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Posts posted by Truht

  1. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu











































  2. The Democratic Republic of Argonaut (A.K.A. Argo), is what it’s name implies, a Democratic Republic; it utilizes elements of a Democracy, and a Republic, integrated into a nexus, for efficient governance.

    Argo has three Bodies of government they are the:

    Executive Body:

    Administrative Body:

    Legislative Body:

    Composition of the Bodies of government.

    Administrative Body.

    A Ministry is an administrative sector dedicated to an aspect, or a few aspects of the alliance, and the Administrative Body consist of the four Ministries of Argo together. A Minister is the director of the Ministry, and each Ministry has its own, as well as officers who perform most of the work within the Ministry. All together the Ministries form the Administrative Body of Argo, which is directed by the Prime Minister. The Ministries are:

    Ministry Of Defense

    Ministry Of Internal Affairs

    Ministry Of Finance

    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

    The Executive Body

    Consist of the President, who is Head of Government and Prime Minister, who is the Chief Officer of the Administrative Body.

    Legislative Body

    The Legislative Body Consist of the Intra-Alliance assembly, or IAA. The IAA seats all personnel of every Ministry , Ministers, and Officers. The IAA also included members of Argo who have been nominated and voted into the IAA, by the existing IAA. The Legislative Body does not include the President or Prime Minister.

    Life Cycles of the Bodies Of Government.

    Executive Body

    The President is elected every month by a combination of Two elections. The first election is held by the IAA, two days after another election is opened for general members. The IAA election results are multiplied by 2 and added to the general results, and the winner is pronounced President after a 3 day briefing session.

    The Prime Minister is selected by the President upon assuming office, within 4 days.

    Administrative Body

    The Prime Ministers selects the Ministers, for each Ministry, and the Ministers select their Officers. However ideally little will be changed upon elections, as each officer and Minister is already experienced within his field.

    Legislative Body

    Every Officer and Minister, have a mandatory spot in the IAA, upon the changing officers, new one’s are admitted into the IAA, and ones that have been let go from their position may stay in the IAA for another cycle. Members who have been voted into the IAA, will not have to re-apply, or be re-nominated.

    Functions of Government

    [Administrative Body]

    The Administrative Body is responsible for making sure each sector of the alliance is operational, and runs smoothly. Each Officer must do his appointed duty, and each Minister must command his Ministry with the stipulations set fourth by his job description, which has been written based upon each sector(Finance, Foreign & Internal affairs, Defense)for each Minister. The Ministers authority do not transcend his Ministry, in another view, his jurisdiction is his Ministry.

    Take into account, that besides their specific duty each Minister must bear the responsibilities he holds within the IAA. Considering that the Administrative Body is in another view the House Of Ministries, which encompasses al l officers and Ministers, and which is in the IAA [see IAA in Functions of Government]

    All Ministers have the authority to promote and demote officers to job’s that they see fit. The promoted Officers will be inducted in the IAA upon promotion, and demoted Officers may stay in the IAA for one more election cycle.

    Minister of Defense:

    The Head of the Ministry Of Defense. He must maintain the Military forces of Argo under constant organization which he is in charge of implementing. He must handle all military conflicts that may arise , and do so with speed, and with proper communication. During peace time he may order Argo nations into combat against a nation in defense of an Argo nation. Upon a time of full conflict he must coordinate attacks and military operations against the enemy.

    Minister of Finance:

    In charge of coordinating Finances within the alliance, as well as any international financial matters that may arise. Some jobs are, the distribution of grants, assembly of aid chains, and bank nation management, as well as loans, and aids from war and reconstruction.

    Minister of Internal Affairs:

    Moderates Private forums, and is directly responsible for managing membership, keeps government records, and is in charge of the ArGo academy, including transferring members from applicants to recruits to full members.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs:

    Manages the ambassadorial core, as well as foreign embassies in argo. Minister of Foreign affairs, may be the first to responds in an internationals crisis, however he may not be the first to act. In such a case he must do what he can to ease the situation but document everything in the situation and forward it to the Executive Body The Minister of Foreign Affairs must work closely with the Minister of Defense in defending Argo nations when it crosses Inter-alliance borders, or when the opposite happens and Argo nations cross the line.

    Prime Minister:

    Is a member of the executive branch, but is commander of the House of Ministries-----> the Administrative Body, and can also be considered a commander of the Administrative Body. Just as each Minister commands his Ministry, the Prime Minister commands his House, the House of Ministries, he is the head of the house of Ministries, and commands all the Ministers, and insures that they work in unison. He hires Ministers, and replaces them, and makes sure that each Ministry is operational, and as efficient as possible. Also assures that each Minister stays within his jurisdiction. In a since he is Minister of all Ministers.

