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Burning Glory

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Posts posted by Burning Glory

  1. Some how things got blown way out of proportion here, it isn't unfair to want to protect your alliance! After all,

    that the reason most nations join alliances. So anyone disagreeing with this, do you have a better solution? I feel it is just cause, and in fact implicating the very same rules for TPF. No we're not a giant in TE but we have many friends and allies, and most of us (TPF)

    are in other alliances anyway. There are many AA with none to which all bigger alliances can raid. As far as the

    smaller alliances well the old 10 or less members is fair game applies here......


  2. Bob you remind me of an old Timex saying," You take a licking and keep on ticking".

    Never mind what people with incorrect assumptions or plainly twisting the meaning of you Treaty, Say!

    I find it very honorable, and should be a carbon for those of us who believe in an ethical way to align and war.

    Congrats on everything guys!!

  3. Is it just me... or was there a messed up stagger here? And a perma ZI for a 500 NS nation.. albeit an old one.. can't take too long to zi... unless you run out of nations in that NS range....

    Best of luck to all parties resolving this.


    There is only one thing worse than a spy.......Its a back stabbing lying spy!!!

    Good luck guys.

  4. I posted this in the main form but haven't heard anything from the ADMIN so far,

    so i thought maybe i posted it in the wrong place and decided to also post it in here.

    I play both CN and TE, and enjoy both of them.

    I have noticed some differences in the two, as there should be.

    One thing I believe should be change for TE that is more less the same as CN,

    is the length of Wars. If the powers that be could change the length to 3 or 4 days

    for the next round, I believe it will keep people/nations more interested in playing

    and more importantly keep them playing.

    This would help with several problems in the current round. For one it would keep

    nations at war from loosing to much infra, thus just giving up and quiting or re-rolling.

    Another is if a nation is jumped on by multiple attackers the same would apply.

    The best reason although there are more, is when a nation is attacking another rather it be

    Raiding or just for dispute, the attacking nation is not locked to the other nation for long and

    can go about his business. There are many people that just quit when they get attacked or

    loose a lot of infra. Plus this would keep nation from being inactive as much because if war slots

    are full for 7 days then there really is no need to check back in. But if it only lasted 3 days then

    that said nation would need to check back in order to keep his nation protected.

    It might not be a bad ideal to have nations collect at least every 10 days VS the current 20 days.

    For what its worth, this is my ideal of how to keep a action and full paced game moving and interesting.

    Thanks for your consideration and time!!


  5. You make a good point King. We love our treaty partners and will kill off whole alliances if they try to take our love away.

    Less treaties will mean less wars. You people arent understanding that yet. Say that Murder Inc. had no allies, and we decided to hit a smaller alliance just for kicks. How would we have any competition to fight us back? Same can be said for the rest of the alliances. Treaties are good in a sense here. Yes they can overlap and cause a few headaches. But they can make this game a little more fair for alot of people.

    How many wars have we had in TE now? How many curbstomps have there been? The only times I can recall a total beatdown for any alliance, is when they dont have an ally to call on. I realize this is TE, and I also realize its just a game. But you people need to realize something also. I play to win, and I am pretty damn sure most of you do as well. So quit whining and complaining and just deal with whatever happens.

    You took the words right out of my mouth Horms! Although i can see the othe sides point too.....Guess we'll just have to fight them about it LOL!!

    By the way love the new sig!


  6. if they want to make a real change, no rerolling, if you quit your done. this will stop the people who reroll every time they get beat down.. I know of one person who rerolled with 7 nations.

    WOW that's got to be a winner! You are kinda right it might keep a small percent from dumping their nation,

    but whats the use of even playing when your bill locked or your infra is below 200. They would just simply quite.

    It goes back to what i said before the length of wars should be shortened.

  7. Look, no offense, but it's TE. Calm down and enjoy a good fight. I assure you, they don't mean it maliciously, they're just having some fun. That's what TE is about... anything goes. None of those sticky moral obligations of CN:S.


