First entry
First blog entry, after coming back into Cybernations.
So, where shall I start? Well, first of all, I'm f'ing tired, so this entry won't be as long as I had hoped, and my blog might not be as fancy as some others. Oh well, I can fix it tomorrow.
So I came back into Cybernations. Not many noticed my return, as expected, but I do still have some friends around, most notably Delta1212. I made the mistake of giving myself a bad nation name, and a bad ruler name, so I decided to restart....only to have forgotten to change the ruler name, so I will have to restart again. How annoying. In the meantime, instead of joining an alliance, I've decided to do something of a journalistic tact - visit alliances for a short period of time, understand what makes them tick, and then move on. The United Purple Nations was gracious enough to be my first host (they knew full well that I was only there temporarily), and I look forward to checking out another alliance when I restart my nation. However, there is a bit of a trip-up that I've run into, which I have to take care of before I restart my nation (can't reveal the details until a later blog entry), which is rather annoying, but I respect the alliance in question and don't want to compromise their integrity. That said, there are a number of unique alliances out there, and I really want to check them all out, read their charters, understand their government, and then see if I can draw any conclusions.
Aside from my journalistic ambitions, CN has certainly been interesting. I remember when I first started (October 2006), it seemed like it was NPO/NpO/GOONS vs. nearly every other major alliance out there, with the exceptions of GPA and IRON (GPA was neutral and IRON was independent. <3 Sister Midnight's ideas). Now? GGA, Viridia, IRON and NPO are still sanctioned, but a lot of other alliances have come up through the ranks. It makes me wonder how many of these alliances are the same old people with different alliance names, and how many are legitimately new. Perhaps my journalism will give me some insight to this matter.
At any rate, I look forward to see this current stage of CN development. There are certainly aspects of the game that I miss that will probably never come back (1,000 pages in a spam thread in the maroon forums anybody?), but definitely some to look forward to. Especially the ant blogs.
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