    [Executive Body]

    Prime Minister

    Has the equivalent authority of a Vice President, he may be sought after by foreign officials, and may begin negotiations, and may even carry on negotiations, however he may not sign anything into stone, and must forward all major matters to the President. He may act in place of a Minister if the Minister is not around, for example coordinate the defense of a nation. But instead of filling in all the cracks that the President leaves behind, or being where the President is not, and waiting for the President to take a vacation to act as head of government, the Prime Minister has a job orientation. He manages over all the Ministries as commander of the House of Ministries. Seeing as, all together, the House of Ministries encompasses all Ministries therefore all sector of the alliance, he is very involved in seeing that the alliance is operational, and that the sectors are integrated into each other, as well as, keeping the authority of the Ministers in check, with the responsibility of hiring and firing Ministers, and below. Prime Minister may veto a movement of the President, which causes the matter to be brought up by the Intra-Alliance Association. May also bring the IAA into session for other matters.


    The President is the Head of Government, and is given his authority through the consent of the people. Signs international treaties, into affect. Monitors the work of all officers, making changes as necessary. Ensures that the whole alliance is working efficiently, and is responsible for carrying the initiative for positive change, and may be commanded by the IAA to institute changes. President’s signature is required to put any document drafted by the IAA into affect. The President’s responsibility is to run the alliance, fulfilling above stated jobs for the best interest of the alliance, and in accordance with the will of the people.

    [Legislative body]

    Intra-Alliance Association

    The Intra-Alliance Association raises issues to better the alliance for the people. Upon a Veto by the Prime Minister, they are in chare of making the decision concerning the issue. The President must keep a log of his activities in the IAA, and the IAA may veto an action of the President. The IAA may force the President to make a decision, make a change, or to generate a solution to a matter. The represents the everyone that is involved in the operation of the alliance, therefore it included people who are very much entangled into the alliance, and that have a knowledge of Argo related matters, the IAA also included people how have a deep knowledge of Argo related matters and its culture, but are not directly involved in an operation of the alliance. All together the people of the IAA represent the wealth of wisdom of the alliance, and they come together in the IAA to use that wisdom to represent the people in matters for the benefit of the alliance. The IAA moves through popular support, and within the IAA votes are taken for every issue.

    Charter of ArgoNaut

    I. Preamble

    ArgoNaut, declares itself a sovereign green team alliance on January 19th, 2007., and again on May 11, 2007. Being a sovereign alliance it has authority and power over its own realm, and autonomy to move, take actions, and make decisions in the interest of the alliance. With clear judgment, we endow ourselves with certain rights necessary and paramount for the existence of our alliance. We will take to arms with pride and pleasure, just as we will take to the pen in defending, and upholding these rights. We shall be notwithstanding of any infringements against these rights, and we shall live for them, as they eternally live for us. These rights are:

    i. The right to exist, peacefully.

    ii. The right to wage offensive, and defensive war.

    iii. The right to engage in diplomatic activities with other alliances, and make and break diplomatic agreements.

    This document can be known as the May Doctrine, and is the second governmental/declarative document that Argo has had, the first was written under imperialistic rule, the May Doctrine is written under a Democratic Government.

    Declaration Of Rights.

    i. The right to exist, in peace

    The alliance of Argo extends to its members one of the most fundamental rights, the right to exist peaceful in CN. Whilst every nation in CN has this right, It is ever so fragile , and without the proper strength the right is easily swept away. The alliance of Argo dedicates itself to ensuring this right to its members, we have the strength and we have the will, and we will ensure that every single member of ArGo can live peacefully.

    ii. The Right to wage offensive and defensive wars.

    The arms of argo are precious. They ensure our sovereignly, and they ensure that we can uphold the rights we extend to our members. And thus we Reserve the right to use the military forces of Argo for these defensive purpose, to maintain our way of life, that we have afforded ourselves through clear judgement.

    iii. The right to engage in diplomatic activities with other alliances, and make and break diplomatic agreements

    Sovereignty :â€supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community†& “government free from external controlâ€

    The alliance claims it sovereignly , and backs it with whatever military might it has at any moment. And through its sovereignty it will establish treaties with other alliances, and break them according to decision made by its government based upon what is perceived by them to be proper for the alliance.

