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Suggestion: Add link to Blog to nation page

Just a small suggestion: Why don't we add the link to a person's blog to it's nation-overview-page? It would make it easier to view people's blogs and would implement the blog as a integral part of someone's nation. Fixxx



Suggestion: Overhaul Government positions

Unpredictability is a difficult point in any game; You can't have too much of it or people will get frustrated, but you can't have too little of it either or people become bored. Cybernations derives much of it Unpredictability from interaction between the different power levels within the game (Sphere / Alliance / Nation) and there is very little in the game mechanics because of the KISS approach. At the moment the sole source of Unpredictability outside war is the occurrence of events. At the



A short history of Olympos

Olympos was founded in the aftermath of the downfall of a big Empire which name has been lost in history (or so the government wants it's citizens to believe). Captain Fixxx was a young professional civil engineer who got drafted into national service at the start of the great war. Due to his higher education he was made officer in the Army corps of Engineers where he gained the trust of the Generals in charge. As the saying goes: It's easy to make promotion in times of war. Fixxx shot up throug



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