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The life and loves of ant #312,

Entries in this blog

Day ?

I haven't been able to write for several days. A couple days back I got my wish, and we were deployed as security for the drones workers harvesting the oatmeal cream pie. Ant, it was beautiful. Anyway, there was word that the reds were in the area, and spiders, I was excited and scared. The pheromones from the workers and the soldiers was thick. One small spider tried to cross our path, but he was pushed back quiet easily. But then it all went horribly wrong. First it was like the night w



Day 4

I got close to the main entrance today. The air smelled sweet and I think I saw light. #1458 claims he saw something blue outside the colony, but I think he is lying. We heard that one of the drones found the fabled oatmeal cream pie. We might get deployed as security for the recovery effort. I hope so. I want to crush the head of a stinking aphid farming red ant.



Day 3

My mandibles came in today!!11!!!!! I wonder if I keep rubbing them if they will get bigger? I want my mandibles to be so HUGE so I can squish the aphids.



Day 2

Wiggled around some today. I am can't wait for my mandibles to grow in. I bet they are going to be huge! I am going to keep eating plenty of Queen's jelly to make sure. I don't like how #1623 keeps watching me. I think he is just jealous.



Day 1

Emerged from my egg today. Wiggled some then my brothers vomited in my mouth. Hmmm mmm home cooked meals are the best.



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