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Posts posted by Sebastian

  1. Termination of the Moldavi doctrine.

    Change policy to disallow any current and future EZI/PZI sentences.

    Cease fire with FAN and Vox.

    Now, those are terms worth getting. Reps, 20% soldiers, etc. are just a minor hindrance.

    Edit: There's an r in future? I say! Who knew?

  2. AE was created by a merger of my second alliance and my reformed first alliance. Nothing can ever replace the alliance who was my first, second and third. While I'm saddened that it couldn't make it, I'm also grateful that it can now rest in peace. Let's rejoice in the memories, and may the bitterness some old members feel for each other be buried. I miss you all a great deal! -_-

    Long live the memory of the Byzantine Empire, The Atlantic League and the Atlantic Empire!

  3. *Veneke chuckles


    To my mind, alliances have always rated something like this:

    Small/Micro: under 50 members, under 500k NS.

    Medium: Over 50 members (under 100 members), over 500k NS (under 1-2 million NS).

    Large: Over 100 members, over 2 million NS.

    I suppose to reflect alliances that do go to the extremes (Kronos and UINE), something along the lines of a halving of one end of the spectrum, coupled with a doubling of the opposite is another method for judging what size an alliance is. So, for instance, a 25 man alliance, with a NS of over 1 million, would be considered a medium alliance. I don't think that that system works as well for the opposite though, would a 100 man alliance with a NS of 250k be considered a medium sized alliance? I think its fair enough to scale down, but scaling up (with the corresponding scale down in NS doesn't make as much sense).

    However, I seem to be digressing substantially here, so I'll wish NR luck, and I'll pop by myself. Even though he seems to be saying that micro alliances are ones outside of the top 200. Which also makes a fair bit of sense.

    In my humble opinion, basing it on score would make sense, as it scales members/NS and the 'not in top 200'-definition is extremely hard to define, since the view 200 alliance only lists alliances of more than 20 members. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

    Micro: 0-2

    Small: 2-5

    Medium: 5-10

    Large: 10-15

    Huge: 15->

  4. What are you, the CN Tech Raid Police? Everyone can do whatever they want to unalligned nations. The thing with Red team is that it belongs to NPO, so no one can really argue against them protecting Red team. As for this however, Pink team is not owned by anyone, so this doctrine will get all of you guys beat down.

    Would you kindly direct me to the place where alliances may buy spheres?


  5. Dear Bama.

    While answering people you started with Jason's post, thus forgetting mine. It's an honest mistake, and normally I wouldn't care. However, you continue to claim that Brookbank said Finster had made a death threat. Reading the public address once more, I am still unable to find this part of it, and so is ctrl+f. If he does claim so, would you please direct me to it, and excuse my sloppiness?

    If what you meant is the section where that Brookbank claims that Finster wishes him dead in RL, please stop using the term death threat. A threat and a wish are vastly different in nature, and the discussion is meaningless if the terms are wrong.

  6. He did use the phrase "real life death threats".

    Whether it was about JB's actual IC character or about any future iterations of him, it's still not a real life death threat.


    No he didn't.

    FinsterBaby, an IRON Council member - After attempting to talk to him regarding my status on their banned players list, FinsterBaby went so far to say that he wanted me to die...an in character hatred that, for him, apparently has grown to include real life death wishes.

    Edit: Added Bama-quote

  7. Well Bama, you're being over dramatic as well. As far as I remember, Brookbank never said Finster made a occ death threat, only that Finster wished him dead in RL. While I agree with you that Finster most likely didn't mean it in that way, I do see that such a claim is viable given that Finster said:

    [22:07] <FinsterBaby[iRON]> You're scum, we don't like you, we want you dead.

    Since this was in the context of an EZI sentence, and not Brookbank's character, it's clear that the first two statements should be interpreted as OOC. Because I personally could never get so involved in a game, I have a hard time believing that the third one was OOC, but I don't think it's too far a stretch to assume it. At the very least, IC and OOC was mixed in one sentence, which was bound to be confusing or exploited.

  8. Contrary to his appearance, Gyarados is actually a water and flying type Pokemon - not a dragon. Thus he is not only susceptible to electric type attacks but also is, to some degree, a scam artist. And we don't take kindly to scam artists here in TORN - especially not on our flag(s). Well, except for Bernard Madoff, but he's going to increase any amount of money which we allot him by substantial margins.
    One wearing the clothing of a nobleman does not necessarily make one noble, or a man.

    Gyarados is a filthy impostor.

    You guys raise some good points, but you're forgetting something important:

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    You should put Psyduck on your flag. :awesome:

  9. Mykep from Mjollnir known this dude for long time really long time and talks we have are pretty good not to mention this is the man that introduced me to living pantless :P Nuff said there.

    Seb from Mjollnir is also added on here as he helped me when I started out my CN career and has been a real friend during my time here.

    Who are you, and for how long have you been spying on our members? :)

    :wub: Corrupt :wub:

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