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Kazuki Mutou

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Posts posted by Kazuki Mutou

  1. I ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep, ain't gonna breathe 'till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you in the dirt this ain't gonna work

    for me it just wouldn't be this is enought for we are just gonna be enemies as long as we breathe I don't ever see any of us coming terms where we can agree we ain't gonna be

    no reasons speakin' with me, you speak on my seed but me no speaky English you gonna agree to meet with me in the flesh

    and settle this face to face and your gonna see a deamon unleased in me that you've never seen I see you D12 but thanks but me need no help

    I do this one all on my own me I don't even seein' you on me when I see you I'm seein' you not even on me

    you have messed with the best not even knowin' me

    come on bi** show me pick me up throw me

    do all that stuff you told me you was goin' do, that's what I thought you pitiful I ridicule all you die no live!

    What the hell? :wacko:

  2. My gut instinct is this sort of thing is the result of the way wars are fought these days. The likely conclusion for this whole thing is at least the NADC being kicked off blue and paying crippling reparations. Alternatively, they might disband (or try). When everything but the kitchen sink is thrown at you and you're facing pretty bleak prospects, there isn't much to do but stuff like this.

    I'm just disappointed that this affair is going to hurt the blue sphere. -_-

    What? We forgot to throw the kitchen sink? :blink:

  3. You're perceptive. Honestly. For you to know so much about this ruler without actually having the misfortune of witnessing his staggering incompetence firsthand is what we could deem "sight beyond sight."

    We of BLEU know exactly where we're going. We know where NADC is headed, too.

    NADC is the Titanic, we're the iceberg. ;)

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