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I've been analyzing the war a lot, and also reading Tywin's blog's and I think he has a point about the Three big spheres,(Polarsphere, Platysphere, and Pacifica) so I thought I would make a little outline of what the core of Polarsphere is. This isn't perfect, so feel free to notify me of any mistakes that need fixing or any improvements that could be made, ( and I think that NpO has canceled at least one of these treaties but I don't know which one) Also If you haven't already, go read Tywin's



Pacifica Sphere

I've been analyzing the war a lot, and also reading Tywin's blog's and I think he has a point about the Three big spheres,(Polarsphere, Platysphere, and Pacifica) so I thought I would make a little outline of what the core of Pacifica is. This isn't perfect, so feel free to notify me of any mistakes that need fixing or any improvements that could be made.



Saving Cybernations

People always talk about CN's decline and the constant loss of players, yet no one does anything about it. Considering that ive also heard many CN vets say it was better in 06' or 07' or whatever. It could be like that again. And I propose that anyone whose got a CN account and a twitter should tweet #cybernations because if all 10k of us tweeted #cybernations and the average twitter user has 300 followers then that means that at least 3 Million people would see Cybernations . So go tweet #Cyber



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