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Posts posted by Truht

  1. Not much service if you get kicked out in boot/OCS. Then, if they decide to, they can press charges. A whole range of good ones. I don't have a copy of the UCMJ handy, but they can get you on all kinds of stuff. Everything from falsifying a federal document to what's known as the General Article, the catch all, which they just love tacking on.

    If you're going to one of the Academies, you gotta make sure you tell them everything they want to know about you. They do not mess around at Annapolis, and will send you home on a whim. Especially during Plebe year.

    The infantry can be summed up by a few words: Hours of boredom puncuated by seconds of sheer terror.

    nah man I'm fine. Academy made me go get checked up and down 1000 times. My eyesight off though, but they gave me a medical waiver for that, which BTW TOOK FOREVER . I'm just looking at the good old days were guys lying about their age to sign up was a common thing, and they were usually the best guys.

  2. It's also a great way to get kicked out and denied benefits.

    Don't lie to your recruiters kids. They'll find out.

    Went I went down to the Recruiting station with my friend the recruiter just told him to b/s about the asthma. I got one friend in Navy that had asthma too, told before they put them in the chambers they would just pull them aside then.

    EDIT: plus, the best benefit is the ability to serve. And once you made it through, even if they kick you out, they can't take your service away from you.

  3. Wanted to join the AF myself. Due to especially rare bone disorder I was born with I am unfortunately unsuitable for just about any branch of the service.. even if i did outgrow it, they won't risk me trying it.

    lol lie your $@! off. That's what everybody does. If anybody has any beef with that, you can look up how many Medal Of Honor , Distinguish Service Cross, Silver Stars, Bronze starts etc, have been given to men who lied their $@! of about their age . And if you go back and look up the ones that lied about medical conditions, and especially ASTHMA?? oh boy.

  4. Ive wanted to join the military, the army as infantry, for a while now but im too fat and too unfit at the moment but I am working at it. A better diet and a lot more exercise is helping.

    hey man, the army doesn't take perfect people and lower them down to soldiers. They take regular people and build up into soldiers. Don't be discouraged, the fact that you actually want to go into the military means a lot. I say see if you can get into your local recruiting station's DEP (Delayed Entry Program) they do a lot of PT stuff to get you up to speed. Never give up.

  5. So you're gonna be a Marine? This is probably premature, but still...

    Semper Fi

    Do or die OOO-RAH! yeah I've got to earn the motto.

    Semper Fi, bro.

    Marines OCS Arty Captain 91-94 (Korea & Somalia). Have a cousin who retired as a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy (Naval Academy).

    Adapt, improvise, and overcome!

    wow a real leatherneck. Dude we need to chat some time. :P

    Enlisted to be able to afford college, also to work with cutting edge technology (I'm 25B, IT Specialist).

    So are you thinking of going to OCS?

    Army 3rd of the 32nd Armored Calvary Regiment !st CAV...87-91 M1-A1 Tanker...Shoot to Kill!!! :jihad:


    Good luck in the Naval Infantry... :v: Thank You for serving!!! :awesome:

    wow, you were working on the big guns.

    Ever since being in the Navy, my dad's taught me a lot of nifty phrases - like "The Few, The Proud, The Bulletsponges" aka Marines. USMC = Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. And

    But if I were to enlist in any branch of the military, it'd probably be the Navy. Nothing's more fun than sitting back and watch guys like you do the hard work. I don't think Iraq has any navy yet.

    =/ It's OK. Whenever the Marines need a ride to a fight, Navy gives 'em a nice ride :)

    I plan to join the US Army if I don't get into collage, and with my current grades that just might happen.

    If I do get into collage I'm aiming for Westpoint.

    The only question is, Armored or Infantry? :P

    Getting into West Point isn't easy. Since most Service Academy application processes are standardized I could probably answer any question you have.

    I say go infantry all the way. why? who cares just do it. har har. Hardest job in the military. Every body else just exist to support them. No Infantry no victory. And since you are doing army >_> , might as well g to Airborine school, Air Assault school, and Ranger school. I'm going to try to get to all those schools during my summers at the academy.

    Army has a lot of variety only good thing I can think of them. 10 mountain, 101st Airborne, 82nd Airborne, 1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, 1st Calvary Division, and on and on.......

  6. lol Marines.

    US Army, ship June 10th.

