966' post='2426966']
    It's Worst Alliance [i]Ever[/i]. GGA no longer existing does not affect its claim to the title.

    No alliance will ever come close to GGA.
    I just wanted to say that

  4. First of all, I do not approve this behaviour because it's e-lawyering and it will not take us anywhere. Everyone has his own opinion on things and considering that this is internet, people will most likely ignore all reasonable posts if they contradict their own views.

    [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1281455496' post='2409729']
    I'm going to try and diagram Fernando's argument. Tell me if I'm doing this wrong.

    1. Spying is an act of aggression.
    2. Sedrick was spied upon by TENE.
    3. Whereas 1+2: TENE initiated an aggression on Sedrick.
    4. A rogue is an individual nation that initiates aggression against an alliance.
    5. Whereas 3: Sedrick did not initiate agression:
    6. Whereas 4+5: Sedrick is not a rogue.[/quote]

    OK. Let's assume these events occurred like that. But a nation that is already in a war should not seek for an alliance until it has finished it's wars and other suspicious activities. Most alliances don't let people in when they have unfinished wars etc. Therefore Sedrick should not have been allowed to join NSO unless NSO wanted to provoke Ragnarok & Co.

    [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1281455496' post='2409729']
    7. Aiding a rogue is an act of aggression.[/quote]

    Also, aiding ANY nation who is fighting a war against another alliance is considered an act of war as far as I know. Otherwise if Alliance A is fighting Alliance B and alliance C aids Alliance A, Alliance B would not have a reason to attack Alliance B. Does not work this way.

    [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1281455496' post='2409729']
    8. Sedrick was aided by NSO.
    9. Whereas 6+8: NSO did not aid a rogue[/quote]

    True. You should also mention that NSO accepted a nation that was already fighting another alliance. Although Sedrick was technically not a rogue, he did have unsolved problems with another alliance.

    [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1281455496' post='2409729']
    10. Whereas 7+9: NSO did not initiate aggression against TENE.[/quote]

    Wrong. Look what I said after pt 7. It was an aggression initiated by NSO.

    [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1281455496' post='2409729']
    11. Rok(and company) cited aggression against TENE as C.B. Indeed, the C.B. hinges around "aiding a rogue."
    12. Whereas 10+11: The C.B. used by Rok(and company) is invalid.

    He might be considered a rogue or not a rogue but he was fighting another alliance and NSO did offer him protection and now they have to either give up or fight for what they think is right.

  5. My point is still valid. People complaining about the CB.
    Keep going, I don't mind. Also, The way I see it, NSO didn't want it to be cleared diplomatically since they kept doing whatever they did without even trying to figure out what was on with the guy and RoK didn't want to keep the war from happening after NSO sent the aid. NSO pretty much started the war even though they could have used the diplomatic path.

  6. I don't see this coming unless every alliance does it. And if one aliance says it will protect all inactive nations, it will get enough power to kick every other alliance back.
    Your fantasy will never be real.
    Also, most alliances are looking to increase the amount of players not decrease it by forcing them to leave the game.

  7. [quote name='Sande' timestamp='1279303935' post='2374769']
    I don't know which scenario will occur but I know 100% that it will begin with a 200-page topic where people whine over the CB.
    After seeing some NPO members whine about the CB already, I could say Iwas right. Now they just have to keep going until they get 200 pages.

  8. Greenland Republic should be in Greenland but it's taken.

    Also, the formula is bad. What if all land is taken and alliances increasse their NS even more?

    You should have a database of all alliances who sign up. (All alliances have a chart which shows their total land too! Maybe use that in the formula instead of NS or score. Makes more sense.)
    Then you take a total of the NS (land/score) and see how much each alliance has compared to the total NS (land/score). Then adjust the map.
    use percentages not total NS/land/score.

    Also, so the map wouldn't change drastically, each alliance should pick a "capital" that will always belong to said alliance. No 2 alliances can have the same capital then.

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