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Soldania Military Thread

Sgt Shidner

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The distribution of the newest infantry body armor and equipment: the ICAPU (Infantry Combat Assistance and Protection Unit), is underway and soon ever fighting man in the Soldanian National Army will be equipped with one.

Development of a new tank for the 7th RDEF is underway and will be completed within the month. As well as the development of a new main battle tank for our armored spearheads.

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Development of the new RDEF tank has come to the point that the prototype is off the line. It is currently being tested and a special rig for it is being developed so that it may be deployed via an airdrop for Soldania's paratroopers.


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 5%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 0%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 0%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 9%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 14%

Edited by Sgt Shidner
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The side arms of our assault troops, the Angriff Marines and those paratroopers of the 7th RDEF, have seen better days. Researchers at Soldanian Modern Arms have perfected their newest deadly sidearm, the Ordinitus P-34. A powerful weapon, the Ordinitus packs two barrels, each holding a 21x60mm projectile. While this is a severe disadvantage over other modern firearms, quality wins over quantity. Armor-piercing, high-explosive, even fletchette rounds are available for use. Distribution among our special forces will begin in a few weeks, and all soldiers will be given the option to keep their current firearm or switch over to the Ordinitus.
[center](General view of the Ordinitus)[/center]

[center](Detailed view of 21x60mm HVR round)[/center]


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 13%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 9%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 11%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 20%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 27%

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  • 4 weeks later...


Finally after a long duration devoted to researching, testing, and trial....the first SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle hit the frontlines. The vehicles are to be part of the 18th Tank Division/59th Sniper Tank Brigade. SNIPER tanks? Yes, the SV-18 is specially made to proved long-range anti tank support. Its main armament is a long-barreled 135mm smoothbore cannon with increased support to hold up its length. It is equipped with an array of sensors and rangefinders to make for accurate firing solutions. It also comes standard with a Mk. 3 autoloader to help it put as many shells as necessary into the target in the least time possible. Another development that aids this tank in its sniping role are its specially-made Ripper ATP-8 Rocket-propelled shells. These projectiles are fired and exit the barrel like any normal shell, but at a pre-determined distance, the rear of the shell drops off and the internal rocket motor fires, giving it MUCH greater range than ordinary tank shells. All these aspects together make the SV-18 an exceptional vehicle and soon it will provide support for Soldania's armored spearheads.

[center](This example shown below is one tank fielded by the 4th "Black Death" Sniper Tank Squadron, distinguished by its black Skull and Crossbones on the turret)


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 76%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 57%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 66%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 86%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 100%

Edited by Sgt Shidner
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[font="Palatino Linotype"][u][size="4"][center][b]S[/b]pecial [b]P[/b]urpose [b]A[/b]dvanced [b]R[/b]econissence [b]T[/b]actical [b]A[/b]ssault U[b]N[/b]it[/center][/size][/u][/font]

A project pioneered by Lieutenant Colonel Johnasen Jenkins, The Special Purpose Advanced Reconesense Tactical Assault Unit. He envisioned an elite unit comprised of the best men from each service branch that he could place behind enemy lines to wreck extreme havoc on supply lines and unfortunate units. After much bargaining and fighting, Jenkins was granted his unit and has now forged his 12,000 men into a formidable fighting force. The S.P.A.R.T.A.N.'s are the most advanced, well-equipped, and deadliest fighting men in the Soldanian Army.
The entire S.P.A.R.T.A.N. division is broken down into eight 1,500-man battalions, then five 300-man companies, each with five 60-man platoons, with three 20-man platoons. These platoons are the main weapon of the division, used for various missions from recon to sabotage to tactical assault or even to assist or engage front line units. They are well-armed with advanced small arms weapons and anti-tank missile launchers. Each tactical platoon is capable of engaging units much larger than their own.
The S.P.A.R.T.A.N. division also includes an armored battalion as well as a gunship group, this backed by a fast SPG squadron. The S.P.A.R.T.A.N.s are meant to hit with devastating punch if in force, or slice and dice the enemy when in small groups.
Some S.P.A.R.T.A.N. units are already being deployed to forward sectors to back up existing border units while others are awaiting further missions.


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 77%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 61%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 70%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 90%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 100%

Edited by Sgt Shidner
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[font="Palatino Linotype"][u][size="4"][center][b]S[/b]pecial [b]P[/b]urpose [b]A[/b]dvanced [b]R[/b]econissence [b]T[/b]actical [b]A[/b]ssault U[b]N[/b]it[/center][/size][/u][/font]

Examples of standard weapons used by S.P.A.R.T.A.N. troopers.


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 78%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 64%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 72%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 91%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 100%

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  • 1 month later...

New military aircraft, courtesy of premier weapon's designers: Soldanian Modern Arms, are being built and phased into service with frontline and border units around Soldania. The first example of these machines is the new F/C-55 Close Support Gunship, affectionately known as the "Angel of Death". A significant step forward in aerial troop support, the F/C-55 is the first VTOL gunship of its kind and is meant for being rapidly deployed to the battlespace. With the F/C-55 being phased into service, Soldanian commanders will now have significant firepower at their beck and call when they need it.
Besides being extremely good at being rapidly deployed, the F/C-55 is also armed with a devastating array of firepower, including a 25mm Chaingun, 40mm automatic cannon, and a 120mm support howitzer, all mounted on the left side of the aircraft. This allows the F/C-55 to bank and circle a target area, pummeling it with its incredible firepower. Its jet engines give it significantly more speed than the more commonly-used AC-130 gunship, letting it get into and out of the battlefield more quickly.
With this terrifying and devastating new tool at their disposal, Soldanian forces will be able to better engage any enemy they come across.

[size="2"][center][size="1"](An F/C-55 blueprint, courtesy of Soldanian Modern Arms)[/size][/center][/size]


Development progress:

M27A1 "Archer" Unmanned Medium Tank: 100%

M62A1 "Hammer" Self-Propelled Gun: 100%

F/C-55 "Angel of Death" Close Support Gunship: 100%

AV-7 "Wraith" UCAV: 100%

SV-18 "McElmurry" Support Vehicle: 100%

Edited by Sgt Shidner
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