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SF Austin

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Posts posted by SF Austin

  1. No I can not prove it and I hope that they have not but I also would like to take all necessary steps to prevent it form happening in the future. This game is being talked about on WS sites as a place to recruit with NoV being mentioned as the vessel to perform that recruiting. In my opinion that is unacceptable.

    Then you should have worked together, with Norden Verein to help them stop being a lighting rod for this activity not just condemming them for some thing they were unaware of.

    It is strict policy in NoV that if you are found to be spewing WN/WS material, avatars or other sediments you are kicked out.

    Anything short of them opening their forums to you will not convince you otherwise, but guess what you will find? Nothing the same amount of WN/WS that was found on the SoM fourm when i gave Slayer free access to them.

  2. Maybe, maybe not I was not their so I will not calim to w how I would feel and neither should you.

    I want to make it clear that my main issue is not that Nazi's play CN it is that Nazi's are using CN to recruit people into this hate filled ideology. That is an exploitation of this game, it is them bringing it into the game and that is why I feel this war is justified.

    It is unfortunate for the many nations that I am sure are innocent but RL>CN.

    I think i have a right to claim how he felt as we are RL friends and the same was done to me and half of the other members of SoM.

    Can you or anyone prove that any one that was not a WN/WS before playing CN with NoV has become a WN/WS because of this game?

  3. None of the people who are accused of being Nazis have had their RL identities revealed so the only action that could be taken against them is a fictional war on an online game. I would be shocked and appalled if a court ruled that war on cybernations is enough to cause a reasonable person distress.

    Also I doubt Thor feels that he has been harassed in the legal sense of the word. I talk to him quite often on IRC and he is actually one of my favorite alliance mates. ( I love you all don't get jealous :P )

    Photobucket accounts that have been looked into give a dam good picture of a RL identity.

    If you were in SoM during both times Slayer came hunting you would see different.

    The point here is he doesnt and never has brought his RL views in game, and they would have never known about his RL past if they did not go and look for it, using OOC methods. Thoses in NoV that tried were dealt with when they were brought to NoV government attention. NoV shouldn't be responsible for every RL and OOC action in which they dont even know about should they?

  4. Well that is for TPF to sort out internally. I am not one to enforce the charter of other alliances.

    I do not believe TPF has at all fit the criteria for breaking that law.

    You are enforcing NoV's charter right now, and removing WN/WS arent you?

    Go ask you member TvM about the harrasment and the distress they caused him while he was in SoM.

  5. It is an OOC CB so they can not post it in AP, I don't see any reason that they could not post it in OWF but thats irrelevant as forum rules are not the same thing as in game ruls. It has been said by the moderators on multiple occasions that they can not and will not regulate the reasons that nations go to war.

    The only exception to that was "Modgate" but that was understandable.

    This is exactly right it is a OOC CB, and it breaks TPF on Code of Conduct, Which states ANY ooc attack will result in the perm -ZI of that TPF member.


  6. The only thing that s makes this worst is the fact that TPF has stormfront members in their own protectorates, one of which has been there 84 days.

    Mogar was given the proof last night.

    Best not to throw rocks when you live in a glass house, you might find all kinds of evil people playing a game with in your own alliance.

  7. No, that's not the point at all. SoM didn't bring it back in game. That's the major difference. Re-read the logs from my chat with NoV leadership from back in November. They solicited my opinion and I told them major changes would need to be made. They were in the brink of war at that time...they also KNEW they were on a short leash on PB after escaping destruction for the 2nd time. The issue is things didn't change.

    But you didnt know the members of SoM didnt bring it in game did you? Not until they had no other choice but to give you access to their private fourms, which included a Strike plan on TPF for their constant OOC trolling of their members.

  8. And after chatting with Thor and Redneck, the issue was resolved...and we left them alone. I suspect that TVM, Thor, Redneck and a few others were smart enough to NOT go back to NoV knowing exactly what went on there and not wanting to be painted with the same brush. I won't be sending flowers to any ex-SoM leadership, but they kept it OUT of CN.