    These basic right have bene included in the May Doctrine as a foundation for Argothought, that we break from the chains of CN, that oppress us, and leves us downtrodden, ever single day. However we have banded together, and created a military strength, however weak it may be, it is our pride, that with that military might we may defend break the chains, uplift all our members, and continually defend our freedom!



    As A government argo needs to set parameters In order be able to run cohesively. Without the parameters the alliance would fall apart, and the interest of the rulers, would not be able to be enforced, and then the alliance would turn into stranded boat, we’re all In it but its not moving:

    A)members must sign into the military, and serve upon command.

    cool.gif We will punish as we see fit, members who commit, what we establish as crimes. Only the President, Prime Minister, and a vote in the Estates General can establish that a crime has been committed.

    C)Corruption, We shall take no part in it! Argo Has been plagued by corruption in the past, and we shall struggle to always leave no ground for it in argo.


    A)Argo shall be determined to be as open minded as possible, when possible, and not be as stiff as a pine, who is torn down from a hurricane, we will be able to sway like the palm trees, that can survive the ravaging hurricane.

    B)We uphold a policy of preferred neutrality. Neutral where it does not concern us...Or our interest. We can however hold the policy of interfering when it either directly involves ArGo, or our interest, as deemed by the government.

    ArGo Membership Benefits.

    The more nations ArGO has, the more we can protect our Freedom and rights. And the more we can be secure, the more we can lavish upon our member nations the wealth of the Alliance. It’s a circle of benefit and we will maintain an attitute to vigorously think of the alliance, and its members over the individual nation, because if the alliance benefits, so does every single nation.

    A) Every nation is entitle upon entrance of receiving 100,000 up until 10,000 nations strength.

    B)under right iii. Every nation is entitled fast response by maximum force to a nation that declares war on him.

    C)A nation may leave free of will, with not even a warning to the government if he so desires. However If he does follow proper exit procedures(posting in the proper section, with the proper format, and taking questions) We will ensure him defensive protection until he finds another alliance, this can be revoked after 30 day cycles, by the President or Prime Minister

    *** again the May Doctrine will serve as Argo’s charter, however it is merely the center place for ArGo government, with many open slots, where other documents may plug into in the future, it is an example, a template, as well as law.

  3. The Democratic Republic of Argonaut (A.K.A. Argo), is what it’s name implies, a Democratic Republic; it utilizes elements of a Democracy, and a Republic, integrated into a nexus, for efficient governance.

    Argo has three Bodies of government they are the:

    Executive Body:

    Administrative Body:

    Legislative Body:

    Composition of the Bodies of government.

    Administrative Body.

    A Ministry is an administrative sector dedicated to an aspect, or a few aspects of the alliance, and the Administrative Body consist of the four Ministries of Argo together. A Minister is the director of the Ministry, and each Ministry has its own, as well as officers who perform most of the work within the Ministry. All together the Ministries form the Administrative Body of Argo, which is directed by the Prime Minister. The Ministries are:

    Ministry Of Defense

    Ministry Of Internal Affairs

    Ministry Of Finance

    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

    The Executive Body

    Consist of the President, who is Head of Government and Prime Minister, who is the Chief Officer of the Administrative Body.

    Legislative Body

    The Legislative Body Consist of the Intra-Alliance assembly, or IAA. The IAA seats all personnel of every Ministry , Ministers, and Officers. The IAA also included members of Argo who have been nominated and voted into the IAA, by the existing IAA. The Legislative Body does not include the President or Prime Minister.

    Life Cycles of the Bodies Of Government.

    Executive Body

    The President is elected every month by a combination of Two elections. The first election is held by the IAA, two days after another election is opened for general members. The IAA election results are multiplied by 2 and added to the general results, and the winner is pronounced President after a 3 day briefing session.

    The Prime Minister is selected by the President upon assuming office, within 4 days.

    Administrative Body

    The Prime Ministers selects the Ministers, for each Ministry, and the Ministers select their Officers. However ideally little will be changed upon elections, as each officer and Minister is already experienced within his field.

    Legislative Body

    Every Officer and Minister, have a mandatory spot in the IAA, upon the changing officers, new one’s are admitted into the IAA, and ones that have been let go from their position may stay in the IAA for another cycle. Members who have been voted into the IAA, will not have to re-apply, or be re-nominated.

