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Being correct here

Acca Dacca


To actually attempt to be politically correct on these boards is not really a goal you should set for yourself when you post. Don't get me wrong, I, too, fall for the traps set by others. Yet, is it really necessary for people to go out of thier way to make statements of approval or disapproval JUST to make sides on an issue? If you are not involved, why must you state your opinion about it? Does it help at all?

The politics of this game change depending how you word a sentence, a CB.

The person who has no treaties, but his friends come to his aid. Are they warmongers or loyal comrades?

Does doing something about it actually solve anything?

Come on, be loyal to your alliance and allies and forget the politics. At the end of the day, the only ones you should be standing up for is the person willing to stand up for you. Do not get involved in these politics if you have to.


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Yet, is it really necessary for people to go out of thier way to make statements of approval or disapproval JUST to make sides on an issue?

Necessary, no. However it is in ones best interest if you seek honest discussion for it avoids misunderstandings and undesired implications.

If you are not involved, why must you state your opinion about it?

For honest discussion usually, to correct inaccurate statements or to uncover things about the events which transpire of interest to ones self.

Does it help at all?

Having an uninvolved party point out issues can help either at that moment or later down the road after events have long passed by causing one to reflect on their actions and statements. One doesn't necessarily care about helping an issue if they state an opinion however. There are far more one can do besides making a public post, all of which are far more efective.

The person who has no treaties, but his friends come to his aid. Are they warmongers or loyal comrades?

Depends on the meanings used and the circumstances surrounding their involvement, including their reasons.

Does doing something about it actually solve anything?

That depends upon the issue and parties involved as with what steps were taken. Some things can cause things to boil over while letting some things slide shows sensibility and can keep other parties from feeling threatened.

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I normally only go after alliances when I'm very directly involved. For example the only time I've been that critical of an alliance was Athens and your alliance, ROK, during the TPF war. Only because I was going to get as many political points as a I possibly could to try to get a victory out of that faux war.

Otherwise I just mindlessly hail and try to have sterling reputation of no enemies :P

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