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the damned

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Posts posted by the damned

  1. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1280435293' post='2394306']
    I don't seem to understand why Sparta has the most vocal butthurtedness out of all the alliances represented in this thread.

    I must apologize. I was merely stating an opinion of mine about your alliance. Its my view that the NSO is just the yapping little purse dog offspring of the aging !@#$%* NPO whose sole purpose is to annoy the rest of the cyberverse until it is calmly kicked out of a third story window. Eventually you guys will fold back into the alliances that forged you or you will be the ones making the most noise while your guard dogs do the fighting for you. You think because you have a couple names from CN's history in the fold that you automatically have the clout that they once possessed. Im afraid that it isnt so.

  2. [quote name='The Big Bad' date='13 May 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1273796358' post='2297352']
    I expect once IRON and DAWN have found peace Gramlins will expect me to pay for my little war. Perhaps that will be one of their surrender terms for me.

    I truly hope that it is one of their terms. If nothing good comes from this entire conflict (which i dont expect there to actually be any good coming from it) I hope that this poem/sketch comes into being.

    Anywho, I neither support nor attack your cause TBB but i always do enjoy reading about your !@#$ starting.

  3. Sorry to see you guys go. I remember when Lucas Perry and I were talking about bringing a group of alliances together to form a tight knit community. I never had the pleasure of being a member of LOUD but i was always glad to see that you guys were able to prosper and make a name for yourselves on Planet Bob. Its really a shame to see LOUD disband and I hope that you guys remain close. Take care and good luck.

    0/ LOUD

  4. I am speaking as a former member of Legion and a current member of Sparta, so let me see if I can figure out this situation:


    [quote][20:37] <Hubb[Legion]> If it's white peace, then it's white peace.
    01[20:38] <LW[Away]> It is white peace and you, MASH, Quantum cannot re-enter this war, nor aid your allies until afterwords
    01[20:38] <LW[Away]> And if you don't take it tonight, this offer is gone
    [20:38] <Hubb[Legion]> Legion and allies have white peace with Sparta and allies.
    [20:38] <Hubb[Legion]> I understand that.[/quote]

    It seems that the confusion comes from this part:

    [quote][20:38] <Hubb[Legion]> Legion and allies have white peace with Sparta and allies.[/quote]

    The word "have" represents possession in the present tense. What does Legion and her allies "have" in this current situation? If you are in an alliance in which the government is run by a dual monarchy where decisions are swift and where statements are usually laconic (lol) and precise, than the above quote means that the two now have peace. If you are in an alliance where things are far more democratic and open for personal interpretation, the above quote could possibly be viewed as more of a question or statement of regarding the offer. Had the quote from above said, "So Legion and allies [i]will have[/i] white peace with Sparta and allies[i]?[/i]" then there would be no reason to drag out a discussion over one line in an irc convo for over 24 pages.

    Personally, I think all of the crap talk between the two is starting to get a bit ridiculous.

    To Legion: Please stop believing that your ability to take a beating is a testament to your strength. If you possessed any real strength then you would administer a beating every once in a while :P

    To Sparta: Offering a proposition with a time stamp to an alliance that is much more democratic in its decisions was not a wise choice. Chances are that the extra time would not have been that much of a problem to us and our allies.

    To you both: Hubb has already apologized for the confusion so lets lay off the mudslinging and try to enjoy pounding the ever-lovin !@#$ out of each other, ok? Im sure (an)other alliance(s) will come along and screw up in a much more hilarious way during this conflict to the amusement of all those not directly involved.

  5. [quote name='Choader' date='30 January 2010 - 09:21 PM' timestamp='1264908068' post='2146393']
    And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

    You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with____________________.

    Choader, may i ask a favor of you? Please remove the Sparta pip from your avatar. Your lack of class and use of profanity in a forum that can easily be seen by children sullies the name of my alliance.

    In regards to the thread, This "[13:55] <Uhtred> if IRON wanted to hit Athens they'd get nothing but cheers from STA" seems to be the only thing (in my opinion)that was not handled well by the STA. I think its obvious that anything you say in game or on irc can (and most likely will) be log dumped on these forums. There is a [b]big[/b] difference between not wanting your allies to get hit and cheering at the prospect of one of their close friends getting stomped. It seems like an FA nightmare but (other than Londo) no one involved seems to be too upset by it. The first rule of diplomacy should always be if you dont have anything nice to say about someone than say nothing at all.

