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Posts posted by Viluin

  1. [quote name='Thalayk' timestamp='1348647097' post='3034262']
    Go to the forums. Try there. Present your case without any self-righteousness and with full remorse. It won't help that you've already started this topic here, but your persistence may be enough if you stop and complaining and pay SOME sort reparation. Try negotiating the price of reparations. Do SOMETHING other than continually bash people here for not solving your problem for you.

    Already did that, I am currently waiting to hear how high those reps would be.

  2. [quote name='Thalayk' timestamp='1348630444' post='3034168']
    He hasn't even come to the negotiating table?

    Maybe I missed it, but I have no desire or intention to read 33 pages of this stupidity just to see if you've tried actually negotiating with them. I don't pretend to know your life, but maybe you [i]should[/i] quit and spend some more time IRL because you obviously don't grasp the concept of personal responsibility. [i]You[/i] attacked without provocation, [i]you[/i] reap the consequences. If that's too hard for you to understand after 33 pages, nobody here can help you, so just quit.

    Every past effort I've made at negotiating was on IRC, which is kind of hard because I don't think there was any one person in NpO active on IRC with full authority to negotiate with me.

  3. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1348609335' post='3034055']
    Oh please don't attack NpO's allies, for I couldn't take seeing this topic jump up another 30 pages of you complaining that alliance x/y/z is keeping you in permi war because you attacked them and they won't give you white peace either. :rolleyes:

    It's not like the current situation can get any worse. If I feel like I'll never get peace I am more than capable of making things even crazier than they already are.

  4. [quote name='BKNorton3' timestamp='1348600290' post='3034009']
    I guess I do think that Polaris may be wise to try to renegotiate peace terms. But at the same time, you really can't expect help when you openly threaten alliances not even involved. Attack STA and there's another alliance who you need to negotiate with. But you show no remorse for your deeds, which are outright stupid.

    While you'd love to think that your arguments are perfectly rational, you seem to forget that you began this escapade by attacking other alliances without provocation and only after this completely irrational action did you come to your senses and decide that you weren't willing to accept the consequences. Ask for forgiveness and maybe someone will start listening to you a bit. Otherwise stop posting as you obviously don't care about getting peace and are just doing this for the attention.

    I care very much about getting peace, but it's hard to show remorse after all that has happened and is still happening. I actually expressed a desire to apologize a few days ago but so far it has lead nowhere.

    In case you've forgotten, STA actually came here and dared me to attack them, I'm not the one who started that. As for attacking Polar's allies, I do what I must if normal negotiations fail. I don't exactly have a lot of options and if they don't care about their own nations, perhaps they care about their friends. This has gone on for too long and it's time for drastic measures, I'm not looking for my own VietFAN.

  5. [quote name='Lolinder' timestamp='1348592875' post='3033988']
    Ah, the posturing of an angry troll. I find it highly amusing that you're under the impression that I'd blame my alliance (or BK) for you attacking me. Some friendly advice: it's usually a bad idea to count on someone else being a complete and utter moron.

    Alright, I've made my presence known, now I'm going to follow suit and stop feeding. Bye! :)

    And yet, instead of your alliance responding to me, they immediately alerted you. I understand the need for a public united front, but if they had explicitly asked me to attack you without your consent, they would indeed be to blame.

    I'm also curious about why the New Polar Order publicly claims I'm not on a perma-ZI list, but repeatedly brushes me off or ignores me entirely when I contact them about peace? Which one is it guys? I haven't even refused any terms because there are none! We haven't had any negotiations since we agreed to white peace and you backed out, which was weeks ago. If I lose hope of the possibility of peace I will start attacking your vulnerable allies to put pressure on you as a last resort, because I see no other option. I'm not going to let you silently drive me away from the game with people cheering you on in this thread. Instead of letting it get that far, let's talk, shall we?

  6. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1348549279' post='3033865']
    Glad you are using your time wisely there buddy. This is probably the only real attention you actually get hence why you are still playing. Well, time to stop feeding the troll as I should have done and follow suit of everyone else on Planet Bob and forget about you.


    I thought everyone already knew I initially created this thread to get peace from GPA and to find a trade circle (both of which succeeded), and I never had any intention of quitting while sitting on 6 billion dollars? You are quoting something completely unrelated to the current discussion and I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make.

    I'm not going to delete before my Moon Colony expires in 300+ days, I hope that's not what NpO was hoping for..

  7. [quote name='BKNorton3' timestamp='1348529245' post='3033750']
    Come at me bro.

    It's easy for you to talk when it's going to be one of your friends that gets nuked. :rolleyes: Sometimes I wonder if people think before posting.


    This guy seems like an excellent target. Some nice tech/infra to destroy, no wonders, probably very little rebuilding capacity and vulnerable to my spy-ops. Should I attack him? Is that what you want? Please say yes, I'm sure he will be grateful. I want to hear it from your mouth so I can link him this post when he gets hit and tell him his own alliance demanded it.

    If not then get out.

  8. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1348507986' post='3033687']
    You should had followed the advice someone gave to you in post #11 and after 33 pages the advice still perfectly cover the whole thing.

    Oh shut up, I've lost more in this one war than you've ever owned in your puny nation's lifetime, don't lecture me about consequences. I'd say losing 8 billion dollars worth of stuff for a rogue attack where I wanted peace after 1 day is extreme enough.

    Is your open invitation to attack STA still valid? See, I don't want you to whine about reparations and consequences later when you explicitly asked for it.

  9. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1348485971' post='3033631']
    you're fighting because you wont agree to their terms, and you went rogue on them, how do you not understand that you instigated this?

