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Announcement from the Steward

My fellow Sicilians, and to all those reading this around the world, for too long has the status of the NAA remained unresolved. Since the liberation of the peninsula from the crumbling fascist regime that was strangling it, my brethren on the Southern portion of the peninsula have remained in a state of limbo. They have been made to sat by while the rest of the peninsula was allowed to decide its own fate; the Tyroleans voting for union with the GDR, the people of San Marino establishing their own state, and the peoples of the Northern portion of the peninsula opting to establish a Federation with the remainder of the Pravuan People.

No longer will the peoples of the NAA be administered by this Government as a dependency, a colony of Sicily. It is time that my brethren across teh straits be afforded the long overdue right to determine their own fate. As such, it is with great pleasure that I announce today, that the NAA is hereby disbanded as an administrative body. A referendum to decide the fate of the NAA will be held shortly. In the interim period the area will be administered via three Consultative Assemblies seated in Naples, Catanzaro and Taranto.

The referendum that is to be held will give the people three options, to unite with the League, to establish their own state, or to refer the matter to the Consultative Assembly to decide.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the Sicilian League

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Joint Announcement from the Assemblies of Naples, Catanzaro and Taranto

Administration of the Italian Mandate has been transferred from the NAA to our respective assemblies now that the assemblies have finished elections. In line with the procedures of the League Constitution, the assemblies have selected the following people to serve as Directors of the three departments: Frederico Viagio, Director of the Naples Department, Caterina Aliara, Director of the Catanzaro Department, Maria Tiagro, Director of the Taranto Department.

Preparations are now underway to hold the referendum vote on the future status of the area.

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Report from the League Office of Elections Oversight

After 48 hours of voting polls have closed across the three Departments where teh future status referendum was held. The votes were recorded electronically at 271 polling stations, OEO officials were on site at each polling place to monitor for irregularities. Six cases of voting irregularities were reported by polling officials: Two cases of violations of the 50 yd 'campaigning exclusion zone' around polling stations, three cases of machine errors which required the rebooting of the machine which caused time delays but no loss of vote data, and one instance of a middle aged male attempting to vote multiple times.

Under the rules established for the referendum a 55% preference for a single option is required for action. If 55% is not achieved then no action will be taken and the Department in question will remain a Mandate.

After reviewing the voting data the OEO has certified the following election results as free, fair, and legitimate:

Naples Department

Option 1: Union with the Sicilian League- 62%

Option 2: CReation of a separate state- 14%

Option 3: Defer decision to the Consultative Assembly- 24%

Percentage of Electorate Voting- 76%

Catanzaro Department

Option 1: Union with the Sicilian League- 81%

Option 2: Creation of a separate state- 9%

Option 3: Defer decision to the Consultative Assembly- 10%

Percentage of Electorate Voting- 92%

Taranto Department

Option 1: Union with the Sicilian League- 56%

Option 2: Creation of a separate state- 34%

Option 3: Defer decision to the Consultative Assembly- 10%

Percentage of Electorate Voting- 59%

Announcement from the Steward

It is with great respect and with a happy heart that I look upon the referendum results just certified by the OEO. The bureaucrats of the OEO have been working tirelessly to make sure this important vote was carried out openly and fairly to everyone involved, most importantly the people of the Southern Peninsula. I am happy to accept the offers of union from the Departments of Naples, Taranto, and Catanzaro and welcome them into the League.

The existing Director's of these three Departments will serve as interim Archon's until such time as new Consultative Assemblies can be elected in line with the Constitutional and Electoral procedures of the League.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the League

Edited by The Flying Scotsman
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Announcement Regarding the Naples Archonate

At the request and urging of numerous Neapolitan leaders and a 10,000 signature petition from the people of Naples I am granting a request to incorporate the Naples area into the League with a greater deal of autonomy than a standard Archonate. The Neapolitan Republic will be given a greater deal of leeway in dealing with domestic and cultural matters and will be given limited powers to negotiate trade agreements with foreign nations with League consent. The Republic will be governed in a manner similar to that outlined in the League Constitution.

I expect an announcement from the leadership of the Neapolitan Republic shortly. I wish to reiterate that while this Republic will be given a great deal of autonomy it will still be a member of the Sicilian League and foreign affairs and defense matters will be handled as normal by the League Government.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the League


Ive had some discussions with Junio and I have relented to his requests and will be allowing him to RP as a semi-autonomous region of my nation (Sicilian League). Despite everything that Junio has done in his previous iteration I figured, why not, I'll give him another chance. Junio is very good at domestic RP's, so I feel he will do very well in this situation. I wish Junio well moving forward and I am relishing the prospect of working with him in the future.

Edited by The Flying Scotsman
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