    So it is only ok for Wn/WS to play if they get your approval first?

  9. I'm glad you brought this up. While SoM did have active members of WS sites in their alliance, they 1) did not use CN to recruit. 2) They did not use WS forums to recruit to SoM, 3) They did not have members posting on WS websites stating how SoM is really a place for "their kind." 4) After Thor gave me admin access to their forums and I did not find anything remotely racist in their forums nor were any threads recently deleted that were racist in nature.

    While I may find some of their members OOC beliefs reprehensible, they didn't bring it back IC as NoV has. As I stated in the logs I posted from my November chat with NoV government, NoV had to make significant changes...which they failed to do. This only shows that the problem is with NoV itself, not a witch hunt.

    This may be true but you were only given access after many, many veil threats of war,spy attacks which may or may not have come from TPF, constant trolling of SoM members RL veiws in the OWF by you and other TPF government officals, and a very, very verbal argument in our IRC channel between these members and yourself, and TPF government.

    It is just Finishing what you started as many members of Sons of Muspel joined Norden Verein after the disbandment, so you figured you could finally get all the eggs in one basket.

    Again this is my veiwpoint as a former leader of SoM, and not of FCC.

  10. Not at all. The reason for the DoW is what Slayer said it is. His philosophy is a little different than mine. If he wants to eradicate this kind of crap from CN starting at the source, hell as a TPF member I'm all in with him.

    Then you better go look in your back yard first, and your protectorates. enough said.

  11. When you're trying to use the fgame to recruit for your OOC beliefs, that crosses the IC/OOC line.

    We've given our evidence check #tpf on coldfront, it's in the topic.

    Asking us to coup our government wont end well for you.

    So, it is ok to use email adresses to go outside of the game into people's real life, then come back ingame to cause a witchhunt which would have never had happened for OCC reasons if you had stayed IC.

    Again I dont see your CB as vaild if you can not post it on the OWF.

    It would not be a coup, it would be enforcing your code of conduct.

  12. I'll be honest here, I didn't look too hard at the screenshots, so I can't say whether or not NoV is full of racists, but even if it is, it is completely OOC. It has no bearing whatsoever on the politics of this game. Frankly I'm not fond of attacking alliances for their OOC beliefs, no matter how disgusting those beliefs may be. It is a slippery slope we cannot go down. That is all I've got to say.

    One of the few times i agree with Rebel.

    This is my veiwpoint and not that of FCC.

    According to the TPF Code of Conduct the only people that should be at war right now are TPF vs. TPF leadership. When people go outside the game to find real life evidance that a person may or may not be a WS/WN crosses the IC/OCC line. They tried to do it with Sons of Muspel and now they are doing it to Norden Verein.

    If TPF had evidance that NoV harbored WN/WS that really did use the game as a recruitment tool where is the evidance posted on the OWF?, it isnt because it is all OCC and will get the OP warned or possiblly banned.

    Screenshot below is of the TPF code of Conduct. Circled in red are the charges that should be placed on the leadership of TPF. The only real nazis in CN are the ones that deem others with intolerance and have been looking for a excuse for war since November.


  13. Ah so FCO is a bully as well as NoV. Love how all these little alliances fancy themselves the enforcers of doctrines that dominate small alliances. NoV will kill you for being German and not bowing down to them and FCO will do the same if you are Finnish. Those are some fine alliances you have, no wonder you all are so loved.

    The only bully in this thread has been you, Big Bad. Very unfitting of a respectable alliance leader.

  14. You're on to something. From what I recall from my time in NoV, this was probably the main driving force behind the doctrine - the prevention of 'nationalist separatism'. It was more to keep its own members in line and not get syphoned off by competing alliances.

