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the damned

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Posts posted by the damned

  1. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1328087733' post='2912459']
    I wouldn't go to any great lengths to help a spastic husk of the alliance I signed the treaty with either.

    Than again, you wouldnt go to great lengths to help any alliance you're allied with.

    That being said, I hope that you guys stay on decent terms with each other and that you find friendship further down the road once Rok gets resettled.

    Good luck.

    Edits: Damn typos!

  2. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1326685614' post='2900642']
    Here's a hint for your military leaders for the next time: It's a war. There are two sides. You're on one side; you attack people on the other side. Sometimes you don't get to attack the target you selected three months ago, so you pick someone else on the other side and fight them instead. Sometimes the group of allies you decided would fight together doesn't work out as you planned, so you fight with the ones you're with. You can't do it from peace mode.

    Hey man, once again i didn't have a hand in any of the planning and I think our ephor of defense went MIA right before the !@#$ hit the fan. Its always easy to condemn others for their actions while sitting on the other side of the fence and if its one thing this war has shown many in my alliance its what the other side looks like. You can say that we were wrong for sitting in peace mode and you could be completely right. However, it isnt your call and it sure as !@#$ wasn't mine. This game is unfortunately all about numbers so any side without them is going to have enough reason to be criticized for not doing the right thing because sometimes you dont have the option to do the right thing. Sometimes what seems like the smart thing to do one moment looks bad the next. This war showed us some of the internal and external problems we have as an alliance and we're going to use the next few months to hopefully rectify some of those issues.

    We'll see what happens in the up coming months and I have faith that my gov knows what its doing. That may be foolish of me but sometimes you just have to keep the faith.

  3. [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1326676869' post='2900520']
    See, you say that as if that's not completely baffling and something to be worried about.

    It is what it is. Farks backed us when we really needed them. Sometimes that !@#$ happens and you have to make the best of it.

    [quote]So because you didn't have weeks to plan out some super awesome strategy beforehand you decided to just not fight?

    An alliance war isn't exactly that complicated. Step 1: Fight.[/quote]

    It might not have been the best strategy but its the one we went with. Even the best strategy wouldn't have saved us from what happened and I dont think a major offensive would have come close to saving us from the curb stomp we received. I can lie to you and say everything worked out like we planned but to be honest, I guess a lot of it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

    Also, I just want to say that I really have no say in Sparta and am no where near the planning stage so most of this is just pure speculation on my part.

  4. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1326673088' post='2900445']
    I don't know you from a hole in the wall, but if you couldn't see this coming since the Summer, your alliance needs new leadership. You should be embarrassed to make a statement like this.

    Its not that we didnt see this war coming from a mile away, its that we couldn't really tell how we were going to fight this war until it was upon us. The preempt from Fark on NPO was something out of our control and (according to some members in GATO and ODN) caused C&G and MK to attack one of our strongest allies and force them away from any help we could have gotten through this war. So in closing, we did know the war was coming but a ton of stuff threw us for a loop once it got here.

  5. [quote name='Diomede' timestamp='1326668887' post='2900358']
    The annoying thing is, Sparta could have actually caused some real, significant damage. Instead, Sparta hid in peace mode. I don't say that to troll, because factual information is not trolling. I say it because I am disappointed that an ally's ally missed out on an opportunity to fight well and earn our respect.

    I agree, there should have been more on our end as far as fighting goes but this thing turned into one giant mess before we could adapt to it. I know many people will say that the build up to war should have given us enough time to develop a decent strategy but I think things happened in this war that we genuinely didn't see coming. Also, I really dont think Sparta had any personal vendetta against any of the alliances that fought against us (save for maybe the UE) during this !@#$ storm.

    Other than a stagger that got messed up towards the start and a couple times where i had a couple defensive slots open I thought many of the nations I fought did well and Im sorry I didnt give as much of a fight as I should have. I have no problem admitting that the most of the nations I fought had their crap together and I was beaten fair and square.

    o/ The victorious alliances
    o/ Sparta

    Good luck with the rebuild

  6. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1326667511' post='2900330']
    The funny thing is, I bet you believe this.

    Such a killjoy Rush.

    [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1326667604' post='2900332']
    It didnt "take" 13 alliances to do anything. Considering how hard you lot whined about the word "surrender" you really shouldnt come here to talk smack

    Easy now guys. It was a joke. I figured the :P would be enough to show that but I guess I was wrong.

  7. It took 13 alliances to defeat a 3rd of our alliance. I still think we could have took on 20 :P

    That being said, I want to give a shout out to my opponents. I only remember halfinger (sp?) by name but all of you guys did a great job of ridding me of that infra/tech problem I had. Special shout out goes to lord to the gizzle and Sir Buchanan from the NPO for putting the finishing touches on me. Sorry I turtled but you guys were just too much.

  8. [quote name='Archon' timestamp='1324014790' post='2879660']
    Where the hell were you in '07...or '08...or '09...or last year, for that matter? I mean jeeze. We've tried to be accommodating there, too. The ingratitude, it wounds me.

    I was around. I saw your revival from the ashes of LUE; your emergence into power politics after UJP; your rise to the voice of Karma; and finally your metamorphosis into what you once despised. Karma's a wheel, Archon.

  9. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1323808823' post='2876872']
    NPO has friends now. Surprising isn't it? :awesome:

    Fark hit NPO pre-emptive style.

    TLR Defends.

    C&G stands beside us.

    Pretty simple really.

    That's the thing though, you're defending against someone who didnt attack you. If you declared on Fark that would be a defense. If you declare on MHA (not involved yet in the war) it is aggression. I cant believe you guys dont understand the difference between defense and aggression.

  10. [quote name='MasterChief' timestamp='1323603146' post='2873787']
    And so the ignorant have taken over, no ones word is to be trusted any more. Oh the IRONy, this is what you guys wanted of course?

    Yeah man, that's actually as old as the game. You attack someone, you offer peace before they return fire, they accept, you re declare, and then you hit them again. The only ignorance is that of the person who doesn't know how to properly surrender.

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