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Prince Paul Karadordevic

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Posts posted by Prince Paul Karadordevic

  1. 200px-State_Flag_of_the_Kingdom_of_Yugoslavia.svg.png

    [Official Announcement of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes]

    The Kingdom pressures the nations of the world to truely look into the matters at hand and find a reasonable solution. If the Usteans wish, we can provide them with a small territory outside the Kingdom's Royal Province of Albania, in the land formerly known as Greece. We request they send a diplomatic envoy, if possible, to Belgrade via Yugoslavian Plane in order to meet with us on this matter, as we also invite the PDSAR to this conference. We need to find a way to peacefully move the Ustean government, and state, in order for territorial claims to stop their clashing within the middle east.


    [The Area in Red below Yugoslavia is our current proposal.]


    Prelate class tank in simulated urban trials

    OOC: Lol, Eureka Seven.

    I would like to stay put as I love being part of the MEc but Osea Is pressuring me to get out. I would stand up to him but I need help. you know what I am not moving cause osea said so my nation is going to be david vs goliath and we will win as were david. were going to stand up and fight ( not with our army, with words and protest and not recognising his claims)

    OOC:Bosnia is my territory, fyi.

  2. 200px-State_Flag_of_the_Kingdom_of_Yugoslavia.svg.png

    [Announcement of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes]

    Today, the final touches upon a gift for Kaiser Martens was put together. Years ago, during World War II, a ship known as the Prinz Eugen, which accompanied the German Supercruiser Bismarck was bound for it's operational exercises. It engaged the HMS Hood and Prince of Wales, as well as other ships alongside the Bismarck during this operation. Later on, after the war, the USA used the ship for atomic bomb testing, as to which it was sunk. Over the past 5 years, the Yugoslavian Navy has been undergoing what they call "Operation Resurrection". In 2005, the Prinz Eugen was officially surfaced, in whole and decontamined the following year. The Yugoslavians have completely restored the Prinz within the past 3 years and now have it in fully operational condition, as it was in WWII at it's launch. Prince Paul Karadordevic officially hereby wishes to give the KMS Prinz Eugen, once a famous heavy cruiser in the Kriegsmarine, to the Kaiser Martens of Greater Germany, as a gift. He hereby asks that the Kaiser accept this age-old token of German supremacy at the seas, and also requests he visit Belgrade in person, to receive it.


    [The Prinz Eugen shortly before atomic bomb tests in 1946]

  3. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia still has a few Leopard IIIa's in stock, and is looking for a few additional pieces of armor for it's Armored Divisions. We are willing to test drive some of your above models, to see what works for the Kingdom best. As of now, we still are experimenting with the Dubrovnik and Slavianki classes.

  4. [Kanteroo, In-Game Statistics for the most part don't count in rp, I.E. Nation Age]

    "I'm getting quite fed up with this nonsense. Kanteroo personally here should be charged with a good amount of genocide. He's committed a campaign of ethnic cleansing within his supposed "empire" over the past 100 years. This cleansing campaign has been aimed at the population of slavs within our nation, which is exactly why my people declared their independence in 1918. If you truely wish to discover "recognition", ask one of our friends in the government to show you the foreign affairs database. We're far more recognized than you believe."

  5. OOC: I still find it lulz, does he not realize that I happen to have been around the cyberverse since the GATO-INC War.. [CN's first ever war]. I've had to restart, what, 4 or 5 times? Lol. Anyways, Heil Kashlinkov, and blessed be the ISP and Nordic Union. All of those are great memories to me. Kashlinkov wouldn't have tolerated this imperialist for a second, thank you sacred democracy.

  6. The Yugoslavian delegate stepped up to [insert Kanteero's representative] and simply glared, tempers slightly in his eyes. "Sir, this "Empire of the Slavs" as you call it does not exist upon the eyes of our people. The lands of which you speak of that are, Slavic, are united under the pan-slavic colors of red, white and blue, the colors of the Yugoslav flag. Our land truely is the slavic kingdom worthy of claiming it's section. The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes is the true representer of Slavs within the Balkans.

  7. [OOC: I partially thought i'd bring this up Botha. My Kingdom is pretty interesting in it's government structure, the King of course is Paul Karadordevic but our Prime Minister is the CP of Yugoslavia's Josip Tito. In essence i'm a Socialistic Kingdom. It's worked pretty well thus far.]

  8. 250px-Flag_of_the_Kingdom_of_Yugoslavia_(civil).svg.png

    Official Announcement of The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes

    President Botha and Queen Anne,

    It is my pleasure to announce a state of glorified relations amongst our two states. We would like to hereby proclaim, as our former overlords in Kashlinkov once did, friends of our nation and kingdom. As we speak, we wish to set up a meeting amongst your government and cabinet and Prince Paul Karadordevic, Prime Minister Josip Tito, and other cabinet members. If this can be arranged, please contact us back upon the time and date of said meeting. We would also like to announce that yesterday was Slovenski Ponos Danje Svetlo, otherwise known as Slavic Pride Day, our national holiday. We also wish to strengthen our ties to the Arnellians, in order to further our relations in the future.


    Prince Paul Karadordevic

    King of Yugoslavia

  9. Well, After reading this, I nearly died of laughter. Not because of the NPO [Love you guys, considered joining] artwork, and regular announcements, but more so because of Sindorin's immaturity and unwillingness to realize it's nothing more than a virtually coded game. Being in the same alliance with him, for a short time, I think I speak for most the CPCN when I tell Sindorin to "Get a life." Insurgency.. Pssh. There nothing more than a rag-tag band of guerillas getting pounded by a larger, standing army.

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