    That said but I don't recall the doctrine ever being enforced except in perhaps solitary cases when there were stronger reasons to be found otherwise than relying on the Nordland doctrine. It certainly was not enforced when the Schism occured last October when the Sons of Muspel broke off - which one would think was probably the biggest internal threat of nationalist separatism that NoV has faced. If it wasn't enforced then - then why bother keeping it around now?

    It was not enforced because Sons of Muspel was not European Nationialistic, it was Norse Pagen in nature, and even then we were reconized by Norden Verein within days of formation.

  15. I'm very happy TGE brought this up.

    This doctrine isn't only restricting particulair German alliances, it's restricting all European nationalist alliances.

    Who is NoV to decide which alliances can exist, and which alliances can't?

    The Doctrine is an insult to a lot of CN-players, who are restricted in particuliar actions.

    It's time to get rid of the doctrine. :popcorn:

    By your rational, would you feel same way with the NPO and the red team doctrine?

  16. SoMflag1small.jpgWavyIAAflag.png

    The F.Y.V. Pact


    In order to promote friendship and cooperation, the Sons of Muspel (SoM) and the Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA), hereby declare the following agreement to be in effect as of its public announcement.

    ARTICLE I – Sovereignty

    1. The signatories recognize that each party is sovereign and independent of the other, as are the members within each alliance.

    2. This sovereignty applies to the right of either signatory to pursue and sign treaties with other alliances.

    3. The signatories further agree to inform each other in the event that any new diplomatic agreement could cause possible conflict with this treaty, and to do so at the first opportunity.

    ARTICLE II - Peace

    The signatories recognize the state of peace between them, and agree to use diplomatic means in order to solve any and all disputes that may arise between them in order to preserve the peace between their alliances.


    1. The Signatories agree that in peacetime they may request economic, diplomatic or other aid from the other signatory through official channels and that these requests will be carefully considered and provided based on the abilities of the requested alliance.

    2. In the event that the requested alliance is unable to provide the aid requested in III(1), this shall not constitute grounds for cancellation of this treaty.

    3. Signatories agree not to provide any kind of assistance to enemies of each other during times of war.

    4. In times of war, signatories shall have the right to request military assistance from each other, but there shall be no obligation to provide said assistance. Failure to provide military aid shall not constitute grounds for cancellation of this treaty.

    ARTICLE IV - Violations of this Agreement

    1. The following acts shall constitute violations of this treaty: Espionage, In-Game Spying, Direct Acts of War, Flaming/Baiting and Recruitment of the Other Signatory's Members.

    2. In the event that a violation should occur, representatives from each signatory shall attempt to resolve the matter within twenty-four hours of the reported violation.

    3. Member nations of either signatory who commit acts outlined in IV(1) and fail to provide restitution shall be dealt with according to the regulations and procedures of their respective alliances. In said cases, any restitution/reparations shall be paid by another member of the offending nation's alliance.

    ARTICLE V - Cancellation

    1. Failure to comply with Article IV of this agreement shall constitute grounds for immediate cancellation of this treaty.

    2. Either party may cancel this treaty without cause provided that seventy-two hours' notice is given.

    3. In the event that this treaty is canceled, and regardless of the reason for its cancellation, it shall immediately convert to a Non-Aggression Pact for a period of no less then seventy-two hours.

    Signed for the Sons of Muspel (SoM):

    Surtr of Muspellheim - Foreign Affairs

    Medraut of Nordland - Economy

    Thor VonMayhem of Ciníoch Muintir - Interior

    cabral of Redneck82 - Bartender

    LughIVX of Celtmark - Military

    Taun ShaKar of Empire of ShaKar - Intelligence

    Takemikazuchi of New Dunwich - Folk

    Signed for the Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA):

    His Majesty, the Emperor: Chimaera

    Imperial Grand Vizier: Emperor Mathias

    Imperial Regent: Junkalunka

    Imperial Military Executor: Chaos_Armed

    Imperial Chancellor: Clone

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