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Posts posted by Wilhelm1908

  1. Don't worry, ill offer reasonable surrender terms to you guys. Just ask twistedrebel over at poison clan.


    Lol, you wish. But still, I can do nothing else as a man of honour, but applaud your stance. May the God of war and the Goddess of luck bring all those involved that which they truly deserve.
  2. I am, and always have been, against the principle of Permanent ZI. If a crime warranting ZI has been committed then of course that nation and its owner should be punished. That is the way things happen and it is called justice.

    However, to continually punish someone for one crime is injustice, if they again offend, well then they get punished again, otherwise they should be allowed to start fresh.

    I am lucky in that I belong to an alliance which seldom uses Permanent ZI except for the worst of crimes, there are however, some out there that use is as a tool to silence opponents or for all the wrong reasons. I hope this treaty does take root, as I think it is a step in the right direction for Planet Bob as a whole.

  3. I do a bit of recruiting and have never received any abusive replies. I find recruiting challenging, and always look at non replies as their loss.

    As to those wanting money up front, sorry, they are just free loaders who are just not worth the bother, when there are those out there wanting to join for the right reasons.

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