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Posts posted by Canehda

  1. So he dosent want to die for people who aren't willing to die for him. Some nations become more active in war and will only now see what NPO really is and have every right to leave.
    I see nothing wrong with the last line.

    This is BS. If his alliance his getting curb stomped, then he has every right to surrender. He's been fighting for three weeks, and hasn't gained anything from it. If his alliance wanted him that badly, they wouldn't have deserted him with their actions over the last 2 years or so.

    I don't think people are reacting to his surrender. It's that last line which says he'll attack his former alliance that riles people up.
    I think alot of you forget this is a NATION game that means any ruler should act in whats the best interest of his nation.

    For the rest of you that scold him congrats for being the little soldier MOO would be proud.


    It is impossible to judge this man justly with the information that we have.

    If indeed NPO remained non-communicative throughout and then revoked his forum access then I can understand him being mad. It's like being slapped in the face after fighting for 3 weeks for someone. The thing is that people here have a mentality where once you've made a decision you can never change your mind no matter what new information comes to light. If you joined an alliance as a newbie and then they declare a crazy offensive war against someone in very suspicious circumstances you are not supposed to reassess your original choice. You are supposed to fight for them even if you think they are wrong... The funny thing is that that mentality is exactly what creates juggernauts like the NPO. I am not saying word should mean nothing or that switching sides is not poor form. But at the same time I find people here take a very simplistic and dogmatic approach to alliance politics. Any alliance that censors members from reading/posting on the OWF is an alliance worthy of suspicion in my opinion. Truly, a rogue member posting dumb stuff on the OWF can be embarassing but at least that member can be shown why s/he is wrong. That member has the hope of one day pushing back the imposing ignorance that obscures the world from him whereas the one who hides eternally in the darkness of a private forum is sure to remain ignorant.

    But it is true that we all have a choice. I would not be a part of an alliance that told me I could not interact with the rest of the community and frankly I don't see why anyone would be. In an ideal world people would spend more time making their decisions but if we never give people the chance to change their minds they can never learn that lesson and only a minority of them will ever find a comfortable home here on Planet Bob. People change and so do they alliances they belong to. War tends to embolden these changes and so it is not surprising that peacetime tensions reach a fever pitch during war.

    Wait, so this sap is a miserable traitor for putting the needs of his nation over those of his alliance? Aren't the leadership doing the exact same thing, putting the needs of their nation over those of the alliance by staying in peace mode? He just followed example.

    They may not all be the majority...

    But I must concur.

    His Alliances faults finally removed the blindfold over his eyes they'd kept over him for so long....

    Furthermore Personally, as it may be a little wrong to attack your former alliances, 2 wrongs also might not make a right, but I'm all for him getting the revenge he deserves, mind you Karma doesn't really need the help, but more is greatly appreciated.

    After all, If my alliances was at war for over 3 weeks, and all my leaders hid in peace mode, I would switch sides as well, it's not necessarily a matter of winning or loosing, its the matter of fighting together as one.... (My leaders are too awesome to not fight with tho ;) )

    He'll I think it would be funny as hell if one of the individual surrender terms was to join' Karma's side and fight against your old alliance... But thats just my opioin.

    Down with NPO!

  2. Jgoods why is your name on the left side, when Rsox, and Londos name are on the right.


    He' also rides the short bus to war, he's special

    Congratulations Athens! Does this mean that I have to call Londo "daddy" now? :lol:

    Good luck to Pyramid, may they learn and thrive with their new family.

    What do you mean start ? >:o...

    You should have been calling him daddy a long time ago!

    No one messes with Athens and those Athens protects

    o/ Athens!


  3. you guys are mean...

    They should be aloud to bandwagon if they want, after all... that DoW was great...

    You know what NPO? The Red Sphere isn't "yours". It's not your little toy to play with and employ against others. The senate was never meant to be yours. The people and the wars and the aid wasn't meant to be yours. If the Red Sphere was supposed to be under your complete control, perhaps it would have said "NPO" instead of Red. But it's not that way, is it?

    I think that constitutes as a proper DoW... Any DoW that makes me lol is a good one.

  4. GGA by a landslide...

    right after they hit a few of Athens members... and our Athens applicant... OH NOES OUR POOR APPLICANT!


    They got DoW'd by 9 alliances.




    Thank you for your 4 mill, and 20 tech you have so generously given to me today.

    I can't wait until tomorrow when you give me more

  5. My question;

    After the war is over, and karma has won, should karma extort NPO like they have done to many other alliances.

    So far I've heard answers like;

    "karma is when you do something bad something bad happens to you so in defense of the name, Karma should screw them over with ridiculous terms"

    "NPO should be extorted for this war plus ramifications from other wars"

    "They probably could get away with it, but I don't think NPO would pay"

    "That's not a statement to be made until due process and the war is actually won."

    and on CN radio when I asked this question; the response was that;

    "I don't believe that's what karma stands for"

    Also on the #CN-radio channel;

    "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"

    answers have been altered slighty to remove profanity, and other reasons

  6. 1) NPO looks out for NPO above all other things, no matter what. If TORN didn't know that by now they were stupid.

    2) Torn willingly attacked another small alliance with their good friends NPO.

    3) Refer to #1.

    4) TORN wakes up to the fact that they have stepped into a big steaming pile of cow flop and starts the damage control.

    Does that about cover it?

    I'm all TORN up about this notrasity

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