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Corporate Republic of Ceylon


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[OOC: Very much a work in Progress.

Almost all pictures are clickable, leading to big versions!

Links to each individual post:
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90652&view=findpost&p=2670088"]Notable Technologies[/url]

Another OOC Note:
I do not recognise wars that are not preplanned although I will recognise unplanned wars IF AND ONLY IF I get involved by proxy. IE; War was never declared on me, but by some strange action, aggressive attacks are made on my people (or allies).
I have taken steps to avoid war IC, but that won't stop most people, so once again, if you don't plan the war with me, I don't recognise it.
I do not recognise "lulz" RP against or within my nation without prior consent from me.
I uphold a polite contact policy. If you have a problem with me, my conduct, or my RP; Do not hesitate to PM me, or, as is more convenient for me most of the time, contact me on MSN. I will get back to you.
I do not recognise spy rolls as more than "You manage to infiltrate if you RP it properly". I put time into RPing and detailing my anti spy defenses, if you want to spy on me, RP it. I'll be accommodating, and not just turn you away, I will not godmod, but if you want in, bloody RP it.
I do not recognise any RP that undermines my prior RP in my land. You can't go back on how I RP my people, my defenses, or my protocols. If you invade me, I've pages on what my citizens think of different groups and people, you will follow it. You cannot stroll over my defenses. You cannot stroll over my terrain. You cannot ignore that I've done a lot in the time of RPing the same nation.

[center][font="Times New Roman"][size="7"]Corporate Republic of Ceylon[/size][/font]

[u]Location in the world[/u]



[u]Coat of Arms[/u]


[b][u]National Anthem[/u][/b]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZU6XyFxCA0"]An orchestral piece[/url]

[b]Political Capital:[/b] Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte
[b]Financial Capital:[/b] Colombo
[b]Largest City:[/b] Colombo

[size="7"]De-facto Leader[/size]
[size="6"]CEO/Sostra Holdings, Laura Leclerc[/size]

[size="6"]CEO/Oberone, Alexander Leclerc[/size]

[b]Gross Domestic Product[/b]

Currency: Ceylon Rupee (CLR)

GDP: 9,698,708,543,220 Dollars
GDP per capita: 29,873.28 Dollars
GDP in Rupees: 108,949,472,549,407.55 R
GDP per capita in R: 335,578.47
1 R = $0.08902
$1 = 11.2334 R

Tax rate: 20%

Total spending: 1.79 trillion dollars

[u][b]Regions and Population[/b][/u]





[b]Life expectancy at birth[/b]
total population: 88.3 years
male: 86.6 years
female: 90.0 years

Aged 15 years & above[/b]

[b]Cabinet of advisors[/b]

Advisor of Defence - Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (el.)
Advisor of Energy and Power - Champika Ranawaka (el.)
Advisor of Foreign Relations - Sanath Pinnaduwa (el.), Ranil Wickremesinghe (app.)
Advisor of Space - Charles Rocketworth (el.)
Advisor of Agriculture - Aruna de Zoyza (el.), Senaratna de Silva (app.)

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[u]Agriculture Development Program[/u]
Ceylon is a relatively small nation with a large population density. These people need to be fed, and thus the government has started an initiative in which vertical farms have been constructed for mass-farming on a rarely seen scale. Only with this measure can all the tens and hundreds of millions be fed.

[u]Anti-Air Defense Network[/u]
Ceylon is small, with its capital on an island. There thus is a great need to prevent aerial assaults, advanced SAM and radar sites have been built in the Central Highlands, with the tallest mountain on Ceylon being 2,524 meters above sea level. These defenses ensure that attacks on the mainland will be much more difficult.
Similar defenses have been constructed in Bengal, taking those originally built by Cochin and improving them in key locations, even taking some inspiration from these to further improve Ceylon's defenses. This makes sure that any hostile attack would have to battle a powerful multi-tiered aerial defense system capable of engaging all sorts of aerial threats, ranging from gravity bombs over heat- and radar-seeking missiles to some of the most stealthy planes there are.

[u]Directorate of Internal Intelligence[/u] [i](Central Intelligence Agency)[/i]
While Ceylon is largely neutral and peaceful, it has been recognised that some nations may seek to harm it. Thus, the DII has been established. It is tasked with finding hostile agents, develop security measures against cyber- and hacking attacks as well as mislead the enemy by carefully releasing false information.

[u]Agency for Catastrophe Alleviation[/u] [i](Federal Aid Commission)[/i]
Yearly, the monsoon comes to Ceylon, washing through the cities and mountains. To make sure these masses of water do not kill too many people, the ACA has been established. Its job is to make sure that all regulations are followed, and to draft new regulations in case it becomes necessary. The ACA is also capable of responding to most other natural attacks as well as nuclear, chemical and biological attacks.

[u]Fallout Shelter System[/u]
In parts of Ceylon, there are deep catastrophe-vaults in case of an apocalypse-like situation. Almost 45,500,000 people would be able to survive in them, making sure than Ceylon can be repopulated even after the worst catastrophes. In addition, the subway and underground rail tunnels can be used as shelters, if not as durable and strong as the dedicated shelters.

[u]Independence Commemoration Hall[/u] [i](Great Monument)[/i]
Independence Commemoration Hall (also Independence Memorial Hall) is a national monument in Ceylon built for commemoration of the independence of Ceylon. It is located at the Independence Square (formally Torrington Square) in the Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo.
The monument was built at the location where the formal ceremony marking the start of self rule occurred at a special podium February 4. Most of the annual National Independence Day celebrations are being held here.

[u]St.Paul's Church Milagiriya[/u] [i](Great Temple)[/i]
This is one of the oldest churches of Ceylon, built by the Portuguese in the 17th century, later rebuilt by the british. Nowadays, it is a multi-religious church, and any faith can come here to pray.

[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_College_Colombo"]Royal College Colombo[/url] [i](Great University)[/i]
The Royal College of Colombo (commonly known as Royal College) was founded in January 1835. It is considered to be the leading Public School in Ceylon. The oldest public school in the country, it is a National School, as such it is funded by the central government as opposed to the provincial council providing both primary and secondary education.
Situated in a relatively calm section of Colombo known as the Cinnamon Gardens, it occupies an area of 34 acres along the Rajakeeya Mawatha‎. The college is funded by the Ministry of Education, which appoints its Principal. The Principal is the head of the administration of the College and is assisted by a Vice Principal. The school is divided in to three sections: the primary school (the former Royal College Preparatory School), middle school and the upper school, each coming under a deputy principal (the head of the primary school is known as the Headmaster/Headmistress). The college educates close to 9100 students in both secondary and primary education. Administration of the college hostel is carried out by the Warden under supervision of the Principal and is assisted by a Sub-warden.

[u]Hidden Strike Capacities[/u] [i](Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo)[/i]
Ceylon's stance is against nuclear weapons. This does not mean, however, that it wishes to be defenseless. Thus, several secret launch sites have been built from which kinetic killer-missiles can be launched which are capable of destroying nuclear missiles, or at least bringing them off course.
These silos can theoretically fire nuclear ICBMs and satellite-killer missiles, as well. They are located all over Ceylon's national territory, in at least eight different locations, all camouflaged and kept secret to the greatest extent possible.

While every nation has internet in one or another way, the comparatively small size and high urbanization of Ceylon made it possible to distribute this glorious invention to virtually the entire populace, at extremely high speeds rarely seen outside of the country. Obviously, no essential systems are connected to it, so that hacking anything but low-key governmental or civilian computers through it is futile. Important systems have their own networks, independent of others that aren't related to them. These sometimes are only used when needed. Thus, the many powerplants in Ceylon can be networked together, but usually are cut off each other - something which a telephone call with verification can change. This would result in manual attachment to the network in both locations. The same is the case for many other systems in the nation.

[u]Mass Rapid Transit[/u] [i](Interstate System)[/i]
The MRT is a rapid transit system that forms the backbone of the railway and monorail system in Ceylon, spanning the entire country. The network spans almost the entire island and most of Bengal, with people being able to go from one the other end within record time while riding in great comfort. The lines are, due to lack of space, largely underground.

[u]Manhattan Project[/u]
Ceylon's official stance is that it neither has nuclear weapons nor the equipment needed to build them. The government denies the existence of any sort of nuclear weapon in Ceylon.
In secret, there is at least one manufacturing complex capable of building nuclear weapons, and a small stockpile of varying yield has been assembled.

[u]Mining Industry Consortium[/u]
The major goals of the MIC are to maximise efficiency of resource extraction in the ocean within Ceylon's juristdiction and to keep damage to the environment as low as humanly possible at the same time. The experience gained from the MIC is currently being used on the lunar surface to maximise profits on Earths satellite. It is led by the CEC as largest of Ceylon's mining companies.

[u]Ceylon Film Awards[/u] [i](Movie Industry)[/i]
The Ceylon Film Awards is awarded annually by the Government for “exceptional achievement in Ceylon's filmmaking.”
The Ceylon Film Awards Gala takes place in mid-January, Colombo, to honour films released in the previous year, and is one of the most glamourous highlights in Ceylon's film calendar. These awards are endowed with a cash disbursement totaling 4,000,000 Rupees. The largest endowment, at 2,000,000 Rupees, is given with the award for Best Producing, for "the single most exceptional Ceylonn film that leaves the greatest overall impression." The other awards are each given with endowments of 100,000-250,000 Rupees.