  6. Damn it! The only time i post something more than a couple lines on this forum (as well as my first OP) and i get the first billing on a "pointless topics started" list. I started it because i thought that neither side was seeing this thing the way i did and i didnt want to hijack someone else's topic. This is why i shouldnt open my mouth.

  7. Why Thank you Der_ko, a poll dedicated to me? you good man are stroking my ego.

    Anyway,The_Damned, thanks for making sensible post, Also Jack, there is a thread for the CoC 2.0 topic, I have voted in support of CoC 2.0.

    Steodon, We're CoC 2.0, We have never helped allies or enter a loosing war, u Mad?. -.-

    I can assure you, good sir, that i have done no such thing :lol1:

  8. Ive been playing this game for damn near four years. Ive never been in a position of power within any of the alliances that i have been in and i know little about what goes on behind the scene. I basically form my opinions on what i gather from OWF, my alliance, musings from other old timer, ect ect. This case is no different. Now that i have bored most of the few players that bothered to check out this thread to the point of closing their browser and bashing their fore head against the nearest hard surface, i will get to the point for those still with us.

    The argument has been made that Athens and Rok's CB is invalid. Now, for obvious reasons (hint: look at my alliance tag) i feel that the CB is valid. I believe this due to the fact that according to this there was never an official declaration of war between TPF and Athens/Rok. There are several reasons why alliances chose to declare war against specific enemies rather than the opposing side as a whole (i think everyone can figure out major reasons so i am not going to list them) mhawk signaled out these two alliances to subvert. He and his cabinet created an alliance specifically to destroy them from the inside. Whether or not the plan was successfully carried it is irrelevant. TPF initiated the conflict by establishing ZH with the hope that it would one day infiltrate Athens and destroy it from the inside. A failed spy attempt is still spying.

    I am going to go out on a limb and say that i understand mhawk's reasons for doing this. He felt that his alliance would face a similar situation as that of FAN and he attempted to fight an endless war by copying a play from the book of the only alliance that successfully fought one. What he did not count on was peace. Im not going to praise the mercy of Karma for coming to terms with TPF or the rest of the Hegemony's side. Im sure that Karma's reasons for granting it were self serving and i highly doubt that it was solely done for the sake of doing what is right. I apologize but i am not exactly certain when TPF and ZH had their falling out. However, the point remains that (if you consider spying to be an act of aggression towards another alliance) TPF had initiated a conflict with the aforementioned alliances. Once he had peace he could have gone to Athens and Ragnarok and told them what he had done. Im sure neither one would have been happy about it, but the punishment would have probably been less severe had it come out at that time. The fact that it has taken this long to surface does not lessen his guilt. A murder committed twenty years ago does not make the crime any less grievous. I can also see why he would not want to bring added suffering upon TPF but he had over six months to come clean and he didnt.

    As far as the culpability of Zero Hour goes, they do deserve some of the blame IMO. I have no idea what their punishment should be and i am afraid that its up to the offended parties to make sure that justice is served.

    Before I begin the final part of this little crap fest of mine, i would like to say that this is a view that i hold separate from my allies and alliance. I think that the offended parties could have waited before attacking. This does not mean that i think they were necessarily wrong in doing so. I personally think the correct thing to do would have been to figure out a reps package that would have compensated for the spies. Its possible that, had mhawk or TPF gov. gone to Athens and/or Rok in the first place with this proposal, there might have been a way to work out a peaceful deal. Its entirely possible that the offended parties would still have demanded blood for the offense but I dont know for sure (I dont know Lando or Hoo well enough to judge which way they would go. I know, I know im an awful citizen of bob). The fact of the matter is that TPF never attempted to make amends for their crime. The thing that i find most disturbing is why mhawk would chose to activate his treaties? Had i been in his position, i would have refused to do this and taken the brunt of the attack on my alliance alone. If he considers what happened a mistake this would show that he was willing to take responsibility for a plan that ended up a complete disaster. If he doesnt, in the very least he would spare a large group of recovering allies the pounding that a large scale conflict would incur (win or lose). In the past few weeks it seems that the body of what was once known as Karma has been eying each other suspiciously. A couple weeks worth of taking a beating could have allowed other issues to surface that may have caused TPF's attackers to divert focus from it. But now im just rambling...

    Thank you for bearing with me. Its been a long, disappointing day and i thought id provide the cyberverse with a useless wall of text.

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