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OOC: "Meeting the Challenge" Factbook/Discussion


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[This thread is related to the Invitation-RP "Meeting the Challenge" ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98277"]RP Thread Link[/url]) and serves as its primary base thread/factbook, and discussion area. If you'd like to take part in this RP, post up on this thread or using the personal message system. Facts on individual countries will be update as the become available along the way if they join.]

[center][size="7"][b]Factbook Profile: Atlantik Clique[/b][/size]


[i]Flag of the Honorable Atlantik Clique[/i][/center]


[b]President:[/b] Samuel "Sham" Thatcher, General, Atlantik Clique Air Forces (Ret.)

[b]Atlantik Clique Armed Services Chief (ACASC):[/b] Walter Hamilton, General, Atlantik Clique Ground Forces

[b]President's Cabinet[/b]

[*] Skip Johnson, Ph.D. International Relations - [b]Minister of the Foreign Office[/b]

[*] Henderson "Hennie" Lemmings, Ph.D. Business Law; - [b]Head of Atlantik Central Bank & Reserves[/b]

[*] Manny Taunton, Admiral, Atlantik Clique Naval Forces (Ret.) - [b]Executive Officer, Office of Defense and Security[/b]

[*] Vera Young, Ph.D. Microbiology - [b]Minister of Interior and Environmental Affairs[/b]

[*] Marcus Bane, Masters, Management - [b]Chairman, Board of Labor Affairs, Economic Development and Planning[/b]

[*] Dr. Pauline Benson, Colonel, Atlantik Clique Armed Services Medical Division - [b]Director of Health and Medical Services[/b]

[*] Bonnie Lawton, Ph.D. International Development - [b]Chairwoman, Budgetary and Finances Committee[/b]

[*] Justice Felicia Carlton - [b]Chief Justice - Atlantikian Central Court of Judicial Affairs[/b]

[b]County Governors[/b]

[*] [b]County Nova Scotia[/b] - The Honorable People's Governor Marcia Townes

[*] [b]County Prince Edward Island[/b] - The Honorable People's Governor Andrew Fulsom

[*] [b]County New Brunswick[/b] - The Honorable People's Governor Dirk Irving

[*] [b]County Maine[/b] - The Honorable People's Governor Sid Casswell

[size="6"][b]Population Statistics/Demographics - 2010 CENSUS STATISTICS[/b][/size]

[OOC: Atlantik Clique Comprises Modern Day Canadian Provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick, and US State of Maine]

[b]County Population[/b]

[*] [b]County Nova Scotia[/b] - 6,193,593 Souls

[*] [b]County Prince Edward Island[/b] - 469,310 Souls

[*] [b]County New Brunswick[/b] - 5,741,931 Souls

[*] [b]County Maine[/b] - 5,819,570 Souls

[b]Total Population:[/b] 18,224,404

[b]Top Five Metropolitan Districts[/b]
[*] 1. [b]Halifax Capital Region, County Nova Scotia[/b] - 1,209,103 Souls

[*] 2. [b]Moncton Municipality, County New Brunswick[/b] - 1,093,394 Souls

[*] 3. [b]Saint John District, County New Brunswick[/b] - 909, 031 Souls

[*] 4. [b]Bangor-Old Town-Hampden ("BOTH") Municipality, County Maine[/b] - 901,031

[*] 5. [b]Portland, County Maine[/b] - 894,313 Souls

[b]Primary Economic Commodities/Industries:[/b] Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction and Refinement, Electronic Systems, Medium/Heavy Vehicle Production, Resource Extraction Equipment (Heavy Mining and Ocean-going Drilling Equipment), Rare Earths Extraction, Softwood Lumber, Paper, Aluminum Production, Shipbuilding (Including Drilling Platform Construction), Agriculture Production (Potatos, Corn, and Wheat), Steel Production.