[u]National Environment Office[/u]
The NEO was centralised only recently from individual civilian organisations, but quickly achieved nationwide acceptance and was indeed 'promoted' to become an official governmental organisation tasked with keeping the environment of Ceylon clear, clean and healthy. They are doing their job admirably, though some corporations do obviously dislike the office, precious money going to such [i]trivial[/i] things as air filters and the like.

[u]Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT)[/u] [i](National Research Lab)[/i]
The Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT) is a State Institution for Research & Development and Training. The Institute specializes in the disciplines of Electronics, Micro-electronics, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Space Technologies, Robotics and other related fields of modern technologies.

[u]National War Memorial[/u]
The National War Memorial in front of the Parliament complex is dedicated to all military personell killed since World War I and police personnel killed due to terrorist activities.

[u]Ignition Facility A-01[/u] [i](Nuclear Power Plant)[/i]
Left, the basic layout. The laser pulse is generated in the room just right of center, and is sent into the beamlines (blue) on either side. After several passes through the beamlines the light is sent into the "switchyard" (red) where it is aimed into the target chamber (silver). Three football fields could fit inside the IF.
To the right, a simplified diagram of the beampath of a NIF laser beam, one of 48 similar beamlines. On the left are the amplifiers and optical switch, and on the right is the final spatial filter, switchyard and optical frequency converter.
Left, A construction worker inside IF's 10 meter target chamber. Almost all of the engineering on the IF laser is on an enormous scale.
Right, Exterior view of the upper 1/3rd of the target chamber. The large square beam ports are prominent.
Left: The flashlamps used to pump the main amplifiers are the largest ever in commercial production.
Right: Laser Bay 2
IF's fuel "target", filled with either D-T gas or D-T ice. The capsule is held in the hohlraum using thin plastic webbing.
Despite all these elaborate things, the IF is, in fact, cheaper and more powerful per invested money than any previous kind of fusion power generation. As many plants as needed have been built.
The ignition facility's designs are largely unique to Ceylon, for varying reasons. Among them, other fusion capable nations preferring other methods of achieving fusion, and similar construction having been destroyed in a German civil war.
IF A-01 stands in Colombo.

[u]Directorate of Military Intelligence[/u] [i](Pentagon)[/i]
The DMI is entrusted with overseeing all issues concerning the national security of Ceylon, be it defensive movements or offensive actions against a hostile country. It also plays a considerable part in Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological defence, strengthening Ceylon's citizens as a People.

[u]National Center for Scientific Progress[/u] (NCSP) [i](Scientific Development Center)[/i]
The NCSP is an institution that was only recently brought to life after a suggestion from German refuge scientists, arguing for a need for high-tech weaponry and technology arising soon. Since then, the NCSP has already contributed immensely to technological standards in Ceylon. At the time, they are working together with the ACCIMT regarding space matters.
And the NCSP's streak of inventions has not stopped. Even now, they develop new and innovative technologies, to make a better tomorrow.

[u]Social Security System[/u]
As it is socialist nation, the government of Ceylon realizes that without a working society, a country cannot grow. The SSS was created to strengthen the poor and provide some competition for the richer, ensuring that both sides would try to do their best in strengthening themselves and the economy.

[u]Ceylon AeroSpace Agency[/u]
CASA is the single largest group in Ceylon and responsible for maintenance of the [i]Smiling Buddha[/i] space station, the [i]Anuradhapura[/i] stations, the [i]Explorer[/i] class research vessels as well as the lunar base built by Ceylon (in addition to any other non-commercial space assets of the nation). They are based in Galle, the Launch loop of the Kingdom of Cochin being used to bring materials into space. With the successful construction of two massive space stations as well as a large moon base with a sizable mining outpost and a small, but growing colony, one may argue they have easily surpassed their goal of becoming as successful as Canada's or the GDR's space agencies.

[u]WTC Colombo[/u]
WTC Colombo is a marketplace organizer for the trading of shares and other securities. It also is a transaction services provider. It gives companies and investors access to global capital markets. It is a joint stock company and was founded in shortly after Ceylon's independence. The headquarters are in Colombo.

[u]RC Defense Initiative[/u] [i](Strategic Defense Initiative)[/i]
There are numerour nuclear states in the world, and sometimes, more than fallout shelters are needed. Thus, the RCDI was established. Its primary means of interception are high-powered electrolasers at high ranges, anti-ballistic missiles as secondary means at medium and high ranges and high-powered chemical lasers at lower ranges as tertiary defense line. It has been tested before, but it will hopefully never be used at all.

[u]National Health[/u] [i](Universal Health Care)[/i]
The NH is a program that streamlines and privatizes the health care system in Ceylon, to make it more transparent, easier to access and cheaper at the same time. Before, the bureaucratic mess was a nightmare, but thanks to this program, many things have been improved and others will be improved even more.

[u]Ceylon Electrical and Mechanical Works[/u] [i](Weapons Research Complex)[/i]
The CEMW was created by Ceylon to propel the country ahead of other armies in the world. The program is largely successful, but in the future, more advancements may be announced. However, many are classified at the time.

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[size="5"]Treaties and Embassies[/size]

Note: Treaties are ordered in importance; MDP overrides ODP, ODP overrides NAP, et cetera.

[b]Mutual Defense, optional Aggression[/b]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99886&view=findpost&p=2683746"]Addis Ababa Accord[/url] - Kingdom of Cochin, Principality of Aeon
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103150&view=findpost&p=2745343"]With[/url] Royaume de la Lumière
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103239&view=findpost&p=2747302"]Pact of Carbon Nanotubes[/url] - UFE

[b]Mutual Defense[/b] with
[list=1][*][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92871&view=findpost&p=2470700"]Kingdom of Cochin[/url]

[b]Other treaties[/b]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99950&view=findpost&p=2680058"]Treaty of Amity[/url] - UFE

[b]Trade pact[/b]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97661"]Trade Federation[/url]



[b]Foreign bases[/b]
Ceylon Antarctic Research Outpost


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[size="6"]Ceylon Police Service[/size][/center]

The Ceylon Police Service (commonly known to as the Ceylon Police) is the civilian national police force of the Republic of Ceylon. The police force has a manpower of approximately 920,000. It is responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic law, enhancing public safety, maintaining order and keeping the peace throughout Ceylon. The professional head of the police is the Inspector General of Police who reports to the CEO of CIII. The current CEO is Christoph Claudius Cannel.

In recent years with the Ceylon civil war, the police service has become an integral part of maintaining of the nation's security, with primarily focusing on internal security. Many police officers have been killed in the line of duty mainly due to terrorist attacks. Specially trained commando/counter-terrorist unit named Special Task Force, are regularly deployed in joint operations with the armed forces for counter-terrorism operations, VVIP protection, and the police command structure in Northern and Eastern provinces is closely integrated with the other security organizations under the authority of the Joint Operations Command.

In case of emergency, any civilian in Ceylon can reach the police by dialing 119 from any telephone or sending e-mail to police@police.cln.


[list][*]Law enforcement
[*]Fighting crime.
[*]Carrying out investigations.
[*]Drug enforcement.
[*]Keeping public security.
[*]Maintaining public order.
[*]Securing public events, rallies and holidays.
[*]Riot control / crowd control.
[*]Intelligence Services.
[*]Providing VIP security (VVIP security is handled by the Special Task Force).
[*]Handling suspicious objects and Bomb disposal (EOD) (handled by the Special Task Force).
[*]Handling the local command of the Home Guard.
[*]Assisting the Prison Service in prisoner transport and control of prison unrest.
[*]Traffic control
[*]Coordinating emergency services
[*]Police and community
[*]Handling civilian complaints.
[*]Handling youth violence and crime.
[*]Educating the community and participating in educational campaigns.
[*]Providing ceremonial escorts to the President, the Prime minister and foreign ambassadors on state functions.
[*]Assist and coordinate community policing.


The Ceylon Police is headed by the CEO of CIII, who has autonomy to commanding the service from the Police Headquarters, Colombo and support by the Police Field Force Headquarters, Colombo.

The police service is organized in to five primary geographic commands, known as ranges (Range I, II, III, IV, V), covering the northern, western, eastern and southern sectors of the island under the command of a Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police (SDIG). The ranges were subdivided into divisions, districts, and police stations, Colombo was designated as a special range. Each police division headed by a Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) covers a single province and a police district headed by a Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) covers a single district of the country.
The same is the case in Bengal, with ranges VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.
As of last year, there were more than 8,000 police stations.

The police service has a number of specialized units responsible for investigative, protective, counter-terrorism and paramilitary functions.
Investigation of organized criminal activity and detective work are handled by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) under the command of a Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG). More coordinated threats to internal security are the responsibility of the Counter Subversive Division, which is primarily an investigative division. It will soon me merged with the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID). The TID carries out counter-terrorism investigations and threats to internal security.

Protective security units include the Corporate Security Division (important public figures), Diplomatic Security Division (foreign diplomats) and Judicial Security Division (Judges).
Other specialized units includes the Information Technology Division, the Mounted Division, the Anti-riot Squad, Traffic Police, K9 units, the Marine Division, the Police Narcotic Bureau and the Children & Women Bureau. The police service also operates the Ceylon Police College for personnel training and the Police Hospital, Colombo.

[b]Special Task Force[/b]
The Special Task Force is one of several special operational units in the Police Service. The Special Task Force is a paramilitary police force. Its 1,100-member force was organized into 7 companies and trained in counterinsurgency techniques.
Companies of the force also serve in rotation as part of the presidential security guard.