    Yeah I agree, this is about having fun! As i said earlier in my original post It doesn't matter where i place as long as I'm having fun.

    But this isn't your usual game of cards so to speak.....As i said he was in an alliance that I protected and helped out

    several times, and just days before offered help again. This isn't fun when you have to fight someone that is part of an alliance

    you consider to be your friends. Or attacked for no prime reason.

    Sorry dude, but it sounds as though you've been outplayed.

    There wasn't a game to be out played, and as you can see the peace has been made...lol no pund intended.

    i agree with Bama, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

    Love the heat! I didn't make it to #2 by handing out roses, and my Tech level speaks for its self.

    Ask around I'm no stranger to war, I just believe in the old term speak softly and carry a big stick.

  8. Coming from someone that tries diligently to make friends and keep the peace between fellow game members,

    this is a bit of a shock. I logged on today to find that BOOSHIFIED has attacked me, and for what reason IDK.

    Now it isn't a surprise that I would be attacked as far as my friends have enemies, and I'm in the # 2 position.

    But what is the surprise is that just days ago I had offered BOOSHIFIED and his former alliance a chance

    to join my team of friends, and also i had protected his alliance on various other occasions before this.

    This is just a game to me..... One i do enjoy playing, to the point I get Biatched at constantly from my girl.

    But even as a game there should be a code of conduct while playing or just plane ethics. Frankly I don't care

    if i'm 1st, 2nd or 10th place, as long as I'm having fun while getting there.

    Its no secrete that i will protect my friends to my last standing soldiers, even if it means last place. But I would never

    attack anyone for no cause or defend a friend that has no cause to attack some else. I always keep my alliance and

    my friends interest above mine. Some things just don't add up and I believe that i know why i was attacked, if this

    surfaces to be true then no one involved will make it in the top 100 nations from this round on.

    I give a shout out to my TRUE friends, the ones that are in the various alliances that have befriended myself and TPF.

    MHA, MI, Echelon, OTAN, Ubercon, and my new friends of Viridia and NEO and last but not least WAPA....Yes WAPA,

    there are some good people in this alliance, and the alliance as a whole is not bad, its the few bad nations in it that

    give it, or put it in its current situation. If i have forgotten anyone, my apologies!!


  9. I play both CN and TE, and enjoy both of them.

    I have noticed some differences in the two, as there should be.

    One thing I believe should be change for TE that is more less the same as CN,

    is the length of Wars. If the powers that be could change the length to 3 or 4 days

    for the next round, I believe it will keep people/nations more interested in playing

    and more importantly keep them playing.

    This would help with several problems in the current round. For one it would keep

    nations at war from loosing to much infra, thus just giving up and quiting or re-rolling.

    Another is if a nation is jumped on by multiple attackers the same would apply.

    The best reason although there are more, is when a nation is attacking another rather it be

    Raiding or just for dispute, the attacking nation is not locked to the other nation for long and

    can go about his business. There are many people that just quit when they get attacked or

    loose a lot of infra. Plus this would keep nation from being inactive as much because if war slots

    are full for 7 days then there really is no need to check back in. But if it only lasted 3 days then

    that said nation would need to check back in order to keep his nation protected.

    It might not be a bad ideal to have nations collect at least every 10 days VS the current 20 days.

    For what its worth, this is my ideal of how to keep a action and full paced game moving and interesting.

    Thanks for your consideration and time!!


  10. Hello! Remember me?

    Too bad we are on opposite sides...Today I will make 3 nations lose infra.And since I do not do attacks at midnight because only gays(or in hard wars where odds are bad) do.

    Well who's side R you on? Nation link,PLEASE! And wouldn't you clarify the NAAC/MI war hard.....I mean at least on NAAC's side anyways.

  11. I guess Vox Populi screwed up you're head more than you know.

    I LOL'D

    I suspect RV was being slightly sarcastic :unsure:

    YA THINK!!

    I miss keeping my fingers crossed for a target to be handed down to me and my squad.

    Nothing makes my guys in TPF happier and content then when I'm giving them targets.....Damn war mongers!!

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