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Everything posted by nekoj

  1. Prince Arutha, thank you so much for that great explanation of why someone would be an idiot to do otherwise to what you suggest. To the rest. I give many thanks for trying to explain the reasoning of why go with fast food. Thanks alot for the resource calc page. That makes it a lot eaiser than the spreadsheet I was using. Now some observations that some of you can help explain. Not looking at Land or Miltary bonus. Focusing on happiness, pop growth and income, infra, and tech. Bear in mind my starting resources are Alum and Rubber. going with the 3BR set (FF, Const, Beer) you recieve the following bonus (keep in mind I have rubber in this set as it is a starting resource). +9.5 Happy, +19.5% Pop, -36% Infra cost, -18% Infro upkeep. You have room for one more resource. perhaps fish for 8 pop, Oil for 1.5 happy and -5% infra upkeep, or Gems for 2.5 happy and +$1.50 income. Now compare the above options with a full 8BR set not including FF or the related base resources. +11 Happy, +$6 income, +8% population, -42% Infra cost, -23% Infra Upkeep. and -13% tech cost. Comparing the two (3BR with Gems) the 8BR set has 1 less happiness, $4.50 more income, 11.5% less population, 13% better infra cost, 5% better infra upkeep, and 13% cheaper tech (may not be a big deal with tech trades). So is 11.5% better population and 1 more happiness outwiegh $4.50 less income, and more expensive infra cost, upkeep and techs? If 11.5% better population is better, please explain why. I appreciate all replies, but really value replies that offer more insight than "your an idiot if you dont". The reason I am so curious is I want to set up the "best" resource trades I can before I start trading. Thanks again, and I look forward to your response. Nekoj Sorry for any missed spelling errors, I have not downloaded the spell check addon.
  2. Hello All. Just started this game, and planning my trade network. I have been reading as much as I can to learn all that I can. I have seen on these forums to try adn get Beer, Construction and Fast Food as your bonus resources. As if those were the golden trinity of bonus resources one should strive for. Taking a look at the top players shows many (but not all) following this guideline. After my own research I have found a number of bonus resources have synergy with each other and construction that may be destroyed by going with beer or fast food. Construction takes 4 resources. Beer takes 2 and Fast Food takes 4. This leaves an empire with space for two more resources. Possibly Coal and Lead for Scholars and Steel, or oil and Rubber for asphalt. Taking a deeper look if one was to forgo fast food and free up the 4 resources needed and take Coal, Oil, Rubber, Gold the would lose fast food but gain Asphalt, Automobiles, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Scholars, and Steel. So my question is what does fast food offer that people are willing to give up all those bonus resources for? The only thing the fast food set gives over the other set is population growth (+11%). All the other categories are no change or worse with fast food. What am I missing here. I do not understand the importance of Fast Food when compared to Asphalt, Automobiles, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup. Please enlighten me. Regards. Nekoj
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