[b][size="4"]Specialized units and Divisions[/size][/b]

[b]Protective units[/b]
[list][*]CEO's Security Division
[*]Corporate Security Division
[*]Judicial Security Division
[*]Diplomatic Security Division

[b]Counter-Terrorist units[/b]
[list][*]Special Task Force (STF)
[*]Terrorist Investigation Department (TID)

[b]Crime-Investigation units[/b]
[list][*]Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
[*]Colombo Crime Division
[*]Police Narcotic Bureau
[*]Children & Women Bureau
[*]Human Rights Division

[b]Law enforcement[/b]
[list][*]Mounted Division
[*]Marine Division
[*]Traffic Police
[*]Tourist Police
[*]Police Kennels (K9 units)
[*]Ombudsman Division
[*]Strategic Development Division (community policing)

[b]Support units[/b]
[list][*]Police Information Technology Division
[*]Police Examination Division
[*]Ceylon Police Academy
[*]Police Hospital, Colombo

[b][size="6"][center]Ceylon Armed Forces (CAF)[/center][/size][/b]

The Ceylon Armed Forces is the overall unified military of the Corporate Republic of Ceylon encompassing the Ceylon Army, the Ceylon Navy, the Ceylon Air Force which comes under preview of Vangaurd Industries. The total strength of the three services numbers around 2,430,000 active personal who have voluntary joined, since military draft have never been imposed in Ceylon.

[b]Strategic Importance[/b]
The posture of the military has been defensive due to the nature of the strategic threats to Ceylon. In the short-term, internal security is considered the main threat to the nation's future. In the long-term, the threat is seen as primarily external from current and future superpowers in their rival quests for dominance of the Indian Ocean.
The military of Ceylon has received a significant amount of military aid from the Kingdom of Cochin. Throughout the period from 2070 onwards, as a symbol of goodwill and cooperation between the two countries in terms of security, Cochin has supplied the Ceylon army with Cochin military equipment. Weapons provided include small arms, tanks and howitzers, as well as mobile vehicles.

[b]Command organization[/b]
The CEO of Vanguard is nominally the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The Corporate Security Council, chaired by the CEO is the authority charged with formulating and executing defence policy for the nation. The highest level of military headquarters is the Directorate of Defence, with Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa as its Executive Director.

The Directorate of Defence is responsible for the management of the forces, while the planning and execution of combined operations is the responsibility of the Joint Operations Command (JOC). The JOC is headed by the Chief of the Defence Staff who is the most senior officer in the Armed Forces and is an appointment that can be held by an Air Chief Marshal, Admiral, or General. The three services have their own respective professional chiefs: the Commander of the Army, the Commander of the Navy and the Commander of the Air Force, who have much autonomy.

[list][*]Ceylon Army (CA)
[*]Ceylon Navy (CN)
[*]Ceylon Air Command (CAC)

The CAF protects the interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic from external threats.
It relies on a large pool of volunteers in the active and reserve forces. It has an active strength of 1,889,230 Soldiers, not including support personnel or that from other branches.


[size="6"]Public part ends here

Classified part begins here[/size]

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[u][size="5"]Weapons and equipment of the CAF[/size][/u]

[b]Nanosuit 2[/b]






[u]Deployment of the N2[/u]
Each man of the CAF will be equipped with the N2 after finishing the second year in the military. This allows each section to function as part of a larger network and tap on the wider resources of the battalion and call for more responsive and precise fire support.

[u][b]CAR 21[/b][/u]
The CAR 21 (Ceylon Assault Rifle - 21st Century) is an assault rifle designed and manufactured in the Corporate Republic of Ceylon.
It was designed and developed over a four-year period. Many of its design features are directly intended to counter the weaknesses of previous assault rifles as encountered operationally by some infantrymen.


Made of a rugged, high impact polymer, most of the manufacturing is done utilising CNC machines, with ultrasonic welding for the steel-reinforced receiver halves and the gun barrel being cold hammer forged. It uses a modified KAL/Stoner operating system, boasting higher reliability and lower recoil. The magazine tracker allows precise assessment of current ammo load.
The CAR 21 also incorporates a built-in Laser Aiming Device (LAD; powered by a single AA battery) as standard, which can emit visible or infrared beams. The rifle incorporates various patented safety features, such as a Kevlar cheek plate and overpressure vent that protects the shooter in the unlikely event of a chamber explosion or catastrophic failure. It also has an integral 1.5x scope that is built into its carrying handle. The scope aids in target acquisition, particularly under low light conditions. The scope is factory-zeroed, and requires minimal further zeroing to suit different users. This minimizes non-training range time.
The on/off switch for the LAD is on the left handguard; when holding the weapon at ready, the left thumb rests naturally on it.

[i]Light Machine Gun (LMG)[/i]
Fitted with an open bolt, it has a heavy 513 mm barrel with an integral folding bipod.
Same as the basic CAR 21, but has 3.0x scope instead of standard 1.5x.
[i]Grenade Launcher (GL)[/i]
Attached with a Vanguard 40 mm or V-K23 grenade launcher. Several sub-variants/prototypes incorporate different targeting modules (or mounted on p-rails) for grenade target acquisition.
Has a Picatinny rail in place of its integral optical sight. Charging handle is moved to the left hand side of the weapon (Interchangeable with right side).
[i]Modular Mounting System (MMS)[/i]
Has integral optical sight and LAD removed to allow a wide variety of add-on tactical accessories, such as vertical assault grips, tactical lights and reflex sights. Charging handle is moved to the left hand side of the weapon. Similar to P-rail model with exception of shorter barrel.
[i]Light Weight Carbine[/i]
A light weight CAR 21 variant was revealed during a recent Defence Exhibition. The variant boasts an ultra-short barrel, shorter handguards and an integral holo-dot aiming recticle. A Picatinny rail is used as well.


[u][b]Combat knife[/b][/u]

The combat knife is the standard knife of the Ceylon military, mostly used by the CA. The knife is manufactured in Ceylon by Vanguard.

The knife is produced according to regulations by the company Vanguard. The entire assembly consists of only two components: the laser cut 172 mm Black Kalgard coated, forged 440A stainless steel Westernized tanto blade, and the ergonomic ambidextrous polyamide handle. The entire knife weighs approximately 320 grams. The sheath for the combat knife is turnable, and includes an adapter to allow it to be mounted onto the MOLLE/PALS load bearing system(s).
Later revisions of the knife use a different stainless-steel alloy with better edge-holding properties HRC 57.


MATADOR (Man-portable Anti-Tank, Anti-DOoR) is a 90 mm man-portable, disposable anti-armor weapon system developed by Ceylon. It is an updated version of the Armbrust design, and operates on the same principles. The development of this weapon began in 2066 and the MATADOR replaced the Armbrust Light Anti-tank Weapon which has been in service for several decades.
The MATADOR was developed jointly by the CAF and Vanguard, in collaboration with a CORE team.

The MATADOR is among the lightest in its class. The warhead is effective against both vehicle armour and brick walls. The weapon has little backblast, making it safe for operation in confined spaces.
It is capable of defeating the armour of most known armoured personnel carriers and light tanks in the world. The dual-capability warhead, when acting in the delay mode, creates an opening greater than 450 mm in diameter in a double brickwall, and acting as an anti-personnel weapon against those behind the wall, offering an unconventional means of entry when fighting in built-up areas.
The MATADOR's projectile is largely insensitive to wind due to its propulsion system which results in a highly accurate weapon system.

The warhead can be used in both High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) and High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) modes against armor and walls or other fortifications respectively. Selection is done by extending a probe (simply a fuse extender) for HEAT mode and leaving the probe retracted for HESH mode.

[u]Countermass system[/u]
Similar to the Armbrust, the countermass counteracts the recoil of the weapon upon firing. The countermass consists of saline water which is projected out of the rear of the weapon when it is fired. The water is quickly vaporized once it leaves the back of the weapon. The area is misty for a few seconds until the vapor dissipates and/or condenses, but there is [i]far[/i] less backblast and heat than when plastic countermass would be used.
MATADOR and Armbrust comparison

Further variants of MATADOR have also been developed by CORE, designed primarily for anti-structure use by soldiers operating in dense urban environments.
Multi-purpose weapon with a warhead effective against a wide variety of ground targets, from light armoured vehicles to fortified positions and urban walls. As with the initial MATADOR, this is achieved with a dual-mode fuze, which has been improved on the MATADOR-MP such that it now automatically discriminates between hard and soft targets rather than requiring the operator to manually make the selection. A dedicated targeting device, mounted on its Picatinny rail, incorporates a reflex sight and laser rangefinder to provide a high hit probability.
Specialised wall-breaching weapon, featuring an Explosively-formed Ring (EFR) warhead that breaches a man-sized hole, between 75-100cm across, in typical urban walls.
Anti-structure weapon with an advanced tandem warhead that can also be set between two modes. The anti-emplacement mode uses an enhanced blast effect to defeat structures and fortifications, while the penetratingmouse-holing mode defeats light armoured vehicles and creates mouseholes in urban walls.

MATADOR, compared to an older SIMON grenade launcher.


[u][b]S8 ISD-V4 "Vanguard"[/b][/u]

Note: This weapon is not for use without reinforced shoulder-braces or -augmentations as per CORE Corp. and CAF standards. Failure to adhere to these standards may lead to dislocation or breaking of the shoulder during use.




