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The Empire's Political Stance

Colerich Krieg

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(Spokesperson) Due to some confusion with our neighboring states, the Krieg Empire has decided to clairfy our Stance as a Government.

We are NOT Totalitarian, the act of controling all aspects of citizens lives, and condem any nation for doing so.

We are however mildly Centrist-Authoritarian, "a political system controlled by typically non-elected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual freedom.." and we must urge that word "MILD" as the Empire has a Constitution guarnteeing certain human and natural born rights and shall only be stripped by commiting an offense.

We are a partial Republic, for we have an elected President and cabinet staff who deals with most common every day affairs within the Empire, as well as a direct legislative branch that is used for helping modify and pass fair and just laws for its citizens, as well as weed out corruption.

We ARE Fascist but we must urge that Fascism is a political Ideolgy, not a Governing body, Fascism is the core belief in Nationalism, Militarism (Pro Defense sense), Authoritarianism, Selfless action for the greater good of your community and state, (Could be called Heroism possibly), Economic Intervention and Regulation to ensure fair prices and adequant production, and Intelletual Elitism (Beleif that those who choose to not go to school and get educated are inferior and only suited for Labor.)

We also want to imply we are not rascist, discriminitory, or any of the sorts and have should not have to rant on for such horrid believes have no place in this world, we are all created equal, it is up to the indvidual to make him what he is.

And also, to a very certain extant we are Imperialist, for we have placed our valiant leader as Emperor. However the Emperor rarely if ever is involved in simple everyday issues, as that is why we have a Direct Republican system set up. The Emperor is mainly involved in Foreign affairs and Defense of the Empire, as well as coordinating the Immigration of disgruntled Germans, Spanish, Slavs, and other oppressed races within europe. We also want to state that we are ISOLATIONALIST and have NO plans of expanding on ANY soverign nation, and we will ONLY commune with allied nations for trade and mutual defense.

In a way, the "Emperor" Should not be seen as Imperial but more a title of power and honor.

Also, as for Economics, we are State Capitalists; A Semi regulated Econonmy regulated to remove any chance at exploting workers and citizens, as well as serving ultimatly the people and the State, NOT the corporations pockets.

I hope this clarified the new Nationalist Party's stance in the Empire's governmental body.


Fascism [Nationalism, Populism, Statism, "Third Position" meaning neither extremely Communist or Capitalist, etc.]



Republic Election System of President, Ministers and Counsilmen

w/ Powerful Imperial Figure Head.


State Capitalism, Regulation to avoid insane profits at the expense of the Middle class working citizens, and aiming to ultimatly serve the State and the people.

This has been a broadcast from the National Reichbuilding, Madrid AKA New Berlin, Krieg Empire.

EDIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT

The citizens of Krieg Empire work diligently to produce Water and Sugar as tradable resources for their nation. It is a very passive country when it comes to foreign affairs and has no interests in war. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Krieg Empire has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Krieg Empire allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Free speech is considered taboo in Krieg Empire. The government gives when it can, but must look out for its people first. The Krieg Empire will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

I added that from the offical Government stance page on Cybernations to support the Empire's stances.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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