[size="6"][b]Atlantik Clique Military Statistics[/b][/size]

[b]Total Personnel, All Branches:[/b]
[*] [b]Atlantik Clique Ground Forces (ACGF):[/b] 531,909 (243,643 Reservists, and Medical Personnel)

[*] [b]Atlantik Clique Air Forces (ACAF):[/b] 159,146 (53,393 Reservists/Auxiliaries)

[*] [b]Atlantick Clique Naval Forces (ACNF):[/b] 206,093 (93,032 Naval Reservists/Auxiliaries)

[size="5"][b]ACGF Order of Battle and Equipment:[/b][/size]

[size="4"][b]Order of Battle, ACGF[/b][/size]

[b]1st Brigade, Headquarters: Halifax Capital Region, County Nova Scotia[/b]
[*] 1st "Halifax Rifles" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 3rd "Bedford Heavies" (Armor) Battalion

[*] 5th (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 31st "Dartmouth Volunteers" (Mechanized Infantry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 51st "Peninsular Cannons" (Mobile Artillery) Battalion

[*] 101st Supply and Replenishment Company

[*] 201st Mobile Surgical Hospital

[*] [b]ATTACHED[/b] - Presidential Guard (Protection Duties/Ceremonial Detail/Burial Detail - National Military Cemetery) Battalion

[b]2nd Brigade, Headquarters: Fredricton, County New Brunswick[/b]
[*] 2nd "Dieppe Hussars" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 6th "New Brunswick Highlanders" (Light Infantry) Battalion

[*] 10th "Cuirassiers de la Riviere Sainte-John" (Armor) Battalion

[*] 18th (Light Infantry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 22nd "Fredricton Yeomanry" (Armored Cavalry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 52nd "Rollin' Thunder" (Mixed Artillery - Towed/Mobile) Battalion

[*] 102nd Supply and Replenishment Company

[*] 202nd Mobile Surgical Hospital

[b]3rd Brigade, Headquarters: Charlottetown, County Prince Edward Island[/b]
[*] 7th "Prince Edwards' Own" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 11th "Sunnyside Yeomanry" (Armored Cavalry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 17th "Northside" (Light Infantry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 23rd "Northumberland Fusiliers" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 53rd Shock Artillery (Mixed Artillery - Towed/Mobile) Battalion

[*] 103rd Supply and Replenishment Company

[*] 203rd Mobile Surgical Hospital

[b]4th Brigade, Headquarters: Augusta-Gardiner Municipality, County Maine[/b]
[*] 4th "Northwoods" (Light Infantry/Air Assault) Battalion

[*] 8th "Kennebec Valley Cavalry" (Armor) Battalion

[*] 12th "Governor's Horse Guard" (Armored Cavalry) Battalion

[*] 16th "Penobscot Valley Volunteers" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 54th "Thundering Coast" (Mobile Artillery) Battalion

[*] 56th Shock Artillery (Mixed Mobile Artillery/Rocket Systems) Battalion

[*] 104th Supply and Replenishment Company

[*] 204th Mobile Surgical Hospital

[*] [b]ATTACHED[/b] - 1st Marine (Light Infantry/Amphibious) Battalion

[b]Central Reserve Force, Headquarters: Moncton Municipality[/b]
[*] 13th "North Shore Rangers" (Light Infantry/Air Assault) Battalion

[*] 15th "Cuirassiers de la Sainte Lawrence" (Armor - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 24th (Mechanized Infantry - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 33rd "Acadia" (Mechanized Infantry) Battalion

[*] 37th "Fundy Rangers" (Airborne/Air Assault) Battalion

[*] 2nd Marine "Devils' Own" (Light Infantry/Amphibious) Battalion

[*] 57th Shock Artillery (Mixed Mobile Artillery/Rocket Systems) Battalion

[*] 58th Heavy Artillery (Towed Heavy Artillery) Battalion

[*] 59th "New Brunswick High-Rollers" (Mobile Artillery - Reserves) Battalion

[*] 61st Long-Term Supply and Replenishment Battalion

[*] 75th "The Angels" Long-Term Surgical and Evacuation Hospital

[size="4"][b]ACGF Equipment[/b][/size]

[b]Small Arms[/b]
[*] AR-11 5.56mm Battle Rifle (Modified H&K XM8 Carbine, with improved optical sights; optional GL-450 40mm Rail-Mounted Grenade Launcher; Multirole Weapon)

[*] SMG-8 9mm Submachinegun (Modified H&K MP5; improved reflex sights, optional buttstock attachments, suppressor, optional GL-355 20mm Grenade Launcher)

