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Posts posted by Darklink7748

  1. Yeah well in two mins after posting resignation I didn't manage to pick out the new alliance anymore. I'm banned from Sparta's forum aswell :huh:

    My mistake was not switching to peace mode I must admit. Any spartan should be at peace mode at all times, not to get caught by the purges, but that's not a topic needed to discuss

    Having a signature of a woman committing suicide and an avatar of an abused child is offensive and in my opinion is ban worthy.

  2. [02:31] <Tiberius12> people like Gabryal and Dog, their the Bishops and Rooks and Knights

    [02:31] <Tiberius12> people like Thai and BG and I are the Queens

    [02:31] <Tiberius12> and the kings are our reputations

    [02:32] <Tiberius12> and our influence

    [02:59] <Tiberius12> power is when people fear, love, or respect you enough to obey you

    [02:59] <Tiberius12> power is the ability to bend things to your will

    Make of it what you will.

    That refutes nothing, my point still stands. Also, the chess analogy made me chuckle a bit.

  3. All I have to say on this is that ABSOULTE power corrupts ABSOULTELY.

    Not true. It merely depends on he who wields it. If he is greedy his actions will reflect that, if he is fair his actions will be so. I've had absolute power for a long period of time, and it never changed my views or actions one bit. Some people cannot handle it, simply put.

    Edit: P.S. By sheer definition however, absolute power can never be corrupt. Since you have absolute power you define what corruption is, and have the ability to define all that you do un-corrupt. As a supreme authority it's impossible to be corrupt anyways.

  4. Nation name: Nation of Midgard

    Nation ruler: Darklink7748

    strength: 76,328.945

    infrastructure: 8,999

    technology: 5,128

    past alliances: Sparta

    Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: Because deep down in side, I hate Sparta to the core. Especially Wilhelm The Demented, he's pretty much a failure.

    Do you have an allies: Yes, tons of them. Particularly the Hate the Athens alliance, The Orange Juice Coalition on White, the Wolverines, and the Trilateral Quadratic Coalition.

    How old is your nation: 2 years, give or take a day.

    If possible how many wars have you been in: more then I can count, near 40-50.

    Reason for hating the spartans: Because I can no longer stand their tyranny!

  5. Of course we didn't attack LE nations, we don't practice slot filling. Not all LE nations were on at update, some of our big guys were not.

    Darklink has a clear shot at the flag. Hats off to him, he pushed the timing up with his high NS.


    Yet your top 2 were, who both collected before and after update. This whole facade was simply because your nations were horrible at growing, so you decided to compensate and roll everyone else.

    Not to mention one of your nations attacked me a whole 24 hours earlier, with the reason as being a tech raid. I tried contacting LE government all day regarding it, and you simply ignored me. The only reason I caught on to all of this ahead of time was because of a helpful individual's in-game PM, oh, and also when your senator sanctioned me out of the blue because of a "request".

    Honor when convenient LE, your true colors shine through the lies and half-truths.

    Edit: Spelling

  6. I don't think we're going to need luck for the end of this round to be interesting ;)

    Well of course, but that's not what I'm referring to. The top 40 declaration isn't because they want to blow up the world along with themselves, it's just their way of launching their guy to the top of the rankings. That's why I said good luck, because most everyone see's it for what it is. It will be a fun ride nonetheless. :)

  7. Like in Cybernations Standard, I believe that there should be a +250/-250 nation range on top of the 200%/50% range setup we currently have. The reasoning for this is because in the later parts of the game, the top nation's strength is usually inflated to a point where few, if none, can declare war on them. This practically solidifies their places on top, taking out any potential of knocking them off their throne.

    With the +250/-250 system added in, those on top will have to fight to keep their place, as well as making sure no matter what strength you are at, you will have competition and targets.

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