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Posts posted by Sorum

  1. gaybanner2copy.png

    Announcement from The Aquatic Brotherhood

    Article I: We exist.

    Article II: We're on Aqua, we're happy to share. However, we have senate seats, and we won't give them up without a fight.

    Article III: This mainly goes out to ADULT, but others can read this if they want: If you hit us, we will hit you back. In fact, so will our buddies at Dinner Naked.

    Article IV: Feel free to admire our sexy flag.


    Article V: If you need us, we're at #tab-te on coldfront.net or at http://cn-tab.net/forums

    Signed by TAB

    Jm0406 - Emperor

    Sorum - Regent

    Crushtania - Lord of Intelligence

    BlackjackCF - Mistress

    RKubica32 - Military Overseer

    Maher - Professor Emeritus

  2. One idea is The top ten get their prizes added to their CN nation. Something like this, of course this is just a rough draft but basicly my thoughts are the top three get way more then a $20 donation deal and the other winners get a $20 donation deal that is beefed up.

    #1 Gets 1,000 infra

    #2 Gets 500 infra and 1,000 tech

    #3 Gets 500 infra and 500 tech

    #4 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #5 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #6 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #7 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #8 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #9 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #10 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    I second this. Prizes need some tweaking though. Maybe:

    #1 Gets 750 infra, 300 land, and 250 tech

    #2 Gets 500 infra, 300 land, and 200 tech

    #3 Gets 500 infra, 300 land, and 100 tech

    #4 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #5 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #6 Gets 300 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #7 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #8 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #9 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

    #10 Gets 200 infra, 300 land, and 50 tech

  3. ArcticaFlag-1-1.png

    It is with great pleasure that I come to you today to announce the formation of a new Aqua alliance, Arctica.

    Arctica is dedicated to the welfare of the Aqua sphere. This dedication will be exhibited through friendship and unity within the team, integrity and honor amongst its members, and strength of character among its leaders. Arctica shall stand by its friends in times of need and shall take up the sword only for worthy causes.

    You can find us at http://z11.invisionfree.com/CNArctica or at #Arctica on coldfront.

    Without further ado, our charter - The Book of Arctica.

    The Book of Arctica.

    Chapter I: Internal Structure

    The Emperor

    The Emperor holds their position for life. They have veto power on all pieces of legislation, and have supreme control over the alliance.

    Notes Regarding The Selection/Removal Of An Emperor

    If an Emperor chooses to resign, they may select their successor.

    If the resigning Emperor chooses not to appoint a successor, a new Emperor may be chosen by an 80% majority of Ministers.

    If an 80% majority cannot be reached, a new Emperor can be chosen by a majority vote of the general populace.

    The Regent will assume the position of Emperor until a new Emperor is selected.

    An Emperor may be removed by a unanimous vote of the Ministers, or an 80% majority of Ministers combined with a 75% majority vote of the general populace (Over a period of 72 hours).


    The Regent is elected every 3 months by vote of the general populace, over 72 hours. A member is only eligible for election after at least 2 months of membership as well as having previously held a Minister or Undersecretary post.


    There are five Ministers in Arctica. They are the Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Communications. These positions are appointed at the discretion of the Emperor.


    Undersecretaries are appointed at each Ministers discretion.

    Chapter II: Internal Powers

    The Emperor

    The Emperor has power over all pending legislature.


    The Regent advises the Emperor on matters of State. They assume the position of Emperor if the position is empty.


    Ministers serve as advisors to the Emperor, in their designated field.

    Minister of Defense - Co-ordinates the military, and arranges members into militant divisions.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs - Is responsible for foriegn relations with other alliances. Co-ordinates diplomats.

    Minister of Internal Affairs - Oversees the internal structure of the alliance.

    Minister of Finance - Runs tech deals, arranges aid trains, and nation booster aid.

    Minister of Communications - Is in charge of recruiting and non-financial nation growth (guides and audits).


    Undersecretaries assist Ministers with their designated tasks.

    Chapter III: War Policy

    As an alliance, Arctica takes a strong stance against "tech raiding". As such, no nation wearing the Arctica AA may attack another nation in a war not sanctioned by the Emperor.

    Nuclear weapons will only be used against nations as a defensive measure.

    Chapter IV: Disbandment, and Amendments to the Book

    Arctica can only be disbanded by the Emperor, in conjunction with a 75% majority vote in favour of disbandment, by the general populace (Over a period of 72 hours). This also applies to amendments to the Book of Arctica.

