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join Metamorphosis


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IRC on Coldfront: #meta
[url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/META]Meta's Wiki[/url][/center]

[center][size="3"]Why Join Us?[/size][/center]
[center][list][*]We are a growing alliance with a rich history behind us
[*]We are a democratic alliance; everyone gets a chance in our government
[*]We are young, which makes it easier for you to join our government
[*]We currently have several government positions open just waiting to be filled
[*]We are have a vibrant community with lots of guilds to help you grow
[*]We will protect you form any dangers tossed your way
[*]We will treat you like a member, and not just some number like in other big alliance
[*]If you are a bigger nation we have plenty of people to supply you with as many tech deals as you can hope for, and if you are small we can get you as many tech deals as you want
[*]Finally, we will not make you jump through hopes just to get an accepted application[/list][/center]

[center][size="3"]How can you join Metamorphosis[/size][/center]
[center]Resister here:[url=http://s4.zetaboards.com/Metamorphosis/index/]Metamorphosis Forums[/url] [/center]
[center]Then post an application here: [url=http://s4.zetaboards.com/Metamorphosis/forum/3247151/]Metamorphosis Applications[/url][/center]

[center][size="5"]Join Metamorphosis today![/size][/center]

Edited by McMam
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Looking for:

members will to be a government member, such as IA, please pm me or another triumvir. Alliance is a smaller growing alliance.
Like being part of an alliance where you are a member not a number? join here:



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reasons to join

if you have 2 hands (although if you have 1 or no hands should join too... we dont discriminate)
if you have at least 1 leg... or 2... or none
if you have lungs
if you are a person
if you think the word Funfundfunfzig
if you like puppies
if you dont want me to eat this cat -.-

and the list goes on

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