    My Brother enlisted in the Army on June 2001 and climbed all the way to Staff Sergeant. Saw deployment, in Germany, South Korea, and Afghanistan. Last post was in Bagghram AFB Afghanistan, with Medical Evac Company under Task Force Centaur.

    So yeah, have tons of Respect for "Be all you can Be"

    I can't seem to remember all my Army jokes that some Midshipman at the academy taught me, most are aimed at the Air Force lol.

    what, did you enlist for?

    p.s. USARMY, Uncle Same Aint Release Me Yet. LOLz

  7. sup planet bob!

    I Recently got accepted into the United States Naval Academy, wo0t. :P Can't wait to graduate high school , may 30th. wo0t :P Senioritus is killing me though.... :mellow:

    I applied to the Academy because I want to be an Infantry Officer in the Marine Corps :jihad: :jihad: .There's a range of reasons why I'm doing this, none of which most the folks I hang with understand. Marines are just dog on proud of everything they do, they're rough and tough, and don't take kind to complaining. Giv'em a toothpick and a hand-grenade, -if-uncle-sam-can-spare-one, and they'll go out and do their duty.

    A lot of it comes from just , i always remembering being fascinated with the military. Until late last year i never thought that I would be going into the military. But if I wasn't reading about it, I was watching about the military on TV, playing First Person shooter video games, or PC strategy games, and if all else failed-, anything really anything with a handle could be used as a pretend-gun. I got caught using a broom once, lol.

    So yeah dudes, spend all your life reading about the military, and not once do remember every glorifying a truck driver, or a mechanic. We need 'em but I just always looked up to the Grunts. You know the guys with mud on their faces, and dirt in every orifice of their body. Hadn't had a clean shower in months and have rough beards too match. Cut up all over and living from this adrenaline high/crash to the next one. Always pissed at an idiot officer, and always kissing the feet of their NCO's; and on rare occasions the opposite. Yeah man, You can give me all the money in the world, but I want to be a grunt.

    Now strictly speaking I will be going to a US Service Academy, and when I graduate I'll be an officer. BUT in the Infantry, Offices can be just as good a bullet-stopper as an enlisted man :lol: . har har. Gotta love the Corps when it comes to Officers eat last, welfare of your subordinates before your own. I hear some rumors that that's slowly drifting away. Like someone told me today that Officers get to sleep in cot's on the field. Man that's some serious bull. An officer should be lying in the dirt besides his troops, right after he helps them with their foxholes and defensive positions. You know, I think I'd make a great officer. -However- one thing I've found out from hanging out on Marine forums, is that they don't take kindly to wannabe's , so best to just shut up and listen to them tell each other their stories. I've learned alot.

    I was wondering if any service members who read this could post about their experience. It's be awesome to hear them. Also any wannabe's like me could discuss why they're doing what they're doing. LOL, anybody else get called crazy on a daily basis?

  8. Thank you all for the words. I feel that people respect me and what I tried to do and that is indispensable to me. But more important than anything the people have showed the same compassion to me on my last days that I tried to bestow upon them. That lesson that I hope all of you carry on with you from my career is that. You should always try to be successful, but you should define your success as the happiness of others, and secondly the prosperity of others. And that the work you do for your fellow man will not be in vain , life is a circle and what goes around comes around for worse, and for the better.

    Good Bye CN, I will miss you.


  9. Good evening Planet Bob, I am Truhijo. One year , Three months, a Week and 3 days , I (Truhijo) created the Dominican Republic. Let me just say that the nation has lived up to it's RL counter-part....it's broke and has always been broke. LOL ask anybody who's been around me long enough my nation is always down in the dumps compared to everyone else's and I watch people pass me buy all the time. But I just laugh at that becuase , it doesn't mean much to me. I play CyberNations becuase of my alliance the Democratic Republic of Argonaut (www.cnargo.co.nr.) A long time ago I co-founded that alliance with a person named Chef_Raekwon. He grew to become a tyrant-emperor, and after his second banning for hacking I couped him with the support of the counselors at that time [dma315,SupremeRuler ,Riffers ,Onetouchable], and I proceeded in single handedly theorizing an alliances. There were a few people who helped, but thee was not anywhere near the support of officers and such that the alliance benefits from now. Because of all the work I put into the alliance I feal so attached to it, its pretty hard to explain, I can say that I could never leave, even if I was disposed I would stay as a recruit if I needed to. I am proud of the ArGo that exist today. It has its many plagues but you know what, it proved that democratic-republicanism works, and that if you give the people a chance to participate they will take advantage, and that is true of the republic,for the democracy that is still in the works (yeah our politics are complicated.) I am so proud of them that it is hard for me to do what I have to do now. I have to quite CyberNations. I have many real life responsibilities. I am taking the hardest schedule in my school, and I am trying to coop with that, but at the same time I am trying to be a good leader in CN. I am being pulled in two directions, and one of those directions is simply a game. However the game has RL emotions and time demands and I am allowing that to trump over my RL responsibilities