    Signed by the founding government of Arctica

    Sorum - Emperor

    Anarien - Regent

    Hendrik the Great - Minister of Defense



    It is also an honor to announce a protectorate agreement with the Mostly Harmless Alliance:

    Requiem For A Dream

    Article I: Preamble

    The Mostly Harmless Alliance, (henceforth referred to as MHA) citing a long time personal bond shared by MHA and the founding members of Arctica, hereby extends this protectorate agreement to the sovereign alliance of Arctica.

    Article II: Sovereignty

    I. Both alliances shall maintain individual sovereignty at all times.

    II. Arctica shall be provided with three advisors from the MHA to guide in the creation of this new alliance.

    a) Said advisors will hold full viewing rights of Arctica forums and an opinion on all Arctica decisions.

    b) Said advisors will be approved by the Emperor of Arctica.

    II. The MHA must approve any treaties between Arctica and a non-signatory alliance.

    III. Arctica agrees maintain 70% membership on the Aqua sphere.

    IV. In the event of a forced or voluntary disbandment, MHA reserves the right to assimilate Arctica into her membership.

    Article III: Aid

    I. The MHA pledges unilateral financial, technological, military, political, and resource trading assistance to Arctica, if requested by the Arctica. This entitles Arctica to access to the MHA Ministry of Towel's Bank, Trade Center, and Tech Center.

    II. Arctica is entitled to, without obligation, pledge financial, technological, military, political, and resource trading assistance to the MHA if requested by the MHA.

    Article IV: Defense

    I. An attack upon Arctica by any nation or alliance is considered an attack upon the MHA and the MHA hereby pledges it's unconditional defense of Arctica at all times.

    II. An attack upon the MHA by any nation or alliance entitles the Arctica, without obligation, to pledge it's defense of the MHA if requested by the MHA.

    II. Either party may request, without obligation to the other signatory, any assistance in an aggressive war at any time.

    Article V: Aqua Senate

    I. Arctica agrees to vote for a senate candidate of MHA’s choosing for the Aqua Team Senate.

    Article VI. Renewal

    I. This treaty must be renewed every three months to remain active, at such time either alliance may opt not to renew this protectorate.

    II. In the event this protectorate agreement is not renewed, both parties shall enter a period of 48 hours under which the articles of this treaty remain valid.

    Article VII. Cancellation

    I. Should both parties agree to cancel this treaty peacefully, a period of 48 hours will remain in effect in which, the articles of the treaty will remain valid.

    II. Violations of the spirit and letter of this treaty shall consider it void immediately.

    Signed for Arctica

    Sorum - Emperor

    Anarien - Regent

    Hendrik the Great - Minister of Defense

    Signed for the Mostly Harmless Alliance

    Denzin - Triumvir

    Johnson - Triumvir

    Working_Class_Ruler - Triumvir

    John Rocker - Minister of Babelfish

  4. Flowing with the flow!

    ((I'm leaving TAB out because they're my absolute favourite - lol bias))

    1. MHA: Took me in, the sore puppy I was after I burnt out. Such a great place. Plenty of lulz (and foam!). Also <3 for WCR.

    2. BTA: Didn't have the best PR (or a leader that could spell), but it sure was fun. Sorely missed.

    3. STA: Tyga and Zuli. 'nuff said.

    4. NpO: Were a great help while we built TAB up, especially ES and Destra. Great allies to have.

    5. CIS: Another great ally. QS and Spak are pure win.

    6. IngSoc: 1984! They're great.

    7. MK: Aqua love, aqua lulz and the largest group of Hayley Williams admirers ever.

    8. TCB: They didn't make pink any less feminine, but they sure did try.

    9. RoK: Hoo and 'kep. They're aqua in a nutshell.

    10. Camelot: Their commitment to Aqua is truly admirable.

    11. NATO: I have nothing but respect for NATO, especially Duncan and Anu.

    12. IAA: Died to keep their honor. Nice guys, too.

  5. His post does not mean we are going to war.

    Lets look at part of Moo's post.

    But no one can defy me and the New Pacific Order and live to tell about it. Electron Sponge has done this time and time again. He alone has been given more chances than any other person who would dare attack the Order. He has acted against us and our allies constantly, assuming that he does so with impunity; that he is above reprieve. But no longer. Pacifica's patience has ended.

    It takes no leap of faith to interpret that as saying that if Polaris continues with their alleged actions, they will not "live to tell about it". Sounds like a threat of war to me.

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