[u][b]Miklor MGL Mk.1 40mm grenade launcher[/b][/u]

The Miklor MGL six-shot 40mm grenade launcher is a multi-shot 40mm hand-held weapon. Developed by the company Vanguard, it entered production in 2065. Since 2068, an improved version of the basic design entered the production, it has been designated MGL Mk.1. Miklor MGL offers significant firepower increase, compared to the M79 single shot 40mm launcher. The rapid-fire capability (six shots in less that three seconds) is essential in ambush situations and in fast-paced urban warfare. The most recent modifications of the Mk.1 launcher are the Miklor Mk.1S and Miklor MK-140. These two launchers differ from original Mk.1 with their stronger, stainless steel frame (as opposed to the original aluminium frame), as well as by having four Picatinny-type accessory rails around the barrel. The difference between Mk.1S and Mk-140 is the length of the cylinder - while Mk.1S retains the original cylinder, the Mk-140 has a longer cylinder, which can accommodate a wider variety of the less-lethal 40mm ammunition, which usually has longer warheads. Both types also an fire all standard 40x46mm 'lethal' ammunition, including HE, HE-FRAG, HEDP and others.
The Miklor Mk.1 is a revolver type, hand-held grenade launcher. The six-shot cylinder is rotated by the clockwork-type spring for each shot. The spring is wound manually during the reloading. For reloading, the rear part of the frame (along with the pistol grip) is unlocked and then rotated sideways around the top strut of the frame, until the chambers in the cylinder are exposed for reloading. Once the cylinder is reloaded, the rear part of the frame is rotated back and locked into position. The double-action firing mechanism has a manual safety above the pistol grip. All Mk.1 launchers are fitted with the red-dot type sight, with a range scale. Updated versions, M.1S and Mk.1L, also can be fitted with other types of sights, using a Picatinny rail on the top of the barrel. The top folding shoulder stock has a rubber recoil pad.


[b][u]425GX ACSW Advanced Crew-Served Weapon automatic grenade launcher[/u][/b]

Modern warfare having been determined to require new strategies, among them weapons that will fire air-bursting munitions with programmable fuses, the CAF initiated the development of several so-called Objective weapons. After much development, the prime contractor for ACSW program was selected as Vanguard. First demonstrated in around 2061 as 25mm OCSW, in 2068 the 425GX ACSW was on advanced stages of development, with several prototypes already tested with live ammunition, including air-bursting rounds. Initial plans called for first CAF units to be equipped with 25mm 425G ACSW weapons by 2070. For added versatility, 425GX can be easily converted to fire .50 caliber machinegun ammunition (12.7x99) with replacement of just 5 parts.
The key to greatly increased combat effectiveness of the ACSW system is programmable air-bursting ammunition, which will be used in conjunction with an electronic fire control unit. This ammunition will allow it to precisely engage enemy personnel in open or in cover, without the need for direct impact in the target area. Other types of ammunition proposed for 425GX ACSW are HEAT (with required armor penetration up to 5cm/2in), non-lethal (with tear gas for peace-keeping applications) and training rounds with dummy warheads.
The 425GX Advanced Crew Served Weapon is gas operated, rotating bolt locked weapon that uses a differential recoil system for decreased peak recoil. 425GX is a belt fed weapon that fires from open bolt. The belt feed and bolt cycling are operated by conventional gas action. The fire control unit includes zoomable day and night vision channels that output the sight picture to the small display at the rear of the sight. Integral laser range-finder allows for precise range measurement, necessary for automatic point of aim correction and for programming of the air-bursting fuzes. 425GX weapon is fitted with dual, ergonomically shaped spade grips with triggers and fire and sight control buttons. Additional buttons are located at the rear of the sight/fire control unit, below the eyepiece. In standard applications, 425GX can be used either on lightweight infantry tripod, or on vehicle mounts, manually or remotely controlled. For vehicular applications, K/M developed the dual feed option, which allows to select the type of ammunition (anti-personnel HEAB or armour-piercing) at the instant before firing.


[u][b]Type 4 LMG[/b][/u]

The Type 4 is a belt-fed 7.62 mm light machine gun designed and developed by the Ceylon company Sci 5. The weapon was developed in 2062 and was first seen publicly in September 2064 . It has been selected to replace the Type 3 general purpose machine gun in the CAF at the squad support level; it will complement the Type 3 in other roles. Overall, it is designed to be light, provide maximum safety to the user and function reliably under adverse conditions using a wide range of ammunition from different manufacturers, without the need to adjust the gas system.

The Type 4 is an air-cooled, belt-fed gas-operated weapon with a positively locked rotary bolt and is somewhat similar in concept to the Minimi light machine gun. Firing is fully automatic only. Safety mechanisms on the Type 4 includes a manual safety incorporated into fire mode selector toggle; setting the fire selector lever on the safe position blocks the trigger mechanically and locks the bolt in the &#$@ed position. When the bolt is not pulled back completely, accidental firing is prevented by an integral, automatic mechanism that prevents the bolt from traveling forward. In addition, the firing pin cannot reach the cartridge primer until the cartridge has been fully chambered.
The machine gun is fed from a disintegrating belt and is carried out in two stages from the top left using an enhanced pawl mechanism. Spent cases are ejected downwards, although ejection to the right is an option.
The Type 4 has a hammer-forged quick-change barrel that can be safely exchanged when hot without the need for protective gloves; the carrying handle serves as the barrel change grip. To reduce the overall length of the weapon for transport, the butt stock can be folded to the left side of the receiver. With the buttstock folded the Type 4 remains fully operable. A field cleaning kit is housed within the stock.
A folding bipod is provided. Supporting interfaces are integrated into the receiver to allow the Type 4 to be mounted on the standard Sc K3 tripod for increased accuracy and stability.
In its standard form the Type 4 is equipped with closed type iron sights with range settings up to 1,500 m in increments of 100 m. Optical or night sights or laser pointers can be mounted on a MIL-STD-193 Picatinny rail located on the receiver feed tray cover.



Lance is a third generation anti-tank guided missile developed by Sci 5.

The Lance is a fire-and-forget missile with lock-on before launch and automatic self-guidance. The missile is equipped with an imaging infrared seeker. The long, extended and medium range versions of the Lance also has the capability of Fire, Observe and Update operating mode, by the use of fiber-optical wire that is spooled between the launch position and the missile. This allows the operator to lock onto a target if the target is not in the line of sight of the operator, switch targets, or compensate for the movement of the target if the missile is not tracking the target for some reason. Furthermore, the missile could also be used for simple observation on the other side of the hill and maybe engage a target of opportunity. The tandem warhead is fitted with two shaped charges, a precursor warhead to detonate any explosive reactive armor and a primary warhead to penetrate base armor. It is replacing aging second generation anti-tank missiles in the army. The missile has a soft launch capability which allows the missile to be fired from confined spaces, which is a necessity in urban warfare.

The Lance is broken down into two separate systems a launching tripod fire control unit, and the missile itself. Together, the system weighs, in the long range variant, around 26 kg. Weight savings are achieved by Lance through the elimination of a dedicated thermal sight, as the system uses the missile's imaging seeker for target acquisition.
The purchasing and operating costs of the system are relatively low compared to similar systems. The unit cost of a launcher and of a missile is close to that of the Javelin (which is similar in design, yet lower performance). By using good enough solutions, the system can offer high quality without gold plating. Missile capabilities are similar to those of modern high-end ATGMs.
Lance can be operated by infantry teams from the launching tripod, or from standard mounts designed for fast attack vehicles, utility vehicles and APCs, such as the Bionix IFV. This allows vehicles that are normally not equipped with anti tank weapons to have some form of anti-tank capability.

[*]Lance-SR is the short range version of the weapon. It has a range of some 200 - 1400 meters and is intended for infantry use.
[*]Lance-MR (also known as Gil) is the medium range version. Its range is 200 - 3,200 meters and is used by infantry and special forces. The weight of the missile is 13.5 kg, and the canister itself weighs 13 kg. The launcher, battery, tripod and the launcher are also used by other land-based versions of the Lance missile family, each weighing 13 kg, 1 kg, 3 kg, and 9 kg respectively.
[*]Lance-LR is the long range version. It has a maximum range of 7,000 meters and is used by infantry and light combat vehicles.
[*]Lance-ER is the extended range or extra long range version of the weapon. It has a maximum range of 14,000 meters and is intended to also be used against air-targets. It has a larger diameter and is heavier than the other systems, and is usually vehicle mounted. It is used by infantry, LCVs, and helicopters. This version can also be operated in an anti-ship role. The weight of the missile is 34 kg, the launchers are 30 kg and 55 kg respectively for the vehicle and air-launched versions.


Edited by Lynneth
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[b][size="5"]Vehicles of the CA[/size][/b]

[b][u]Bionix AFV[/u][/b]

The Bionix is a family of tracked armoured fighting vehicles originally developed by Singapore Technologies Kinetics. Bionix has been operational with the CAF since 2064. In a wide variety of vehicles formats including the Bionix II, Bionix 25 and Bionix 40/50 variations.
The Bionix IFV has since been succeeded by the Bionix II, which entered service with CAF in October 2069
A Bionix II with a 30mm Bushmaster II cannon.

The hull and turret are of all-welded-steel construction with modular passive armour protection. Additional armour protection can be installed with an add-on layer of spaced passive armour.

The Bionix is a compact design produced to meet the conditions of Ceylon where small size is a great asset when it comes to travelling among plantations and over roads and bridges not designed for heavy vehicles. The power provided by the 550 hp Wankel engine to drive its 23 tonnes, ensures the Bionix is able to overcome the most difficult terrain. Future upgrades in power ratings can be developed according to needs.
The integrated power pack is mounted to the right of the vehicle and can be removed from the Bionix as a complete unit in under 15 minutes. The engine is coupled to the CIS Defense Systems HMPT-500EC fully hydro mechanical transmission, with the final drives being provided by NRG Engineering. The engine compartment is also fitted with an automatic fire detection and dry-powder fire suppression system with a supplementary manual back up.