    Functions of Government

    [Administrative Body]

    The Administrative Body is responsible for making sure each sector of the alliance is operational, and runs smoothly. Each Officer must do his appointed duty, and each Minister must command his Ministry with the stipulations set fourth by his job description, which has been written based upon each sector(Finance, Foreign & Internal affairs, Defense)for each Minister. The Ministers authority do not transcend his Ministry, in another view, his jurisdiction is his Ministry.

    Take into account, that besides their specific duty each Minister must bear the responsibilities he holds within the IAA. Considering that the Administrative Body is in another view the House Of Ministries, which encompasses al l officers and Ministers, and which is in the IAA [see IAA in Functions of Government]

    All Ministers have the authority to promote and demote officers to job’s that they see fit. The promoted Officers will be inducted in the IAA upon promotion, and demoted Officers may stay in the IAA for one more election cycle.

    Minister of Defense:

    The Head of the Ministry Of Defense. He must maintain the Military forces of Argo under constant organization which he is in charge of implementing. He must handle all military conflicts that may arise , and do so with speed, and with proper communication. During peace time he may order Argo nations into combat against a nation in defense of an Argo nation. Upon a time of full conflict he must coordinate attacks and military operations against the enemy.

    Minister of Finance:

    In charge of coordinating Finances within the alliance, as well as any international financial matters that may arise. Some jobs are, the distribution of grants, assembly of aid chains, and bank nation management, as well as loans, and aids from war and reconstruction.

    Minister of Internal Affairs:

    Moderates Private forums, and is directly responsible for managing membership, keeps government records, and is in charge of the ArGo academy, including transferring members from applicants to recruits to full members.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs:

    Manages the ambassadorial core, as well as foreign embassies in argo. Minister of Foreign affairs, may be the first to responds in an internationals crisis, however he may not be the first to act. In such a case he must do what he can to ease the situation but document everything in the situation and forward it to the Executive Body The Minister of Foreign Affairs must work closely with the Minister of Defense in defending Argo nations when it crosses Inter-alliance borders, or when the opposite happens and Argo nations cross the line.

    Prime Minister:

    Is a member of the executive branch, but is commander of the House of Ministries-----> the Administrative Body, and can also be considered a commander of the Administrative Body. Just as each Minister commands his Ministry, the Prime Minister commands his House, the House of Ministries, he is the head of the house of Ministries, and commands all the Ministers, and insures that they work in unison. He hires Ministers, and replaces them, and makes sure that each Ministry is operational, and as efficient as possible. Also assures that each Minister stays within his jurisdiction. In a since he is Minister of all Ministers.

    [Executive Body]

    Prime Minister

    Has the equivalent authority of a Vice President, he may be sought after by foreign officials, and may begin negotiations, and may even carry on negotiations, however he may not sign anything into stone, and must forward all major matters to the President. He may act in place of a Minister if the Minister is not around, for example coordinate the defense of a nation. But instead of filling in all the cracks that the President leaves behind, or being where the President is not, and waiting for the President to take a vacation to act as head of government, the Prime Minister has a job orientation. He manages over all the Ministries as commander of the House of Ministries. Seeing as, all together, the House of Ministries encompasses all Ministries therefore all sector of the alliance, he is very involved in seeing that the alliance is operational, and that the sectors are integrated into each other, as well as, keeping the authority of the Ministers in check, with the responsibility of hiring and firing Ministers, and below. Prime Minister may veto a movement of the President, which causes the matter to be brought up by the Intra-Alliance Association. May also bring the IAA into session for other matters.


    The President is the Head of Government, and is given his authority through the consent of the people. Signs international treaties, into affect. Monitors the work of all officers, making changes as necessary. Ensures that the whole alliance is working efficiently, and is responsible for carrying the initiative for positive change, and may be commanded by the IAA to institute changes. President’s signature is required to put any document drafted by the IAA into affect. The President’s responsibility is to run the alliance, fulfilling above stated jobs for the best interest of the alliance, and in accordance with the will of the people.

    [Legislative body]

    Intra-Alliance Association

    The Intra-Alliance Association raises issues to better the alliance for the people. Upon a Veto by the Prime Minister, they are in chare of making the decision concerning the issue. The President must keep a log of his activities in the IAA, and the IAA may veto an action of the President. The IAA may force the President to make a decision, make a change, or to generate a solution to a matter. The represents the everyone that is involved in the operation of the alliance, therefore it included people who are very much entangled into the alliance, and that have a knowledge of Argo related matters, the IAA also included people how have a deep knowledge of Argo related matters and its culture, but are not directly involved in an operation of the alliance. All together the people of the IAA represent the wealth of wisdom of the alliance, and they come together in the IAA to use that wisdom to represent the people in matters for the benefit of the alliance. The IAA moves through popular support, and within the IAA votes are taken for every issue.