    There was a recent fight in our IRC with some members and that saw a few members quite. I just want to let my people know that has nothing to do with the reason I am quitting. ArGo could not conceivably do something to have me leave on them. Its not you...its me

    . See I want to be a RL leader one day, and I feel that if I fail in CN that reflects my success in RL politics and that is why I tried so hard, and burned myself out real quickly.Both in CN and in RL. My alliance has so much potential to be something great I tried to break with a lot of norms and try many new things to garner that potential.I was met with a lot of resistance most of the way,people just did not share my views and I was so adamant about them to the point where I would debate over every detail . That can go either way, Part of the issue was the way I explained myself which caused a lot of confusing about what it was that I was doing, which lead to misconceptions and with those misconceptions top members opposed me, and few times we found out that we were arguing for the same thing. But I feel if people would have trusted me they way they trusted me ( or depended on me) back in the days of the transition following the coup I would have been able to do a lot more.

    My biggest flaw it something that I just understood right now, and that I had to treat the government like they grew up, they didn't depend on me anymore , I should have focused more on being the compromiser and not the debater. And yet I am so stubborn that a part of me wants to delete that. But I don't blame the people who took the time to debate with me for anything, on the contrary when they argued with me I felt proud, the democratic Process had worked, and the president could not be a monarch, and if there were people around that had different points of views they coudl exercise those without fear of retaliation.It was a real bitter-sweet feeling.

    Last time I took a hiatus from CN politics it was short lived. I had RL situations that I HAD to attend to so I realized ArGo was ready for its first ever presidential election and the people elected my Prime Minister (2nd in Command) Morey2k7 to be President. Morey took the alliance in his own direction and with not many precedents set he began naturally setting his own precedents. And during his administration the alliance republic really began to blossom. I eventually could help myself and slow I started coming back to politics. It began with simple discussions in the senate, and then an appointment as Minister of Finance, and then campaigning for the presidency. That campaign was particularly rough. There were only two real candidates myself and Morey 2k7, at one point we held so much admiration for each other. Geeze I would do anything to re-wind CN to the time where I handed Morey the presidency with so much confidence and so much warmth and RESPECT it was really a feeling of admiration, and I miss that moment. If someone would have told me that we would have changed the words that we did during that campaign and subsequent voting I would have outright called them a lier. Morey's respect for me has diminished but I want the people to know that I never ceased to respect him, he handled everything that I cared for in this game for 3 months and during that time the alliance was better than ever before and he didn't burn out like me.

    eh I know this is a huge wall of text, I am known as a mason lol, I write giants walls all the time and it annoyed people so bad in my alliance lol. But hey I never stopped writing walls before I shouldn't stop now so, I know that most people aren't going to read this, and those of you that do will learn a lot about a small unimportant figure in CN. I always wondered what separate the greater leaders from the average leaders, the great alliances from the average alliance.I will forever be just an average leader, and I cringe at the thought of that, because again the real life implications. I was very unsettled at leaving ArGo but I realized if I dont quite CN and accept being a mediocre leader her, I will have to accept being a mediocre person in RL because otherwise I cant coop with my responsibilities with so much attention going to the game.

    Really I don't have much to write about, the alliance is all I cared about whether some people believe that or not, I really wasn't on some power trip, I cared for the people. Every time someone PM'd me to help solve their problem I was so happy I could. I loved the people, I love communicating with the People. For a long time I only communicated with a small percentage of argo.It has only been in the last months and now recently that I have been able to communicate with a lot of the people under my roof and that really started adding a new dimension to what this was all about. I would have been happy seeing some of the plans I had become successes, a House of Representatives where people would have been able to have that relationship with members like I have. My economic and Military plans that I would very elaborately write on paper while I was supposed to be at the library studying, and then would have to come home and re-type lol, and then people would take a whiff of that huge wall of text and get a headache, look at the pictures and feel worse.