The layout of the Bionix is conventional with the driver at the front left, the power pack situated at the front right and the turret in the center with the troop compartment at the rear. Access to the troop compartment at the rear of the vehicle is by a power-operated ramp, which can operate as an emergency access and exit door. A single hatch is installed over the troop compartment.
The driver enters via a roof hatch that opens to the left rear. When driving closed-down, observation is via three day periscopes, while the center periscope can be rapidly replaced by an image-intensification periscope for driving at night. The driver guides the vehicle using a small steering wheel rather than tillers and, as an automatic transmission is fitted, there are just two pedals - accelerator and brake. The instrument panel is mounted on the left, with the transmission selection box on the right.
In the turret, the gunner's station is on the right and the commander's station is on the left, each with a single hatch cover. The turret traverses through 360°. Traverse and weapon elevation is by all-electric digital control. Both the gunner and commander have a turret stop button and are able to lay and fire the weapons. The gunner has the turret control box mounted to the right of his position and both turret-crew members have an adjustable seat. The communications equipment is installed in the turret bustle.
The basic production models lacks an in-built NBC protection and air conditioning system, but can be fitted if/when needed.

The gunner has a twin-control handles and a day/thermal sight, with a magnification of x8 and two fields of view (high and low), with stadias for the 25mm cannon and 6.8mm coaxial machine gun. The commander has an optical relay from the gunner's sight and a single control handle. The vehicle commander has a further five day periscopes to give observation to the turret front, left side and rear; the gunner has three periscopes (1 x M17 and 2 x L794D) to give observation to the right and rear.

[u]Production models[/u]
[i]Bionix 25 [/i]
First production model. Armed with 25mm Bushmaster cannon turret and 2 x 6.8mm GPMG. No longer in use.
[i]Bionix 40/50 [/i]
Variant with Cupola mounted 40mm AGL/0.5-inch HMG twin weapon station and 6.8mm GPMG. Could accommodate up to 11 troops. No longer in use.
[i]Bionix ARV [/i]
Armoured Recovery Vehicle equipped with a 25 tonne winch and a 30 tonne crane.
[i]Bionix AVLB [/i]
Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge fitted with an MLC30 bridge that can be launched within 7 minutes by a crew of two (commander and driver) from the internal armoured compartment or via remote control panel. When extended the bridge can be used to span a gap of up to 22 metres.
[i]Bionix II [/i]
The Bionix design received an upgrade, resulting in the creation of the Bionix II; developed by Code2. The main turret was upgraded to the 30 mm Bushmaster II cannon and armour was improved. The new cannon has 50% greater armor penetration, while the upgraded armour has 50% greater protection against kinetic or shaped charge warheads. The incorporation of a digital Battlefield Management System has allowed the Bionix II to maintain a higher competency in functionality and survivability by interfacing in real time and sharing information with other linked assets such other army units of the Army with those of the Air Force and Navy, thereby giving a better all round tactical and situation awareness. The Bionix II has an improved day / night thermal sighting system (DNTSS) with a dual-axis stabilisation system for enhanced target tracking, and an integrated eye-safe laser rangefinder has a range of up to 3km. Upgrades also include air-conditioning, minefield protection, EMP hardening and enhancements to the 30mm cannon.



The U-600 is a new generation surface-to-air missile system, designed for intercepting short- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles with ranges up to 3,500 km and for defense against Airborne Early Warning and Control, Airborne Warning and Control System, and jamming aircraft. With a detection range of 750 km and engaging range of 600 km, the S-600 is able to detect and simultaneously engage up to 10 targets, including aircraft, cruise missiles, and supersonic ballistic missiles. Furthermore, it has heightened capabilities to counter stealth aircraft. Its radar system possess advanced capabilities against low flying and low RCS targets.


[b][u]AH Mk.2[/u][/b]

The Armoured Howitzer Mk.2, abbreviated AH Mk.2, is a Ceylon 155 mm self-propelled howitzer developed by Code2 and SHOUT for the Ceylon Armed Forces. The AH Mk.2 is one of the most powerful conventional artillery systems currently deployed. It is particularly notable for a very high rate of fire; in burst mode it can fire three rounds in 9 seconds, ten rounds in 56 seconds, and can fire between 10 and 13 rounds per minute continuously, depending on barrel heating. The AH Mk.2 has automatic support for MRSI (Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact) for up to 5 rounds. The replenishment of shells is automated. Two operators can load 90 shells and propelling charges in less than 12 minutes.

SHOUT designed the 155 mm 52-calibre ETC compliant gun, which is chromium-lined for its entire 8 metre length and includes a muzzle brake on the end. The gun uses a new modular charge system with six charges (five identical), which can be combined to provide the optimal total charge for the range to the target. Primer is loaded separately via a conveyor belt, and the entire loading, laying and clearing is completely automated. The maximum range of the gun is 80 km with the standard L15A2 round, about 95 km with base bleed rounds, and at least 105 km with rocket assisted projectiles. In April 2068 a AH Mk.2 shot assisted shells over a distance of 116 km with a probable maximum range of over 130 km. This gun has a MRSI capability, with five round simultaneous strikes as well as using guided warheads.
Code2 supplied both the chassis, sharing some components with the Type 161, and the turret for the gun. The system has superb cross-country performance and considerable protection in the case of counter-fire. The turret includes a phased array radar on the front glacis for measuring the muzzle velocity of each round fired. Laying data can be automatically provided via encrypted radio from the battery fire direction centre. A crew of three was needed for full operation, commander, layer and driver.
Code2 eventually won a contract for 585 to be delivered to the CAF's rapid reaction force, followed by at least another 1,910 for the main force.
Currently the there most likely is no 155 mm 52-calibre ETC self-propelled howitzer comparable to the AH Mk.2 otherwise from some prototypes that other countries may have.


[b][u]SSPH Primus[/u][/b]

The Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) Primus is a self-propelled artillery unit armed with a 155 mm howitzer. Developed jointly by the CAF and Code2, it was introduced to the Ceylon Artillery corps in 2066. Primus is derived from the motto of the Ceylon Artillery corps 'In Oriente Primus' (Latin: "First in the East").

The chassis is based on the proven United Defense M109 155 mm self propelled howitzer. This has been upgraded in a number of key areas and has a new power pack similar to that fitted to ST Kinetics Bionix infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), which is in CAF service, too. The use of common subsystems for the Primus and Bionix IFV offers several advantages, including easier training and reduced logistics.
The Primus power pack consists of a Sostra MG 674 Wa-802 co-axial dual-stage Wankel engine developing 1,100 hp coupled to a HMPT-500-3EC fully automatic transmission.
The maximum road speed of the Primus is 85 km/h, with an operating range of 900 km, its combat weight is of 28.3 tons allows it to use the CAF 's current military bridging systems. The Primus could be deployed by the future A400M Transport aircraft.
The turret is fitted with a locally developed 155 mm/39-cal barrel with a muzzle brake and fume extractor. The range of the Primus' gun would depend on the type of projectile and charge combination used, but is approximately 34 km with the old M107 high explosive (HE) projectile and 85 km with an extended range full bore base bleed projectile. In addition to smoke, HE and illumination projectiles, the locally developed 155 mm cargo round can also be fired.
A semi-automatic loading system is provided to increase the rate of fire and reduce crew fatigue. The fused projectiles are loaded and rammed automatically; the modular charges are loaded manually. The Primus has a burst rate of fire of three rounds in 20 seconds and a maximum rate of fire of 6 rounds per min. The bustle mounted magazine holds up to 26 155 mm projectiles.
The digital fire control system automates the complete projectile loading process and gun laying operation. An ammunition inventory management system keeps track of all on board ammunition as well as ammunition expenditure during firing. The weapon is laid to the target using an automatic fire control system, which includes an on board positioning and navigation system. This can receive target information from the battery or regimental command post. It takes less than 60 seconds to come into action and open fire and 40 seconds to re-deploy.

[b][u]Additional Specifications[/u][/b]
[u]Special Features[/u]
- Automatic loading system, enables operation with 4 men crew
- Automated targeting based on GPS and Datalink
- Datalink system for shared targeting within battalion and information feeding from forward observers.
- Number of road wheel: 7 per side
- Climbing side slope : 31°


[b][u]LWH Pegasus[/u][/b]

The LWH Pegasus at a military arms convention.

The Light Weight Howitzer (LWH) Pegasus is a helicopter-transportable, towed artillery unit. Developed jointly by the CAF and Code2, it was commissioned on 28 October 2067.
The 155 mm, 39-caliber Pegasus is typically towed, but it is also equipped with an independent Sostra 9LD625-2 engine unit to provide short-range self-propelled capability of up to 12 km/h (7 mph). It can be lifted by the Republic of Air Force's heavy transport helicopter, making it one of the world's first heli-portable 155 mm howitzer with a self-propelled capability. In addition, the Pegasus can also be transported by the C-130 Hercules tactical airlifter.
The Pegasus has a burst rate of fire of three rounds in 24 seconds and a maximum rate of fire of four rounds per minute. It can deliver conventional munitions up to 46 km. Extended range munitions can be fired up to 73 km away. A semi-automatic loading system is provided to increase the rate of fire and reduce crew fatigue.
The design of the Pegasus also incorporates several innovative elements. It is built with titanium alloy and aluminium alloy materials that are lightweight and yet able to withstand the recoil force of the 155 mm artillery system. Special recoil management design is also employed to reduce the recoil force to a third lower than conventional 155 mm howitzers.