    Exactly: I won't agree to pay reps and never will, so there's no point in continuing the fight. The only solution that doesn't involve everyone losing is white peace and trying to e-lawyer here about who started what and who continued it (this would've ended ages ago had they not backed out of their own peace deal) doesn't help anyone. My nation is a pile of crap after losing 14k infra and 9k tech and I am tying up a great deal of their nations and aid slots, not to mention all the damage I cause with every war I declare, this situation sucks for everyone.

  10. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1348481726' post='3033627']
    you've yet to answer me on why you should be treated any differently than any other rogue.

    Because nobody benefits from the current situation? We're not even fighting over anything, we're just fighting for the sake of fighting. If I don't get white peace, what's gonna happen is I will fight until my moon colony expires and quit. That's a long time to fight a rogue and quite frankly I believe both parties are getting tired of it.

  11. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1348467184' post='3033596']
    You do realize there are people who play this game where English is not their first language? So please flaunt at how great your english skills are and continue to get stomped by Polar. You should also head on over to STA. It isnt fair that Polar gets war training for their lower ranks all for themselves.


    I would like to know what language it is where they don't form proper sentences or paragraphs and where there's no punctuation. English isn't my first language either and I'm sure you can tell from my posts if you look for it, but I don't spew out alphabet soup.

    I think I did rogue STA at the start of all this, along with Sparta, Legion, GPA and Umbrella? Or maybe I just threatened to, I forgot. You were definitely on my hitlist though.

  12. [quote name='greco' timestamp='1348069207' post='3031846']
    um no that is just untrue
    as much as i and others complained about your white peace that is not the reason we are still at war
    you attacked ME after you made a peace agreement you said you did it because you didnt want me to get the upper hand on you , you actually admitted it in this thread (im not looking for it)
    and now they told you they wanted 2000 tech and you refuse pfft dude you lost over 9000 this war and all your aid spots have been filled anyway with you giving umbrella your tech you should have got out when you could i honestly hope you never give up i really cant wait until you are a worthless nation o wait you already are i meant to say a nation with no money.
    you really offer nothing to BOB and it pleases me that everyone can see through your BS ...
    again to the public sorry for posting but Vils stupidity just drives me to it ...

    :wacko: There was literally a discussion in this thread about me [i]retaliating[/i] against your attacks and that being the reason white peace was off the table after the deal was made. You are the one who attacked me after white peace was made and when I fought back you used it as an excuse to keep the war going. Don't deny it again or I [i]will[/i] dig through this thread to humiliate you.

    And please learn to type, your posts cause me physical pain. I made better posts than you when I was 11.

    EDIT: After re-reading your chaotic alphabet soup I realised you accused me of attacking you after the [b]peace deal[/b] because I didn't want you to get the upper hand in war. Do you know how retarded that sounds? When you tell lies at least make sure they make sense.

  13. [quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1348004598' post='3031550']
    Can we please stop feeding this thread, the interest makes Viluin think he has a case. -.-

    Them offering white peace, the deal being made and publicly acknowledged, and them subsequently going back on their word even though [i]they[/i] attacked first after negotiations is not a case? They're the ones who have no case. They violated their own peace treaty and then withdrew it because hostilities had resumed (you don't say?!). It's the weakest excuse I've ever seen and the fact that no one here seems to care indicates how biased you are in this discussion. It's sad that Polaris needs others to defend it here.

    Of course, the real reason for withdrawing the peace treaty was internal disdain, which means it was equally unjustified because the deal had already been made. They are the ones responsible for the war right now, they are the aggressors.

  14. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1348001293' post='3031519']
    You're being intentionally dishonest:

    You're a liar and dishonest.

    They demanded ridiculous reps for a tiny amount of damage, I was never going to pay that, and I had run out of nukes (all of which found GPA targets, by the way, NpO was pretty much unscathed). I did the smartest thing for self-preservation and lied to get to peace mode so I could recover for another round. Nothing I said just now is untrue, what you quoted all happened afterwards, and it happened because of their demands.

  15. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1348000617' post='3031515']
    Maybe you should have thought about that before destroying thousands of tech that innocent Polaris nations bought.

    Uh, that's the point, I [i]did[/i] think about that before I destroyed thousands of their tech. Learn to read? When they demanded those reps I had only destroyed like 100 infra and barely any tech.

    If they had gone the same route as Legion and only asked for 1 or a handful of aid slots this would've been avoided.

  16. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1347999935' post='3031513']
    it doesn't interest me to know that, I paid Pacifica 15mil for nuking a sub5k ns nation, when you are bigger, you get to demand whatever you want, and when you are the smaller party, you either accept the terms they give, or continue to war, what makes you a unique special snowflake they should treat any differently than any other rogue?

    Money has little value and $15 mil is only 5 aid slots. Sending away 2000 tech is devastating. Not only does it cost 2000 tech, but you also lose out on 40 aid slots of tech deals. The reparations they demanded were absolutely unacceptable for what happened, the damage was virtually non-existent, and until they accept responsibility for that and grant white peace we will indeed remain at war. They have only themselves to thank for it.

  17. [quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1347999438' post='3031510']


    I lose in every *area* except warchest size, meaning they are better than me in those areas, such as GA strength, airplanes, nukes, tech etc. I'm definitely not losing on the battlefield though, thanks to their incompetence. The majority of my opponents have stopped GAing me and the ones that still try almost always fail due to their terrible strategy.

  18. [quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1347999018' post='3031508']
    So your opponents don't coordinate and most of their attacks are fail, but you still lose everywhere on the battlefield.

    I'd just quit now if I was you, even when you have the advantage you stink.

    I never said I lose everywhere on the battlefield, I said I have most of the disadvantages in this war.

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