    Well I wrote enough, I am trying to get all that I need to get out out, but I am having a hard time being effective so I will just stop with the book, and get on with the expected Good Byes.

    USMCPARKMan I miss you, I know you got deployed and you haven't been active but dude I just miss you. You always seemed innocent to me , knowing nothing except your faithful as hell to the alliance and that if you had to you would be the last argo fighting. Lol thats what happens when you mix a Marine jarhead with an ArgoNaut.I felt bad becuase your nation got screwed up in battles defending the smaller guys that needed help , but you never mentioned anything.And then later to learn that you felt like you got shorthanded when they took your position away. I felt really sad for you, and when i got you an honorary seat in the senate but I never thought that was enough. That time I aided you randomly as becuase my broke nation was finally making a mil a day, and then you PM'd me thanking me asking me how I knew you needed money. I had no idea your nation was Still in trouble at that point, now that I think about it I should have sent you more but I filled my slots sending other people money , and then you got deployed and I was occupied with elections.Hang in there man , and thank you for your service to our country.


    Hey man, I'm sorry that your nomination to Executive Justice didn't go through. I felt really bad because you were so set on the position and when I nominated you I had no idea that you were going to be opposed like that. Granted I didn't know your full history, but I know you would have been an excellent and competent justice from the serious conversations I've had with you, and your excellent and logical reports. I am sorry I know I promised I would re-nominate you and try harder this time, but I hope you can understand that I have to leave. Ask to be inducted into the senate, that should be much easier. Prove yourself there, you say that they base their decisions on assumptions, well go there and set the record straight, and if you can get a job in a Ministry do that as well and demonstrate yourself. Then if there is a vacancy in the Court ask the President for his nomination.

    Black Knight

    I've had a few good encounters with you. Sucks that RL took you away from government I remember you were a strong member of the senate. Thank you for sticking with ArGo.


    I've always had a high opinion of you becuase you always stood out with your work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At ArGo's low point where even our ministers weren't active you stood out and wrote the reports that were asked of you and stayed on top of your job, and at that moment there was no greater gift. I fully of your appointment as Prime Minister under Morey. Also Cards I am sorry that I alienated you and Morey during elections. I know you went out on a limb for me making me Minister of Finance when I was trying to come back and was a bit open with my controversial opinions. I fully appreciate that, and really I felt bad when you told me frankly you weren't happy with me. I admit that I was scared to put you in my cabinet but I was glad that Plasmo convinced me, i was allowing the momentary bitterness to cloud our long history of friendship, and your long history of service.


    Under my current administration you were the Minister that made me the most happy. I really wanted you to lead Internal Affairs becuase of you great enthusiasm , and passion for your work. I was also glad that I was able to compromise having two Ministers in Internal Affairs , and it worked out well since cards had connectivity problems. I asked the most from you as Ministers becuase Internal Affairs needs the most amount of work, and you delivered. For that I am proud of you. You were a largely unkown officer, but the reports you wrote sent shock waves through cabinet and you have permanent recognition now. Thank you for letting me do my best without opposing me, thank you for giving me input when It was asked of you, and thank you for not making big deals out of small things. I really think you can go far as an all around likable person, a very logical person, with wisdom, and of course hard work. I will miss working with you, and I am so happy I was able to have the opportunity to.


    I want to tell you that I don't hold any of the two times against you and you know what I am referring to. And for the second time you have my full support and respect and wish other people could have seen that, although I can understand why they didn't. I'm glad that you were happy in the MoD, and I ask you to continue the work that we have begun increasing to improve the Defenses, and work with Plasmo like you were. You were a person that I really liked being friends with, when I made you a minister we butted heads once or twice, I hope that didn't tarnish anything. For the moment I wasn't sure if I no longer had your support like I did during elections. But at this point that doesn't matter, Im just glad that I got to know you death, and dangit ! I probably never beat you in spamming. Lolol


    Eblis's nation was deleted for inactivity. He suffered from a few real life illnesses at once and I don't know his health condition. He was our best Minister of Defense, and really because he was handed a mess, and he made something comparatively great out of it. The Ministers after him had an easier job becuase of him. I deeply respect him for showing us how much can be done with just determination and time.Im sorry that you did so much work with only an Interim title, It took me a while to be able to recognize that you did more work than full fledged Ministers, but let me just say that everyone recognized your work, and I just wish you could read this.