[u][b]Type 170 MBT[/b][/u]


[u]Mobility and maneuverability[/u]
The 170 can travel at speeds of up to 97 km/h on road surfaces, and maintain speeds of up to 72 km/h in off-road conditions. It can accelerate from 0 to 42 km/h within 7 seconds. It can also climb 60 degree slopes and vertical obstacles 1.3 meters in height. Due to the relatively compact design of the engine, the designers were able to fit an additional gas-turbine engine, developed by kalari, which also provided many of the electronic components for the vehicle, into the remaining compartment space. It is capable of producing 100 horsepower (75 kW), and intended to act as an auxiliary power unit with which the tank may power its onboard systems, even when its main engines are turned off. It will also allow the tank to conserve fuel when idling and reduce the vehicle's overall thermal and acoustic signatures.
The vehicle can cross rivers as deep as 4.1 meters using a snorkel system, which also serves as a conning tower for the tank commander. The system takes approximately 30 minutes to prepare. The turret becomes watertight while fording, but the chassis can take in 440 liters (116 gallons) of water to prevent excessive buoyancy from air inside the vehicle and keep the tracks planted firmly on the ground. Furthermore, the tank can enter combat-ready status as soon as it resurfaces.
The Type 170 fields an advanced suspension system, called the In-arm Suspension Unit (ISU). The ISU, which is installed on every bogie on the tracks, allows them to be individually controlled. Thus, the 170 will be able not only to "sit", "stand" and "kneel", but to "lean" towards a side or a corner as well. "Sitting" gives the tank a lower profile and offers better handling over roads. "Standing" gives the vehicle higher ground clearance and allows it to have better maneuverability over rough terrain. "Kneeling" increases the amount of angle that the tank's gun barrel can elevate and depress, which allows the tank to fire its main gun downhill and give it greater ability to engage low-flying aircraft. The new suspension unit also gives the tank an advantage when traveling on uneven terrain as the bogies can be adjusted on-the-fly to lessen vibration, as well as being light and simple to maintain.

[u]Offensive capability[/u]
The 170's main armament is the L55 120 mm ETC gun, developed by Code2 corporation. It also deploys a 12.7 mm K6 heavy machine gun and a 6.8 mm coaxial machine gun. The ammunition for the main gun is loaded in a 20-shell magazine, with a total ammunition capacity of 48.
The autoloader enables the tank to fire up to 15 rounds per minute, or one round every four seconds, without being affected by the gun's angle.

The 170's primary anti-tank munition is an indigenously developed and improved tungsten APFSDS kinetic energy penetrator. This new munition offers significantly greater penetration than the current generation of tungsten rounds through better heat treatment of the tungsten alloy and a technique referred to as the "self-sharpening process". The latter works by making the tungsten core sharpen rather than deform during the penetration of armor. For attacking unhardened targets, the 170 can use a newly designed multi-purpose HEAT chemical energy round, which is similar to the M830A1 HEAT MP-T, providing good offensive capabilities against personnel, unarmored and lightly armored vehicles on the ground as well as low-flying helicopters.
The STAM (Smart Top-Attack Munition) is a top-attack anti-tank munition designed specifically for use with the Type 170. This projectile is fired in a high trajectory profile comparable to that of a mortar or that of long-range artillery. It should be emphasized that this is not an anti-tank missile—it does not contain any rocket propellant or motors, and travels through the air solely with the kinetic energy applied to it during the initial propulsion from the main cannon. The STAM round does, however, house internal guidance and obstacle-avoidance systems, in the form of a small millimeter band radar, IR and radiometer sensors. Should the need arise, it also has a limited ability to be manually controlled via live data link with the launch vehicle. Upon reaching its designated target area, a parachute deploys, giving the onboard radar system and sensors enough time to seek and acquire stationary or moving targets and fire its explosively formed penetrator from a top-down position, offering excellent anti-tank capabilities due to less protection present at top armor of turrets and hulls of tanks. Due to the fire-and-forget nature of these rounds, the launch vehicle can remain concealed behind cover while firing successive rounds towards the known location of an enemy. It can also provide effective indirect fire support against targets hidden behind obstacles and structures. The minimum range of the munition is 2 km, while the maximum range is 14 km.

[i]Fire Control System and Optics[/i]
The 170 will be equipped with a millimeter band radar system, located at the frontal arc of the turret, along with the traditional laser range-finder and crosswind sensor. This will be complemented by an advanced Fire Control System (FCS), that will allow it to track and engage low-flying aircraft with the main gun quickly and accurately, as well as detect incoming projectiles fired at the tank. The FCS is capable of a "lock-on" mode to maintain acquisition of a specific target, with the system calculating, adjusting and updating the target's information constantly, and allowing the tank to fire while moving without significant loss of accuracy. The lock-on mode can acquire and track its target using thermal optics integrated to the FCS up to 12.8 km away.
Another subtle, but significant, feature of the Type 170's FCS is a built-in trigger-delay mechanism. Other main battle tanks can miss their target while moving, if they open fire at the very moment they hit an uneven terrain feature. The designers foresaw this and compensated by installing a simple mechanism consisting of a tiny laser emitter and receiver linked to the FCS. The laser emitter is installed near the top of the gun barrel, with the receiver being placed at the base. The gun can only be fired when the receiver is precisely aligned with the emitting laser. An example of the mechanism's usage is when the gunner presses the trigger, which is linked directly to the FCS, and the tank comes upon an irregularity on the terrain at the same moment, the laser will find itself off the mark by the sudden shaking and the FCS will delay the round from being fired until the very moment when the laser beam is re-aligned to the receiver again as the barrel shakes up and down repeatedly, where the FCS will automatically fire the gun by itself. This system, combined with an advanced gun stabilizer and fire control system, will significantly improve the tank's ability to hit its target while moving on uneven terrain.
The GPS (Gunner's Primary Sight) and the CPS (Commander's Panoramic Sight) are present in the Type 170 as in a number of foreign tanks. The optics system on the Type 170, however, will be further modified to utilize the advantages of the sensors and armaments offered on the new vehicle.
The commander of the tank has the ability to override the command to take control of the turret and gun from the gunner. Moreover, in the event of an emergency, the vehicle can be operated by only two, or even a single, crew member. It is speculated that the FCS can automatically spot and track visible targets, compare them using the data link established with other friendly vehicles to prevent redundant target engagements, and fire its main gun without manual input.

[u]Defensive capability[/u]
Details on the composite armor of the Type 170 are unknown to the public. The frontal armor has been proven to be effective at defeating the 120 mm APFSDS round fired from the L55 gun. Explosive Reactive Armor blocks are also present, with the addition of Non-Explosive Reactive Armor planned for the 170 PIP version (See below).
Defense against incoming missiles is currently provided by a soft-kill anti-missile system. The 170 PIP will likely deploy a hard-kill anti-missile defense system when it is released within the next few years.
The vehicle's millimeter band radar system can double as a Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS). The vehicle's computer in turn can triangulate incoming projectiles, immediately warn the vehicle crew and fire off Visual and Infrared Screening Smoke (VIRSS) grenades, which can effectively block optical, infrared and radar signatures. Once the hard-kill AMS is installed, the radar system will also be responsible for tracking and targeting the incoming missiles for the AMS. The 170 also has a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and radar jammer. Four all-bearing Laser warning receivers (LWR) are also present to alert the crew should the vehicle become "painted", and the computer can also fire off VIRSS grenades in the direction that the beam is coming from.
An automatic fire-suppression system is programmed to detect and put out any internal fires that may occur, and atmospheric sensors alert the crew if the tank enters a hazardous environment.

[u]Network-centric considerations[/u]

The 170 houses the following features which help to improve situational awareness for the crew:
[list][*]C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence) uplink.
[*]GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) uplink.
[*]IFF/SIF (Identification Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature) system compliant with STANAG 4579. Located on the main gun mantlet, just above the gun, the system fires a 38 GHz beam in the direction of the gun for a response from the targeted vehicle. If a proper response signal is shown by the target, the fire control system automatically identifies it as a friendly. If the target fails to respond to the identification signal, it is then declared as a hostile.
[*]Battle Management System (Similar to the Inter-Vehicular Information System used by some other military forces) allows the vehicle to share its data with friendly units, including other armored vehicles and helicopters.[/list]
Work is also under way to integrate the XAV unmanned wheeled reconnaissance vehicle into the Type 170's systems, giving the tank's crew the ability to remotely scout an area without exposing its position.

