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Posts posted by Amonra

  1. If you call if folding you clearly dont know IS very well. They dont give a damn that they have to pay reps. I doubt they care that the money and tech that was stolen has to be payed back. Im sure they did it cuz they were bored and wanted to have fun. Which is what they did. And they pissed off a lot of ppl in CN which makes them happy. So was really a win/win situation for them. Regardless of what you think

    Wow, those sound like the exact people I want to be MDoAP'd to.

  2. CG has smoldering nations and IS loses about a day's worth of staying at the slots...

    It was worth it :awesome:

    You are forgettting the part about IS bowing down and surrendering/ paying $84M and admitting they were wrong.

    And the part where the most of the world came to support GG and IS only got support from other PWN allies and none from outside Pink.

    I think it was worth it to CG.

    I guess 15 people can move a mountain.

  3. To those who say that this thread has no purpose, I can retort that one unexpected result from this would be the list of alliances we can cleary mark off our "possible" future treaty partners. I had no idea that MK held such contempt for Invicta.

    As Jorost said in the OP, we have encountered alliances that have said they would not deal with us if we continued being friends with NPO. This also will serve to tell those alliance that we will not drop our friends to gain new ones. Even if those news ones are now the ones caling the shots and determining the penalties.

    Invicta and NPO roll together thru thick and thin.

    O/ NPO

    O/ Invicta

    O/ New Purple Order (nPo)

    O/ Purple meat shield

  4. I don't think the community wants NPO to act humble, prostrate themselves, or cower under anyones skirts; but rather just to act normal.

    If normal means spewing the level of hate and venom that I have witnessed here in this thread about friendship.. I would rather the NPO not act "normal".

    Although I will point out that there have been some incredibly fine things said in our's and NPO's defence and I would like to thank those people.

    Invicta is an alliance of peace and friendship. Freindships like the one we have with the NPO (and many other alliances) and we simply wanted to let people know that even though due to surrender terms we may not have a treaty we are closer than somepiece of paper.

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