    Emperor Parth Patel

    I've seen your name a few times but you really made my day that time that you messaged me complimenting my work, and telling me how you supported the alliance, and you had our backs. If you want you have a bright future in ArGo, hopefully if the HoR can go through I see you as an excellent Representative


    The only other person in ArGo who was willing to write big walls of text in debates against me. I am happy that you ardently supported your belief's and I could tell it wasn't some power trip you actually wanted what was best for the alliance. I enjoyed pretty much every IRC equerry we had ranging from the discussion over political parties in the alliance, to socialism vs. capitalism. I hope you get into that college you wanted to get into, and things go well for you.


    Only spoke with you briefly on a few occasions, however I will always remember how you called me a liberal bureaucrat. Lol I will remember becuase in RL I get into heated debates with liberals and democrats all the time (and I usually win =)) some people would probably wish I was liberal. Hehe but no harm done I just thought that was funny, thank you for taking the time to debate with me over the HoR , and I hope when day you are Mr. Congressman and not Mr. Future Congress man ;).


    Surprised me when you ran for elections. I think you did an excellent job as Defense Officer , You stayed on to p of your game. You had some important contributions to our forums in the initial days of the transition. I dont know where you dissapeared but for a time you just sorta dropped out of politics, and then re-appeared for elections But hey you did a good job you can be proud of your one vote LoL, sorry I had a 5 sec debate on whether I should say that or not but what the hell I kno you, you will laugh it off.

    Mr. Bill

    And I got to add Mr. Bill I just gotta . This is the person that introduced me into CyberNations, and for that I am deeply indebted. Sorry you got raped and I tried to help you and ended up attacking the wrong guy, but hey if its any consolation to you because of that I got almost ZI'd twice. LOL, Thank you for joining argo, you brought a lot of experience with you and we all appreciate that, and I was happy to be able to serve with the person that brought me into this game. Sorry for annoying the crap out of you sometimes you lazy bumb. =)


    I don't remember if you were in ArGo before MIR, but yeah I remember getting really pissed off at MIR for being an ArGo spin-off and taking some of our members with them. But hey eventually you came back and then advocated the destruction of MIR (which by the way there are people still floating around in that tag) so its all good. I served for a bit as Minister when you were also Minister, and from what I could tell you did a good job at Internal Affairs, and you really active on Remember The Jungle Boards to keep at it.


    I really just had butterflies in my stomach when i typed your name out. I really feel like I am screwing you over by leaving, and I am sorry man . I"m sorry your computer blew up and you had trouble logging on to CN when I wanted to nominate you as Executive Justice. BLT's nomination didn't go through but I am confident that you can take the regular member spot so that there is a precedent of having a non-officer on as a Justice. It sucks becuase I know your computer is in the mail but if there is a HoR I am confident that you would be a good representative. Good Luck in life my friend.


    Man I will never find out.....well let me not say it in public, but now that will bug me for ever haha LOL. Man I don't know what It was but you had a weird influence over me. At first I didn't like you becuase of that whole issue we initially had, but then I pushed that aside and realized that , that shouldn't be the reason two people don't get along. I was trying to be a good friend to you even when a lot of people around me were getting pissed off at you, I never took sides and tried to be a good friend. Sorry about the things that I said a long time ago that you took offense too, I even forgot but apparently you never forgot. I don't know about the latest situation, but All I can tell you is...well pretty much nothing, I enjoyed this akward times on IRC, and those fun times, and I hope life goes well for you.

    King Balmung

    Congratulations on getting confirmed as a Justice. I know you are really excited because this has been the only position that you have ever been excited for. I know you will do a good job and If I would be around to watch you would make me proud, and you completely deserved my nomination.

    Lars of Weitenfernt

    Yeah you haven't been active in politics or IRC in a whiile, but you were at one point one of the most active people on IRC back when our channel wasn't so active. LOL I had fun kicking you out constantly, but that one time you never came back was a bit depressing. I hope you read this and I hope you come back on IRC.


