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Posts posted by andyt2k


    "YOU MAY NOT HAVE MULTIPLE USERS ON ONE NETWORK/IP, and no, this is not negotiable nor do we make exceptions. If you are caught breaking this rule, which you agreed to when you electronically signed the TOS upon creation of your nation, your nation/s will be deleted."

    "If you have ever even ONCE logged in to the same computer as another nation, YOUR NATIONS MAY NEVER INTERACT (aid, trade, and war against each other or together against other nations). Your cheat flag is deserved and if you continue your nation will be deleted."

    All of these quotes can be located in the big caps lock stickied thread in this forum:


    Rules are rules, my brother had a nation and had to delete his when the rules changed, before that we didn't aid/trade/or war with each other. We were in different alliances that had nothing to do with each other and he was on a different team colour to myself. However as he wasn't that active anyway when the rules changed he deleted his nation and I was ok with that. I mean we could have been multis, there is no way to tell so they have a zero tolerance policy which I think is fair.

  2. Erm, not to be rude, but the mistakes of Howso are in no way close to equatable to the crimes of Nazi Germany, and you insult the memories of millions to treat it as such. His offenses were more along the lines of... hmmm... Nixon, except a good bit worse...

    I didn't compare the two events, I merely compared the similarities of the stupid things people do overshadowing the good they did. Although I agree Nixon would have been a better choice.

  3. Yeh people lay off him, sure he caused the destruction of his own alliance but he apparently did some things while he was in power.

    It's like people who blame Hitler for the whole genocide and world domination thing. They never talk about all the good he did for the country before that (and there was a lot of good)

    Shame on you CN,

    Bad Branimir, naughty. ^_^

  4. To be fair this is an alliance where most of the members hate admin (Not an unfounded accusation i've seen the hate threads on your forums with page and pages of people cheering them on) so I don't think many of them care to take responsibility or do anything about this issue.

    Where most alliances would just apologize and kick the member in question, GOONS try and blame the victim or complain about how people are reacting to what happened.

    That being said I still respect Sarafina for the post she made

  5. Good OP

    Although it misses out the aiding FAN stuff, and that's like walking into a KKK meeting with a Martin Luther King T-Shirt on.

    You know your going to get jumped for doing it, you know it, they know, everyone knows it. You can say you were free to be to it, but there's no arguing that your going to get jumped when you do it.

    It's a shame, I liked GOLD, i mean before they disbanded - reformed - changed charters/leaders etc

  6. FAN did not attack the WUT

    NPO attacked FAN and the WUT members join in to help the NPO, after a short while the rest of the WUT pulled out and haven't been fighting FAN for a while now.

    This is and has been a NPO vs FAN fight and however sarcastic yoyu are or however you spin it. NPO is winning and may not have an official victory over FAN, it doesn't matter. FAN members flee the alliance, they hide under other AA's. They can't even stand proud and wear the alliance affiliation of the people they support.

    All FAN has managed to do it get most of their nations destroyed, and taken GOLD down with them.

    If this is victory then congratulations FAN, your tactic of getting crushed worked.

  7. I did read the post but when you say stuff like

    "Before you reply to this thread, i'm a jackass and i know it, i dont need to be told again."

    No one is going to take what you say seriously

    It's like people using stats from a KKK website, they may be valid stats but no one will take them seriously when they see stuff like that.

  8. I'll save the mods some quoting time

    "If your question in any way relates to your nation, your question belongs in the Game Abuse section of the Moderation forum. YOU MAY NOT APPEAL IN-GAME ACTIONS."

    "YOU MAY NOT HAVE MULTIPLE USERS ON ONE NETWORK/IP, and no, this is not negotiable nor do we make exceptions. If you are caught breaking this rule, which you agreed to when you electronically signed the TOS upon creation of your nation, your nation/s will be deleted."

    "The game staff uses more than just IP evidence to detect multi users, so if you violate this rule you face nation deletion and/or a possible ban from the game."

    "Only one nation is allowed per IP as of 03/13/07. Period."

    Sorry man, the rules are pretty clear, if in doubt, don't do it

  9. What accusations, is anything I said untrue

    Let's see

    Point 1) nope that's true

    Point 2) See the OP

    Point 3) See page 1 of explination thread

    Point 4) Again true

    I'm sorry if im accusing anyone of doing something without evidence but everything I said is true

  10. Person who caused this incident = GOONS Member

    People complaining about how it is being handled = GOONS Members

    Guy suspended with comment deleted in the explination thread = GOONS Member

    Alliance in the middle of things, yet to do anything possitive about the incident = GOONS

    I think GOONS have some serious work to do in this matter, their leaders (those who are not banned) need to get together and get this sorted out.

  11. Firstly, they're not having a ceasefire because someone's having a tough life, they're doing it because a member of GOONS (Oh look your alliance) acted like a jackass and took things too far. I commend all alliances involved in the ceasefire and I think it is the honorable and respectful that these alliances have put IC issues aside while they sort out this OOC mess.

    Secondly, it is not up to the moderators to consult you on your posts, if you break the rules you get a warn, if you don't then you don't. It's up to you to follow the rules not for them to explain your posts and chat to you about where you've gone wrong.

  12. GOONS have a lot of work to do to repair some of their image, especially as the fist GOON to respond posted something worthy of having the comment deleted and account suspended.

    I'm assuming the GOONS leaders have been made aware of who this member is and will be booting said member in a promt manner.

  13. A lot of FAN have changed their AA's to try and be sneaky, luckily the NPO have IQ's over 90 and were smart enough to make targets before they started switching so it makes no difference. But for some idea of how it's going, here's the stats for the official FAN nations.

    Alliance Name Total Nations Active Nations Percent Active Strength Avg. Strength Nukes Score

    Federation of Armed Nations 275 210 76% 1,499,306 5,452 31 7.88

  14. Get out of your wars, hit peace mode, join a decent alliance, GPA, IRON, and WUT alliance, GGA, anyone in BLEU, there's a long list of strong worthy alliances out there. Go join one, be protected join the fun and stop frowning at the evil people who tech raid you because your inactive

  15. After BAPS and GOONS leadership refused to let this situation just be taken care of peace be given to everyone.

    Bilrow, i'm sorry but if he's not flying your AA the most you can reasonably expect to do to help him is get him a peace offer, which GOONS say already happened. Attacking the BAPS member wasn't the fair thing to do and personally i'd expect those GGA members to offer peace and reps.

    It's clear BAPS don't want a war, but with all due respect to one of the people I respect the most in this game, i'd say in my top 5 in this game. Call off your dogs, get the diplomats or a middle man to sort this before this gets worse.

  16. The way I see it is

    GGA - If you drop your AA, and flag, and are on another team to begin with, then your an idiot and get whatever you have coming to you

    GOONS - BAP boy was in the right to attack, but should have just offered peace once they were told that the guy was a member of GGA.

    No reps paid on either side, BAP misses out on a tech raid and GGA member gets hit for being dumb enough to go unaligned.

    This was a simple situation and didn't need 2 official, public threads made about it.

    Also everyone is very impressed with the e-manhood of both GOONS and GGA and they should be very proud of their big teeth, glossy coat and loud growl.

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