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SF Austin

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Posts posted by SF Austin

  1. 61429531.png

    Nordreich announces the retirement of Kaiser Vinzent Zeppelin. He has been given the honorary title of Reichgraf and will remain in a advisor role.


    Retired Reichgeneral SF Austin has been appointed the new Kaiser of Nordreich.

    Bandnerd has been appointed the Kronprinz. 


    A new dawn has risen on the Northern Lands.



    Signed on this the ninth day of April, 2013

    SF Austin, Kaiser von Nordreich

  2. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1339794973' post='2985180']
    Good God man!!! Look closer and do some research before you spout such heresy!!!!!

    tei 89sr is a modded m14, also Hi Jack.

  3. [quote name='Chaoshawk' timestamp='1339767364' post='2984787']
    A few months ago, an exodus of a dozen or more members said quite nasty things. So, I suspect many dissenters left for alleged misconduct within NoR.

    It was 24 members, and they left because they didnt like to be told what to do, when to do it, and various personal disagreements between members. As for their aligations of "Misconduct", whatever falls into that, its no different then when brothers fight, nasty things are said on both sides including made up lies, and sometimes brothers disown each other. Those who left are still considered brothers in arms to many in NoR. They didnt leave because we are some haven for radical ideology, but because they were fed up with ineptness to control personal vendettas within the alliance.

  4. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339704322' post='2983872']
    So how would TLR not be acting in aggression with MK?

    Haha okay there buddy. Pretty sure this isn't the war you want and [i]that's[/i] why CSN got hit.
    A) I couldnt careless what TLR does.
    B) I am not your buddy.
    C) LSF allies want to active their oA's? Bring it on and come knock me down a few pegs and put me in my place.

  5. [quote name='Nestor Durruti Magon' timestamp='1339700846' post='2983804']
    ITT: Liberals get frothy about the impoliteness of the anarchists towards the fascists, and declare that our impoliteness towards our oppressors makes us not really "innocent victims," and therefore we deserve to be smashed.

    Let me save you liberals some mental anguish: We are guilty. We deserve the fascists attacking us. We wanted it. We asked for it.

    And they deserve to be buried for attacking us. They deserve permanent ZI and disbandment. Just because you found the guilty party doesn't mean you found the one who deserves the punishment. And just because they are polite doesn't mean that they aren't fascists, White Supremacists, Nazis.

    If you're looking for a victim, you won't find it in us. We are not victims, we are agents of our destiny.

    "There's a reason why [OOC]OOC tags[/OOC] are used, you know. This sort of claim is baseless, and is truly damaging to people just trying to have some fun."

    Baseless except for all the hard evidence. You're in denial. I started playing Cybernations to fight NoR after reading about how there were white supremacists recruiting on this website, and NoR was mentioned by name. There are dozens of other examples. See the NoR reunion thread for a bounty of examples from their own ex-ranks.

    Please go on, tell us how you REALLY feel.... :smug:

  6. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339699998' post='2983789']
    I don't oppose the CB by NoR, I oppose that TLR is more than happy to defend MK but doesn't want Int to defend LSF. It's politicking at its finest.
    They wouldn't be defending LSF, they would be acting in aggesion with LSF. :rolleyes:

    But it is their choice to make, I am sure some of our allies wouldn't mind if they join their fellow social/anarcho/commun/ pinkists... :awesome:

  7. [quote name='Slayer99' timestamp='1339213014' post='2979683']
    As I said, I regret doing it now...and I was wrong. We had FAR more that we didn't publish because it led back to RL identities, that info would have been far more damning. It wasn't my place to take IC action...and I should have handed all the info to SPLC and let them deal with it.
    Cease and desist your libel of our alliance. Four plus years later you are still grasping as some hero of equality and tolerance. You are as bad as those whom you seeked.

  8. [quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1337631364' post='2970345']
    Didn't I already say that I had no beef with you? The truth is out there. Everything that is posted anywhere can be found. You don't even need spies, but just unhappy ex-members that knew that screen shots & miscellaneous other pictures would one day be of use to them. You never know what will happen to a loose end do you? I say it how I feel. I am blunt, but honest. TPF could open up our forums top to bottom and you'd never find [b]hidden racist threads, racist porn, or screen shots of leaders with other non-Odal racist symbols proudly in front of their forums.[/b] I have nothing further to say to you(as a representative of Umbrella) or Bud(Valhalla). Either of you can take it up with me in PM if you'd like.

    Well, we're waiting......