    Lol, argo's biggest Texan truck driving p*the*d , lol man I always saw you as a mellow guy, some people don't like it but I sure as hell do , good job on our flags. Im not sure if you ever want to be active in politics again, but I know you will probably always be on IRC. Congratulations on getting that RL job, I hope it last and you get that truck payed off, and move away from your dealer *cough*. j/k. It was fun being in argo with you man, but it definitively was not fun being in ArGo with your IRC bot. I hope you don't feel bad , your not a failure becuase of it but I just despised that damn thing, it would always F*&%;ng kick me, and then I would get mad and kick ban it which would ban your IP , and well it was a mess. But yeah man peace.

    Mr. Duffy

    One of the people if not the person that I will miss the most by leaving CN is you duffy. You witty and just F*ing Hilarous proverbs always made my night. "Wishes in one hand Sh*t in the other, which one is going to fill up faster?", or the classic "who peed and that mans cheerios/ took a dump in that boys sandbox?" Oh if only I could remember them all. Glad you were confirmed by the senate without one vote against your nomination as Chief Justice. You deserve it man. I know you got a real tough break in Real Life with what happened, my heart really goes out to you and your family. I wish I could meet you in Real Life, lol even though your old enough to be my dad haha. Man the alliance was a blast with you, every time I was stressed and you were on IRC you always got me to crack up. I could type a column just about you Duffy your just so cool everyone should get to know you. Good luck in RL and I hope everything works it sway out, oh and enjoy that vacation to Disney. Have an awesome life Duffy I'll really miss you.

    Nav The Great

    I don't know where you went to man, I think I remember you saying something about college. But I hope you never held a grudge from me having Eblis as Interim MoD while you were not very active. Work needed to be done and I understood that you were dedicated to the alliance but had a RL situation going on. I'm glad that you stayed in ArGo man, I hope you can jump back in later on.


    I don't want to talk bad about people here. What I did recently had to be done. But you know what If we go back to the very early days of ArGo I remember us getting along great. We shared the same views with the same fervor over the same alliances, and agreed on a lot. It was that one day that I think you've always held a grudge against me thereafter. I didn't appreciate when you came onto IRC a few months after to talk bad about me, but you know what I invited you back to ArGo that day even though all the things you said, and I was shocked when you accepted my offer. I promise that when you said you were coming back to argo I was determined to have it work out between us but for various reasons I guess that was just very hard.


    Thank you for your incredible work and loyalty in the old argo.I remember being so happy with your work I made a medal just to be able to give you won, You really where the first person who did great work as an officer. When you choose to join your friends alliance I knew that we were loosing a very good person. But in retrospect you gained a lot of experience in you career away from argo, and eventually you came back to your home with more capabilities to serve that if you would have stayed. I appointed you as Prime Minister becuase you gained respect from a lot of people, and I needed you to smoothen out the tough tensions that existed post elections. And you know what man you did, and you did an awesome job at that. And I can't believe that eventually we would get at each others throats, but you know what it was all for argo. As I leave You will become the Leader by default as Prime Minister. I am confident in your ability to lead , I just hope that the HoR gets implemented into argo. I know you were very opposed to it, but argo would really benefit from it, and we have many leaders who would do an excellent job. Put your faith in the alliance, it wont let you down. You have excellent people there to help you , but I know you know that more than I did.


    Im really sad at the decision you recently took. I know that me and you have personally been at each others throats. But I thought it was wise that you were not appointed to cabinet cause we needed time to cool off and IMO we have. We got along fine on IRC when we got to talking about non-political stuff, and that probably wouldn't of happened when we were still at odds. I tried to compensate and keep your close in government, and I know people really have ticked you off, but well, I shouldn't discuss it here. I just want you to know that you are a part of argo and thats that, your part of the soup man, go try and fish yourself out.


    riffers I have so much respect for you. RL played a cruel trick the day that it forced you to resign from being Prime Minister. Many people over look your contributions to the alliance, but I have never forgot that you were the first Prime Minister who really taught me what type of relationship Presidents should have with their Prime Ministers. I remember how we communicated so efficiently like I have never been able to after you resigned. Really man you should be proud of that, thank you for supporting me, and placing your trust in me during the coup. Without you It's easy to say things would have turned out much differently, don't you ever forget that, and don't let people forget that, becuase I know your very humble and you don't boast about that, and when they pissed you off, you didn't bring it up, but instead took a different (although unpopular ) coarse of actions.