    Charter of ArgoNaut

    I. Preamble

    ArgoNaut, declares itself a sovereign green team alliance on January 19th, 2007., and again on May 11, 2007. Being a sovereign alliance it has authority and power over its own realm, and autonomy to move, take actions, and make decisions in the interest of the alliance. With clear judgment, we endow ourselves with certain rights necessary and paramount for the existence of our alliance. We will take to arms with pride and pleasure, just as we will take to the pen in defending, and upholding these rights. We shall be notwithstanding of any infringements against these rights, and we shall live for them, as they eternally live for us. These rights are:

    i. The right to exist, peacefully.

    ii. The right to wage offensive, and defensive war.

    iii. The right to engage in diplomatic activities with other alliances, and make and break diplomatic agreements.

    This document can be known as the May Doctrine, and is the second governmental/declarative document that Argo has had, the first was written under imperialistic rule, the May Doctrine is written under a Democratic Government.

    Declaration Of Rights.

    i. The right to exist, in peace

    The alliance of Argo extends to its members one of the most fundamental rights, the right to exist peaceful in CN. Whilst every nation in CN has this right, It is ever so fragile , and without the proper strength the right is easily swept away. The alliance of Argo dedicates itself to ensuring this right to its members, we have the strength and we have the will, and we will ensure that every single member of ArGo can live peacefully.

    ii. The Right to wage offensive and defensive wars.

    The arms of argo are precious. They ensure our sovereignly, and they ensure that we can uphold the rights we extend to our members. And thus we Reserve the right to use the military forces of Argo for these defensive purpose, to maintain our way of life, that we have afforded ourselves through clear judgement.

    iii. The right to engage in diplomatic activities with other alliances, and make and break diplomatic agreements

    Sovereignty :â€supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community†& “government free from external controlâ€

    The alliance claims it sovereignly , and backs it with whatever military might it has at any moment. And through its sovereignty it will establish treaties with other alliances, and break them according to decision made by its government based upon what is perceived by them to be proper for the alliance.

    These basic right have bene included in the May Doctrine as a foundation for Argothought, that we break from the chains of CN, that oppress us, and leves us downtrodden, ever single day. However we have banded together, and created a military strength, however weak it may be, it is our pride, that with that military might we may defend break the chains, uplift all our members, and continually defend our freedom!



    As A government argo needs to set parameters In order be able to run cohesively. Without the parameters the alliance would fall apart, and the interest of the rulers, would not be able to be enforced, and then the alliance would turn into stranded boat, we’re all In it but its not moving:

    A)members must sign into the military, and serve upon command.

    cool.gif We will punish as we see fit, members who commit, what we establish as crimes. Only the President, Prime Minister, and a vote in the Estates General can establish that a crime has been committed.

    C)Corruption, We shall take no part in it! Argo Has been plagued by corruption in the past, and we shall struggle to always leave no ground for it in argo.


    A)Argo shall be determined to be as open minded as possible, when possible, and not be as stiff as a pine, who is torn down from a hurricane, we will be able to sway like the palm trees, that can survive the ravaging hurricane.

    B)We uphold a policy of preferred neutrality. Neutral where it does not concern us...Or our interest. We can however hold the policy of interfering when it either directly involves ArGo, or our interest, as deemed by the government.

    ArGo Membership Benefits.

    The more nations ArGO has, the more we can protect our Freedom and rights. And the more we can be secure, the more we can lavish upon our member nations the wealth of the Alliance. It’s a circle of benefit and we will maintain an attitute to vigorously think of the alliance, and its members over the individual nation, because if the alliance benefits, so does every single nation.

    A) Every nation is entitle upon entrance of receiving 100,000 up until 10,000 nations strength.

    B)under right iii. Every nation is entitled fast response by maximum force to a nation that declares war on him.

    C)A nation may leave free of will, with not even a warning to the government if he so desires. However If he does follow proper exit procedures(posting in the proper section, with the proper format, and taking questions) We will ensure him defensive protection until he finds another alliance, this can be revoked after 30 day cycles, by the President or Prime Minister

    *** again the May Doctrine will serve as Argo’s charter, however it is merely the center place for ArGo government, with many open slots, where other documents may plug into in the future, it is an example, a template, as well as law.