[u]170 product improvement program[/u]
The 170 PIP is an improved version of the initial production model of the 170 that will be released within the next few years. Improvements will include:
[list][*]Upgrading the Semi-Active In-arm Suspension Unit to an Active In-arm Suspension Unit
[*]Integration of a high-resolution terrain-scanning system to the vehicle's suspension system. This is purported to allow the vehicle to "plan ahead" by scanning nearby terrain up to 50 meters away in all directions and calculate the optimal position of the bogies in order to improve vehicle handling over uneven terrain.
[*]Integration of a hard-kill anti-missile system.
[*]Addition of Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA).[/list]


[u][b]Stingray V.2 LBT[/b][/u]



[b][u]Code2 VD-82 MLRS[/u][/b]

The VD is a Ceylon heavy multiple rocket launcher. The system is designed to defeat manpower, armored and soft-skinned materiel in concentration areas, artillery batteries, command posts and ammunition depots.
The main components of the VD-82 MLRS system are the following:
[list][*] rockets 9M55 or 9M528 (in containers);
[*] BM 9A52-2 launch vehicle;
[*] TZM 9T234-2 transloader with a 850kg crane and 12 spare rockets;
[*] automated fire control equipment in the command post 1K123 "Vivary";
[*] maintenance vehicle PM-2-70 MTO-V;
[*] set of arsenal equipment 9F819;
[*] training facilities 9F827 and 9F840.[/list]
The 300mm rockets with a firing range of 120 and 150 km and various warheads have been developed for the 82 MLRS.
The 9.2 V.2 vehicle with the automated system ensures:
[list][*] delivery of fire from an unsurveyed fire position;
[*] laying of the launch tube cluster with the crew staying in the cabin and without using aiming points;
[*] autonomous determination of an azimuth of the launch tube cluster’s longitudinal axis;
[*] visual representation of graphical information for the launch tube cluster laying, the route of vehicle movement and location as well as a point of destination and direction of movement on the video terminal;
[*] increase in MLRS survivability owing to reduced time of staying at a fire position;
[*] increased comfort for the laying operator, especially in adverse weather conditions and at night;
[*] increased independent operation owing to the navigation and survey equipment, which allows the vehicle to rapidly change fire positions and move autonomously;
[*] reduction of the combat crew.[/list]


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[u][size="5"]AC-77A Kovas[/size][/u]
Multirole Stealth

[u][size="5"]229 Saber[/size][/u]
Dedicated Stealth

[u][size="5"]SF-6 Wraith[/size][/u]
CAS/Ground Attack

[u][size="5"]I-12 Seagull[/size][/u]
Stealth Bomber

[u][size="5"]AW 159[/size][/u]

[u][size="5"]SF-H5 Raja[/size][/u]

[u][size="5"]UAV Drone E-L9[/size][/u]
The E-L9 is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with stealth characteristics.
An E-L9 system consists of 10 UAVs and 2 ground units, consisting of one control station, one radio, one launch, one maintenance vehicle with a refuelling facility for the UAVs and one recovery vehicle.
The UAV is launched with a booster rocket directly out of its container. Landing is done with a parachute.
The E-L9's main objective is to locate mobile threats and provide target locations for artillery. E-L9 supplements the CA's capabilities in all aspects, as it also is suitable for area reconnaissance and stationary targets.
The attack drone variant is an fitted with an intelligent millimeter-wave radar seeker that performs search and destroy attacks autonomously. It destroys its target with a hollow-charge warhead.
Two electronic warfare variants have also been developed.

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  • 7 months later...

[Missing; Corvette, Amphibious Assault Ship]

[size="6"]Yuhai Class[/size]

[size="6"]Sukanya class[/size]

[size="6"]Jayasagara class[/size]

[size="6"]Ranakami class[/size]

[size="6"]Colombo class[/size]
[size="5"]Aircraft Carrier[/size]
[url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Corp/Ships/38_Carr.jpg"][img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Corp/Ships/th_38_Carr.jpg[/img][/url]

[size="6"]Nandimithra class[/size]
[size="5"]Attack Submarine[/size]

[size="5"]Nuclear Submarine[/size]

Total Ships:
14 [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCS-2"]corvettes[/url]
10 frigates
9 destroyers
11 cruisers
12 battlecruisers (Bship equiv)
8 aircraft carriers
33 attack submarines
12 nuclar submarines
14 landing/amph assault ships

CBG 01 "Home" - 2 carriers; 6 subs; 3 Destroyers; 3 Frigates; 3 Cruisers; 3 Battlecruisers (Bship); 4 Corvettes
CBG 02 "Bengal" - 2 carriers; 6 subs; 2 Destroyers; 3 Frigates; 3 Cruisers; 3 Battlecruisers (Bship); 4 Corvettes
CBG 03 "Arctic" - 2 carriers; 6 subs; 2 Destroyers; 2 Frigates; 3 Cruisers; 3 Battlecruisers (Bship); 3 Corvettes
CBG 04 - 2 carriers; 6 subs; 2 Destroyers; 2 Frigates; 2 Cruisers; 3 Battlecruisers (Bship); 3 Corvettes

[size="6"]Classified part ends here

Public part begins here[/size]

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Corps subject to rewriting.]

[i]Sostra Holdings[/i]
CEO - [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Corp/Laura_head.png"]Laura Leclerc[/url]
Sostra Holdings is a massive corporation, and resembles more a conglomerate of many smaller ones. It does, in fact, control a number of important corporations in Ceylon as subsidiaries.
Sostra itself specialises in the laws, offering the services of numerous experienced and successful, yet competively cheap lawyers, amongst other thigns. Sostra also manages the daily workings for Ceylon's foreign affairs.

[i]Whole Foods[/i]
CEO - Maas Thajoon Akbar
If you had something to eat today, chances are it's Whole Foods. The company is a major food-supplier in Ceylon, not only owning numerous vertical farms within the nation, but also a sizable fleet of transport ships and -planes, capable of supplying our nation with food.
Whole Foods has every kind you can imagine, from sweets over fruits to meat and milk. Some of the food is gene-manipulated, but always properly marked on the packaging, as gene, natural or normal.

[i]Vanguard Industries[/i]
CEO - Felix Dias Bandaranaike
Vanguard is a former mercenary corporation, having turned towards building weapons mostly for infantry, but also branching out on occasion. They have, for example, worked on a as of now to-be-revealed MLR system with reportedly up to 150 kilometers range.

[i]UAC - United Aerospace[/i]
CEO - Udaya Gammanpila
UAC is practially the foremost space exploration agency, working closely with the government's agency and having contributed numerous designs to both shuttles and buildings on the ground.
Their specialisation is exploration though; They have acquired the sole license for the [i]Explorer[/i] class space vessel, though it's expected that none will be built in the near future...Preparations are going on, though.
In addition, UAC also sells high-quality champagne and rice-biscuits. The small shops in malls are worth a visit.

CEO - Daya Perera
SHOUT's name may give an idea what their specialisation is: Communications.
Be it on the ground, in the air, on sea or even in space, SHOUT makes it easier, more comfortable and more efficient.
If you've got a smartphone, chances are: It's SHOUT.

CEO - Frederick Dornhorst
Originally, ENSI was a small enterprise, trying to figure out how the brain works and interpreting this into signals usable by computers.
They soon expanded their field of expertise and nowadays are making headache- and anxiety pills as well as other medicine.
They didn't abandon their original field though, working to bring the best in brain-computer interfaces for nigh-instant reactions no matter the amount adrenaline rushing through your body.
Some of their research has reportedly paid off, are reports, but they haven't come forward with details yet.

CEO - Susil Moonesinghe
Kalari specialises in a number of technologies, among them air filters, NPC-survival technologies and the like.
In addition, they have a chain selling cough drops and other dragées.
They have also announced that they will be expanding into construction of naval vessels.

[i]Sci 5[/i]
CEO - K. V. Samantha Vidyaratna
Sci 5 focuses on worker suits for both civilian and military use (including armoured versions). These suits - usually looking quite a bit like exoskeletons though rather small and easy to handle - can enable the user to carry up to five times the usual of weight they would be able to carry.
Other branches of Sci 5 build machine guns and refridgerators.

CEO - Ali Ameer
Neptune is another corporation that is planning to go big in space-related technologies, even claiming to be capable of building military-grade vessels for use in zero-G conditions.
Whether these claims will hold true remains open.

CEO - [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/VDL/1277812715439.jpg"]Alexander Leclerc[/url]
Oberone's focus lies with so-called 'Apps' for Smartphones, various versions of the addicting game Bejeweled (as well as other classics) and touchscreen interfaces.
Notable is that its CEO is apparently the brother of [i]Sostra[/i] CEO Laura Leclerc.

CEO - H.L. de Silva
CORE is, amongst other things, alarge security company, proving the equipment of Ceylon's police force (and sometimes the policemen themselves).
Its weapons research department brought us pieces such as the ZX-800 sniper rifle or the Matador portable AT-weapon.

CEO - Mitchell Baker
cyphox invented the similarly named internet browser which, with modern Ceylon technology, is capable of some astounding things.
Aside from being a universal browser able to display practcally [i]any[/i] common file format in use, it is also capable of preparing a simple breakfast such as coffee or making toast, when the nexessary upgrades to your flat are available.
It can also function as personal secretary if you use one of SHOUT's advanced smartphones with VI-technology and holotech.

CEO - Edwin Yapa
Code2 specialises in one thing: Land transportation.
Be it normal cars, humvees or tanks, Code2 has blueprints for it, as well as the factories to build it. They're part of Ceylon's military complex and one of the CAF's main suppliers

CEO - Christoph Claudius Cannel
CIII - 'Citizen Control Corporation' has become the organizer of Ceylon's entire Police force.
However, they also have a less public face, inventing the latest electric egg- and water boilers, their models being among the safest you can imagine.

CEO - Jeremy Ultor
Ultor is a high-tech corporation, not only working with Sci 5 to eventually build powered armour, but also selling high-end computers at affordable prices, not to mention other gadgets like Holotech TVs and H-glasses, letting you surf the internet while wearing glasses!
These are of course by no means all of their products. There's many more.

[i]Xanatos Enterprises[/i]
CEO - [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Possible/Xanatos.jpg"]David Xanatos[/url]
Xanatos Enterprises is a massive media corporation, owning 38 of Ceylon's 50 national channels. It also is part of the movie and music industry, and works to create social networks on the internet, one of which is the widely popular websites 'Mytube' or 'Youspace'.