    I'm sorry for letting the situation play out the way it did. I was not able to react on time and for that I am truly sorry. I tried so hard to do everything I can and pushed the wrong buttons with some other people because of it. But I don't care, I feel bad becuase you came from another alliance becuase of sh*t that was happening there, and I wanted ArGo to be that home where things would be OK and it turns out that we couldn't be that place you got more sh*t here and now your off to wonder again for that right home, I feel bad that I wasn't able to give it to you man. But thank you for your compliments it was the first time someone has ever said that to me that way, and I wont forget. I hope you do find that home one day.


    I respect you a lot, and I know that you don't play CN anymore and will not read this, but people need to know you made a difference in my CN career. It's F*&d up what your RL friend did, but just know that out of that mess something awesome came from it, and I learned a lot of lessons from you that the phoenix that arose from the ashes was able to benefit from. Good luck at UF, and I hope RL goes well for you since you've out grown CN, and oh yeah - DOMINICANS ARE THE SHIZZ! (and im not ____)fill in the blank you assh*le lol j/k.


    You've always seemed perculiar to me but I havn't been able to put my finger on it. Thank you for supporting the coup and giving us that unified front that was needed. You have been In ArGo for a long time and thank you for that. I am sorry for what happened that caused you to leave that time, but I felt it was necessary and I was excited to have you back. I am also sorry that I didn't realize you should be inducted into the senate honorarily sooner. But now that your in senate, Keep up that good job . I don't know what the situation is with nick but I have never forgot him. If you see him in RL let him know I said hi.


    For A long time I thought of you as a child or a kid. Especially when you did that thing a while back. But you know what, a lot of people inside argo have gained my respect. However they started at 0. You started at -40 and was still able to re-gain my respect. You have done an excellent job in all your en devours, and really I am proud of you. I am proud of what you became , and all the work that you have done, and am peaceful to know that you will continue doing an awesome job in the Ministry of Finance when I am gone, and we will have awesome growth in part because of you. You have taught me a lot about people, and I hope things work out great for you


    Man I am so glad you joined ArGo and you were a very cool addition to the alliance. I am humbled to know that you aid other peoples even when you make 1/10 the salary of banks, and yes I do know. You never talk about it or boast about it, but I keep up with these things and I know that as you grow you will be a very generous person , and you have that democratic fire in you, you can be an excellent leader one day in the future, and a person devout to his people. I hope that you continue to get involved in the alliance that way you can climb up the ladder, because a lot of what I did was to see people with talent, and good characteristic be able to go up the argo ladder based upon those excellent qualities, where previous that mobility was near impossible.


    Man I am sorry what I said a long time ago got you mad. really I did not mean for you to take it that way. And maybe you have forgotten by now, but I have always had a feeling like you never did. In any case man its awesome that you made your way back in ArGo, you have served us well in FA, and now I see that you are doing a great job in senate recently you put down your personal beliefs for whats best for the alliance.


    with me leaving argo has really been the only thing on my mind and I have been really thinking mostly about them. But there are a few people that I can remember that were not argo's that I feal were important to me in my time on planet bob.


    Man I was pissed off with you when the whole smoove crisis was going on . But since then I have learned what your mad out of , and man was I wrong about you. I don't think I have a better ally in CN than you and The Excellent people at The Viridian Entente. A shout out to kyber becuase of his unrelenting dedication to the Remember The Jungle Project. Kyber I will not be here anymore to continue to spearhead the operation, I am counting on you to make sure that you keep on working on it and have it work. I don't know anybody else who had as much enthusiasm and dedication to it than you. I know your busy becuase you 'like to get involved' lol but if you can that will be great, if you cant d/w. Rayvon becuase your an awesome Secretary of State for VE and a great person to querry about CN politics. And generally my compliments to the Viridian Entente for raising such a fine crop of leaders, and members, I just as most of CN rejoiced when our green brothers came back to the game


    From gremlins I have learned a lot from this person. Congratulations on your election to Triumvirate for Gremlins.I always thought of you as an very intelligent wise, person I was very lucky to meet you, and the Gremlins is very lucky to have you. I wish you a very long and successful career serving the gremlins.