  4. Hello m/. I am Truhijo. I am addressing most of m/ and I want to be as honest and sincere as I can, as you read this Message many of your comrades will be reading it as well. I am addressing a deeply scarred community today. A community scarred not by the sword, for M has destroyed the sword with its glories in battle on the air and the land, even if it has bleed M could not be scared by the sword it is vastly valiant and vastly to bold. No This community is scarred somewhere else outside of the physical world, the M community is scarred in the hearts of all its members. I cannot feel the exact pain because I have not gone through what you have gone through, but I can remorse in the treachery of the logs posted by jason8 of NpO’s surrender terms, and I can only have deep respect for the legacy of m/ and the influence this great legacy had on the decision to disband. m/ as an alliance in this carnal world of ours is over, but as the great triumvirate said it has evolved Page 1/2.

    into something more significant a community of blood bonded men who have experienced the world together. Many in this community will come to a point in the coming days, where they will try decide , “what next?†or “where next?â€. If you visit my nation , in the bio, there is a portal link to my forums.. I’m just honored that I was allowed through these PM’s to address you at least once, away from the forums, and on a different level. I wish you all success after success after success, and joy after joy, that may you find mental peace and freedom from anguish, and most importantly happiness wherever you land in CN, I truly do this is the last you will hear of me if you choose to,

    Fair tidings,


    That is the message that I personally sent to 26 \m/ members. I did not care for big ones or small ones, I sent it out to every person in the AA. I didn't want to make an OWF post, but i thought that if I sent private messages it would be on a different level and give every person i sen the PM to, to be able to sent me a PM back, and it could stay on that level, I was actually going to spam the rest tonight, until I heard we were flamed on our forums. In any case I just wanted to make aware the \m/ members aware of argo, and then try and give them some inspiring words that might cheer them up, and maybe by taking some time apart to compliment such a valiant group of people that may counter act NpO's treatment of them like dogs.

    In any case I personally sincerely apologize, will re frame from continuing the messages, and well what else can I say? if \m/ was personally offended there is not much i can do except offer them my apologize, I really felt that I was not doing any harm. I purposefully messaged the triumvirates that were on the list (the ones I got to) knowing that they already had plans for their future, because i wanted to see the same message their members were seeing.But again I apologize and would like to make it known that I acted alone, i wasn't trying to be greedy and inconsiderate, I honestly felt that i was just encouraging \m/ , the message didn't have any links, and didn't even mention my alliance not once, my name was mentioned only in the signature.


  5. need 8 mil, becuae Im 7mil in debt, and by the time you can aid me that'll increase

    its a very dumb situation, I"ll post the IRC Log on where I explain what I did.

    <ArGo|truhijo> ok so I havn't collected taxes in 10 days

    <ArGo|truhijo> so I knew I wasn't going to collect

    <ArGo|truhijo> so I went into peace mode

    <Kuros[iMU]> Ok..

    <ArGo|truhijo> fine

    <ArGo|truhijo> ell in peace mode

    <ArGo|truhijo> i lost two trades

    <ArGo|truhijo> i got one back

    <Kuros[iMU]> Ok..

    <ArGo|truhijo> and that was the important one that got all my bonuses back

    <ArGo|truhijo> well ont he forums I was reading how

    <ArGo|truhijo> peace mode

    <ArGo|truhijo> takes away happiness

    <Kuros[iMU]> Yep

    <ArGo|truhijo> and I was getting ansy becuase 10 days so far = -10

    <ArGo|truhijo> so I was like screw it im going to collect

    <ArGo|truhijo> and I did

    <ArGo|truhijo> except when I went into peace mode

    <ArGo|truhijo> i put hte teax rate at 10%

    <ArGo|truhijo> for craps and giggles

    <ArGo|truhijo> but I forgot

    * ArGo|Bot sets mode: -v ArGo|truhijo

    <ArGo|truhijo> to put it back to 28

    <Kuros[iMU]> Oh dear god..

    <ArGo|truhijo> before i collected

    <ArGo|truhijo> and now

    <ArGo|truhijo> im 7mil in the whole

    <ArGo|truhijo> *hole

    <ArGo|truhijo> I collectedt 3 mill

    <ArGo|truhijo> and Im 7 mil

    <ArGo|truhijo> in debt


  6. Realistically there's no need to worry about the 1k infra jump you can plough straight through it without even noticing.

    I did that with my 1k, and 2k. I thought this whole concept of Infra jumpgin gis new. but im about to go i nto 3k I have 2,964.92. I havn't collected in 8 days, and lsot 2 trades. but when I get my trades back I"ll collect, sadly im in sissy mode though.

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