    Another round for the Kamerads is on me. :ehm:

  9. [quote name='ArodJohns' timestamp='1337134134' post='2967935']
    Here's to another 3 years of the old man's lies, manipulations, and deceits. Here's to another 3 years of the greatest econ minds around mostly ruining the members' nations. Here's to another 3 years of worshiping the head of a racist organization. Here's to another 3 years of not even having the guts to admit what you really are.

    In short, Planet Bob is a crappier place because all of you exist.

    HE MAD :awesome:

    Nordreich Über Alles :smug:

  10. [quote name='StephenFAustin' timestamp='1311103097' post='2759391']
    MaGneT thank you. I never knew LSR nor did I know any of its members yet I am glad they existed, and that Texas was represented well by them. I hope that this alliance may do the same. The Lone Star Symbol is one we stayed away from because of the "Lone" Part of the Lone Star.

    We'll be watching what you do with the Texan legacy here on BoB. You shame it and it'll be pistols at dawn.

  11. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1309984545' post='2750625']
    History has not yet come to an end, old man. Socialism is inevitable. I look forward to the day when you emerge from the reeducation camp and embrace our glorious revolution.


    The Internationale suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years...
    Labor and food riots in The German Empire. Internationale troops invade...
    LSF and NEAT reach troop strength goals of 500,000.
    Europa and TYR fall...
    Greens Party gains control of GPA. Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Planet BoB soil...
    NV plunged into revolution...
    Mjollnir dissolves.

    NordReich stands alone.

  12. [quote name='Anu Drake' timestamp='1309954312' post='2750318']

    "Oooh, the Germans are mad at me... I'm so scared! Oooooh, the Germans...Uh oh...The Germans are coming after me... Oh, don't let the Germans come after me... Oh, the Germans are coming after me... No, they're so big and strong... Protect me from the Germans!"

    :lol1: You win this thread.

    TGE you want peace you gotta come talk to me, otherwise find you dancing shoes, because i see the devil in the pale moonlight.

  13. Login: ***********


    >Hello Joshua


    >Doing fine.


    >Love too. How about GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR?


    >Not today. I would like to play GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR.


    ******ROUTINE RUNNING******

  14. [quote name='TumultuousPapaya' timestamp='1308880851' post='2739849']
    You boys are so cute when you try and puff out your chest like that. But really, this is getting just a little silly. As a member of Fark gov I can say with absolute confidence that we, at no point, had (or currently have) any intention of rolling Nordreich. Do we like the content we saw in the leaked screenshots? Absolutely not. Do we realize that it is OOC related and not a valid CB? Oh, most definitely. Anyone who has been allied to Fark knows (and this is important) that we don't go to war for OOC reasons. Sure we get riled up and wish we could hit little Timmy on the playground for being a turd, but at the end of the day it is what we actually do that matters, and in this case we have done nothing. Yes, our government members (note I'm not denying that he's a member of our government) might query our allies to vent our frustrations with something that we see that bothers us. That falls, at least to me, into the realm of ally communications.

    Yes, we were concerned when we saw the content of some of those screenshots, and frankly I was a bit confused. In the Q&A we had with Nordreich back in August/September in their embassy on our boards, we were told by members of their alliance/government that any form of racism/white supremacy/Nazi sympathizing, whether it be IC or OOC, was not tolerated in the least and that said member would be dealt with accordingly. To see screenshots of a Nordreich member calling a black woman !@#$%*s and apes and a thread dedicated to supporting the family of a very well known white supremacist who, we later find out, was a high ranking member of their alliance goes against what they had led us to believe nearly a year ago. It bothered us enough that when a member of Valhalla came to us we were frank with them. In those leaked query logs you guys have, scroll down a bit until you get to this line:

    We weren't asking Valhalla to drop Nordreich so we could attack them. We want to know what people's stance on this is because we are concerned that OOC/IC lines might be getting crossed in very disturbing ways. We aren't looking to roll Nordreich for this any more than we would want to roll another alliance for having furries as members.

    When we got the news last night that Nordreich was circling the wagons in preparation for a Fark DoW we decided to have a little fun with it. At no point did we consider actually doing anything more than poke them with a stick here on the forums. We didn't not attack Nordreich because we don't have enough backing, and we didn't not attack them because we are spineless. We didn't do anything because OOC stuff isn't DoW-worthy. We knew the expectation was there for us to attack Nordreich for OOC reasons and we found it so funny we posted this with the intent of poking fun of the people who thought we would actually DoW them.

    Mission accomplished ^_^

    Edit: I accidentally a word :P

    Maybe if you were so worried about NoR internal matters you should have asked how we dealt with these issues and people like a man, instead of taking the word of some out of context and positioned screenshots like a snot nosed kid.

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