    Thank you for Helping ZI my nation a long time ago, and then thank you for saving its butt lol. I hold no grudges and actually we became friends after this. Its a tuff break with what happened with TCF, If we would have only tried to merger one more time. But hey water under the bridge.

    I'd like to briefly mention that the OIN was the first real alliance that i've ever had, and that people take for granted alliance aid, but back then when the OIN sent me aid it was an incredible feeling like someone actually cared enough about me to send me their own money. Without doing much else they became an inspiration in my CN career immediately after I left. So good job United_Europe and Bush_84 who subsequently founded Sparta.

    ...One of the hardest things to do is say goodbye to more than a year of my life, and everything that I have tried to do.

    I really am Sorry I feal like there are more people that I owe a farewell to , but its just that Its late I've been witting this for the last 2 hours and the thing that is really on my mind is my alliance. If I forgot you man, dont be bashful PM I'll probably be like "OHH YEAHH THATS RIGHT!" in any case I doubt that people will read this book.It's the conclusion of the Life of a failed Leader, there is something that separates myself from the greats; I can't help thinking about CN, in the coming days I'll figure out what that is.

    But however I saved the best for last

    Morey 2k7

    Man I am just dreadfully sorry about the way I acted during campaigns. I must admit I did feel threatened by you. I don't know if you can forgive me but its hard to explain the way I acted. I worked so hard to have the alliance operate the way I envisioned and theorized it, and you saw another vision. So I felt like I had to put it back on track and set some precedents that would stick this time. But really Morey i did not see you as a baby sitter. When I became ArGo's first president the alliance wasn't stable, however during your presidency you were able to stabilize the alliance, and worked well to cover for Finance and be President. As my Prime Minister you took over a lot of work for me when I was just burning out back then, and I am sure you did a lot of great things without me even realizing. I just hope that we can remember that day that I handed you the reigns and that be the way we remember each other, and that we delete the mess that followed a few months after. For ArgoNauts so far its either been me or you and that showed in last elections when there were 4 candidates but me and Morey received all the votes. Please forgive me, nothing I did was for my own power although I can admit the way I conducted myself was probably giving off that impression.

    and lastly I address my argo's who I am leaving . To you I say this:

    We are facing a time where tensions are rising. These tensions for once are not because of politics or anything related, nothing from the top down. The tensions today are from the bottom up, regular member vs. regular member. I tell you this the government officials will be working to take steps to prevent this but look at your fellow argo. If there is a war, guess who has your back. These people that you argue with are you brothers and no sooner they be ZI'd than they let an enemy trample over you. All we have in this planet is each other, and stop and think about that before your put your own motives above the motives of brotherhood and fraternity. You can always leave argo if things go wrong, but you can never leave completely, ArGo is soup. And I just want to say thank you ArgoNauts for giving me the opportunity to experience something that I don't know if I will ever have the chance to experience again. I know that this just a game, but the people on the other side of the computers are real, and to think that I had at one point hundreds of people under my leadership, REAL people that just give me an awing sensation. Thank you for believing in the Democratic Republic, and thank you for being ArgoNauts. I till you something that out of the year that I have played CN the only thing that means anything to me is ArGo. You that stay are lucky, you can cherish it much longer. I can't and i am sure that for the rest of my life I will never forgot this experience. ArGo has taught me how to effectively present my argument, and has taught me the difference of a Demcoracy and a Republic, and it has taught me that they can both work together. ArGo has taught me that some politicians actually care. For a few weeks I will be struggling to keep myself away, but for the sake of whats best for my life I must. I will miss you all.


    co-Founder of ArGo

    Founder of The Democratic Republic of Argonaut

    Two time President of ArGo


  10. I haven’t worked out all the particulars, this is something I have just come up with, and thought to bring before the community.

    As far as getting 'flamed into the ground,' I am normally against this sort of thing as an infringement of individual rights, and don’t generally support widespread implementation of permanent ZI-lists. I have always believed those sort of things are bad for the community at large. If alliances are going to do it anyway (perm-ZI), the potential collateral damage (or darmaz) might as well be minimized. The discussion of a trans-alliance directory of nations on ZI-lists is an idea warranting consideration.

    LOL you have fidel castro on you avatar smoking a cigar with a mischevious smile on his face. Not to mention your name reffers to his status in cuba , most high general. :jihad: :jihad: :jihad: VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!

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