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Thoughts, musings and occasional bits of shameless propaganda. Bear in mind anything posted here is down to me & me alone.

Entries in this blog

Pre-Emptive Strikes

In a war where you feel your entry would leave you out-numbered and out-gunned is there any real choice? The NpO-\m/ war was always going to escalate as everyone decided they'd take advantage of the situation to further their own agendas. Now we find ourselves in the midst of global war once again. The way this war has escalated is something of a portent for all future wars. With the mass of treaties in effect on Bob it seems from my point of view that any and all wars could easily expand into



It all went Pete Tong...

Like everyone else atm I've got a bad case of 'what the hell happened?' running round my head. I was there at update and got as confused as anyone. Is it a trap? Is it not? Do I care? Why am I awake right now I could be asleep... They all went through my mind. Why & how it went down doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is the following... If the events around update 29/01/10 were a trap for TOP + co. Did all the nations involved in the 'bait' AA's (Polar, \m/, PC, FOK etc) know of this



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