CEO - Solomon W. R. D. Bandaranaike

[i]Nowhere Incoming[/i]
CEO - I. M. R. A. Iriyagolla

[i]Concordance Extraction Corporation[/i]
CEO - Pelisge Harrison
CEC is a massive mining corporation, in charge of practically any of Ceylon's endeavours that concern themselves with getting minerals, resources and the like from the ground and to the homeland. This includes a branch on the moon, mining Helium-3, amongst other things.
The corporation also is one of Ceylon's bigger construction companies, having contributed considerably to the massive housing and building projects in the nation's first few years of existence.

CEO - Abdul R. M. Abdul Cader
Specialises in lights, lasers, LEDs and their applications. Makes the holographic technology used in HoloTVs, HoloPCs and the like.

CEO - Rauff Hakeem
Massive energy provider, with the resources to build anything from oil over solar to fusion power plants. Dedicated to bringing cheap power wherever they can.

CEO - Claude Corea
Massively powerful company having almost all patents and rights to 3D printing technology in Ceylon, working to get the same all over the world.

CEO - David Sarif
Appeared out of nowhere, became threateningly powerful over a short period of time. One of the few strong companies independent of Sostra.
Specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced mechanical augmentations for human implantations, the company distinguishes itself from its competitors by working with clients to create progressive, forward-thinking, custom augmentations that answer specific challenges and needs.
Expensive, but high quality and durability. Biolimbs heighten strength by up to 400%. Augmented eyes enable zooming, making photos/videos, low-light vision and other useful things. Can restore vision to the blind, as well.
Sarif Industries offers clients comprehensive, pre-operational screenings free of charge so as to better understand their personal challenges and needs.

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[size="6"][b]Notable Technology[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]Laser-based Fusion power: 'Ignition Facility 01'[/b][/size]
Left, the basic layout. The laser pulse is generated in the room just right of center, and is sent into the beamlines (blue) on either side. After several passes through the beamlines the light is sent into the "switchyard" (red) where it is aimed into the target chamber (silver). Three football fields could fit inside the IF.
To the right, a simplified diagram of the beampath of a NIF laser beam, one of 48 similar beamlines. On the left are the amplifiers and optical switch, and on the right is the final spatial filter, switchyard and optical frequency converter.
Left, A construction worker inside IF's 10 meter target chamber. Almost all of the engineering on the IF laser is on an enormous scale.
Right, Exterior view of the upper 1/3rd of the target chamber. The large square beam ports are prominent.
Left: The flashlamps used to pump the main amplifiers are the largest ever in commercial production.
Right: Laser Bay 2
IF's fuel "target", filled with either D-T gas or D-T ice. The capsule is held in the hohlraum using thin plastic webbing.

Despite all these elaborate things, the IF is, in fact, cheaper and more powerful per invested money than any previous kind of fusion power generation. Three more of these plants will be built, the first having been completed days ago.
No other nation in the world is capable of building such a powerful and effective plant.

[size=5][b]Robotic surgeons[/b][/size]
Surgeon robots are just what they sound like - a pair of robotic arms equipped with a camera that can conduct surgeries with precision and speed that no human could ever muster. They are overseen by human doctors, but largely independent of these men. The robots achieve success rates between 98 and 99% across the board, in any kind of surgery in which they have been used.This is a higher rate than any that human surgeon can claim.
Many of Ceylon's hospitals have been equipped with these surgeons, in addition to normal, human ones, so that patients can choose between one or the other.
[i]This device was invented by [b]Ultor[/b], one of Ceylon's most successful high-tech developers.[/i]

[size=5][b]Brain-Computer interfaces: The NIA[/b][/size]
This is the NIA. The Neural Impulse Actuator.
The era of the brain controlled driving is still very far away, but from this day on, your thoughts will be changed. The NIA is an unprecedented device, usable with just about every computer application you can think of. Working with the NIA’s calibration program, the Actuator captures a variety of signals, such as facial muscle movement, eye movement, brain Alpha waves and Beta waves to control what is happening on your screen. In a game, you could literally fire a gun by merely thinking of it. In a photo-manipulation program, you could change the picture by imagining the desired changes, and they would happen right there, before your eyes. You could write an entire novel, just by thinking the words, never having to touch the keyboard.
And even now, men with only the future in mind are working on making this device better, so that one day, you may be capable of driving your car with only your thoughts.
[i]This device was invented by [b]ENSI[/b], ranking first in brain-computer interfaces.[/i]

[size=5][b]Monitors over your eyes: ARCL[/b][/size]
Augmented reality contact lenses (ARCL) are simply computer monitors that go directly on top of your eyes, like contact lenses. As a result, you see computer information overlaid on the world you're looking at around you. You could look down a street and see little pop-ups full of information about local stores - or navigate your way to the nearest public bathroom by watching glowing yellow arrows on the street leading you to a cafe with a toilet. And yes, you could also look up into the beautiful, blue sky and see a million Google ads for sky-related products.
You could also be reading our homepage in your contacts while your boss yells at you, or watching movies online while your parents take you out to dinner to talk about their new kitchen remodel.
They can be used to visualize what a building or a given set of structures will look like on the street. Imagine being able to design a building while standing in the vacant lot where it will eventually stand, matching its walls precisely to the proper angles and observing in real life how the sunlight will hit its windows. These contacts also make it easier for building inspectors of all types to check that structures are up to code: Just stroll around a factory and compare what you're seeing with a virtual overlay of what's supposed to be there (or not there).
[i]The ARCL was invented by [b]SHOUT[/b]. No other company is as good in creating communications technologies.[/i]

[size=5][b]Exosuits: HAL[/b][/size]
Great grandma can soon put aside that powered wheelchair she uses to terrorize the residents at her rest home. The robotics venture Sci 5's robot-suit "HAL" (Hybrid Assistive Limb) is now available for rent and purchase.
HAL, an exoskeleton, is a mind-controlled wearable machine that gives humans enhanced mobility. The HAL exoskeleton helps the wearer to carry out a variety of everyday tasks, including standing up from a chair, walking, climbing up and down stairs, and lifting heavy objects. The suit can operate for almost fourteen hours before it needs recharging.
The HAL exoskeleton has robotic limbs that strap to your arms and legs - providing much fuller mobility than a wheelchair. The suit's backpack contains a battery and computer controller. When a HAL-assisted person attempts to move, nerve signals are sent from the brain to the muscles, and very weak traces of these signals can be detected on the surface of the skin. The HAL exoskeleton identifies these signals using a sensor, and a signal is sent to the suit's power unit telling the suit to move in synch with the wearer's own limbs.
HAL comes in three sizes - small, medium and large and weighs in at 23kg (50.7 lbs). A single leg version rents for 19,660 Rupees a month, while a two-leg unit goes for 28,650 Rupees a month.
Purchase versions cost 353,880 and 515,700 Rupees, respectively.
[i]HAL was developed by [b]Sci 5[/b], greatest in constructing worker suits and exoskeletons in Ceylon.[/i]

[size=5][b]Outwitting Gravity: Levitating Mice[/b][/size]
Science has now levitated mice using magnetic fields.
Other researchers have made live frogs and grasshoppers float in mid-air before, but such research with mice, being closer biologically to humans, could help in studies to counteract bone loss due to reduced gravity over long spans of time, as might be expected in deep space missions or on the surfaces of other planets.
Scientists working on behalf of the UAC built a device to simulate variable levels of gravity. It consists of a superconducting magnet that generates a field powerful enough to levitate the water inside living animals, with a space inside warm enough at room temperature and large enough at 6.6 cm wide for tiny creatures to float comfortably in during experiments.
Repeated levitation tests showed the mice, even when not sedated, could quickly acclimate to levitation inside the cage. After three or four hours, the mice acted normally, including eating and drinking. The strong magnetic fields did not seem to have any negative impacts on the mice in the short term, and past studies have shown that rats did not suffer from adverse effects after 10 weeks of strong, non-levitating magnetic fields.
"We're trying to see what kind of physiological impact is due to prolonged microgravity, and also what kind of countermeasures might work against it for astronauts," Indorf, the lead researcher of the project, said. "If we can contribute to the future human exploration of space, that would be very exciting." They are now applying for funding for such research with their levitator.
The researchers also levitated water drops up to 5 cm wide. This suggests the variable gravity simulator could be used to study how liquids behave under reduced gravity, such as how heat is transferred or how bubbles behave.

[size=5][b]Flying cars: The LS82 Mk.3 Skycar[/b][/size]
The LS82 Mk.3 Skycar is a prototype personal VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft - a "flying car" - called a "volantor" by its inventors in Code2, who have been attempting to develop such vehicles for many years. The design uses for four ducted fans - the propellors being covered which is safer and more efficient at low speeds.
The craft is currently limited in production, but being sold in low-density regions of Ceylon. The Mk.3 is purported to ultimately transport four people; single-seat up to six-seat variations are also planned. It is described as a car since it is aimed at being a popular means of transport for anyone who can drive, incorporating automated flight controls. In the current test-run for the public, the driver may only input direction and speed. Piloting knowledge seems to be unnecessary.
Its features include approximately 491 km/h cruise speed, 579 km/h maximum speed, a maximum altitude of 7.8 km, an ascend speed of 1.4 km/minute, a maximum payload of 540 kg, a maximum take off weight of 1388 kg, more than 8.5 km/liter (bio)ethanol (or equivalent powersource), eight redundant, low-emission Wankel engines for safety, residential garage size, a parachute for the whole machine (and one for each passenger) and road capability for short distances (to be driven to a vertiport/heliport). The fuel mileage is claimed to be similar to that of a big car, but due to the engines likely higher.
According to Code2, the test-run of the LS82 Mk.3 Skycar will end within the next year, so that in at most 2 years, the first LS82s will be available for official purchase.

[More TBA]

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