[*] Atlantika High-Power 9mm (Beretta 98; 20-, 18-, and 15- Round Magazine Optional)

[*] SRAM-9A5 Anti-Material Rifle 12.7mm (Barrett M82A1; "All Weather, All Hour (AWAH)" Optics; Modified Buttplate to Increase Recoil Reduction and aid in Transport; Lighter Polycarbonate Found in A-5 Version, reducing weight)

[*] MG-3 Machinegun 7.62mm (Modified M60; Closed Mechanism to increase Reliability; Optional Forward Grips to Improve Accuracy)

[*] SR-3 Sniper Rifle (M25 Sniper Rifle; AWAH Optics or Adjustable Zoom Sights)

[*] G5 Anti-Personnel Grenade (Fragmentation Grenade; Pineapple Design)

[*] G6-AT Anti-Tank Mine (Shaped-Charge Explosive; Manual/Automatic Detonation)

[*] ATM "Bankshot" Missile System (ERYX-Based Missile System; Beam-Riding SACLOS Guidance, HEAT Anti-ERA Effective)

[b][size="4"]ACGF Ground Vehicles/Equipment[/size][/b]
[*] MBT-10 "Grizzly" Main Battle Tank (120mm Rifled AtlantiMETAL Cannon, ERA, Anti-Point-Detonate-Missile Armor Defense Systems, Similar Characteristics for Leopard 2)

[*] ASFV-4 "Fisher" (Tracked) Armored Support Fighting Vehicle (30mm AtlantiMETAL Autocannon, ATM Missile System, Anti-Point-Detonate-Missile Armor Defense Systems, Similar Characteristics to Marder 2)

[*] ISFV-9 "Ram" (Eight-Wheel) Infantry Squad Fighting Vehicle (30mm AtlantiMETAL Autocannon - Optional, ATM Missile System, Anti-Point-Detonate-Missile Armor Defense System)

[*] TA-12 Heavy Towed Howitzer (AtlantiMETAL 8-Inch (203mm) Howitzer, 4-Wheeled Carriage, Heavy Towed Artillery)

[*] TA-5 Towed Howitzer (AtlantiMETAL 155mm Howitzer, 2-Wheeled Carriage, Light Synthetics Construction allows for maneuverability by crew)

[*] MA-8 "Hammer" Mobile (Self-Propelled - Tracked) Artillery System (AtlantiMETAL 155mm Howitzer, Target Tracking Radar, Advanced Counterbattery Radar and Fire Control Systems)

[*] MR-4 "Tsunami" Mobile (Self-Propelled - Tracked) Saturation Rocket Systems (Clique Avionics and Rocketry (CAR) 5-Inch (127mm) Rocket Systems, Guided Accuracy Adjustment Rockets, Advanced Counterbattery Radar and Fire Control Systems)

[*] MSAM-9 "Marksman" Mobile Surface-to-Air Missile (CAR Guided Surface-to-Air Missile System, Automatic/Manual Air-Burst or Direct Impact Missiles)

[*] UAMD-X5 (Experimental) Unmanned (Tracked) Ground Missile Defense (Anti-Air-to-Surface Missile System, Dual 25mm Six-Barrel AtlantiMETAL Cannons, Controlled by Remote Specialists)

[*] Various 5, 2.5, Three-Quarter Ton Trucks (Customized/Various Uses), 4x4 Command Vehicles (Similar Appearance to MOWAG Eagle Vehicles)

[size="5"][b]ACAF Squadrons and Aircraft:[/b][/size]

[Squadrons represent twenty four aircraft, or thirty helicopters, unless specified otherwise]

[*][b]3rd, 10th "Vampires", 26th, and 54th Fighter Squadrons[/b] – Dassault-Clique Avionics and Rocketry (CAR) [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Rafale_070412-N-8157C-542.JPEG]MF “Rafale” Multirole Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]15th, 30th, and 38th "Kings" Fighter Squadrons[/b] – Grumman/Acadian Aviation (AA) [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat.png]IF-14 “Bearcat” Interception Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]67th and 101st Naval Interception Squadrons (ACNF)[/b] – Grumman/AA [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat.png]NIF-14 “Tomcat” Interception Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]71st Naval Interception Squadron (ACNF)[/b] – Grumman/AA NIF-14 “Tomcat” Interception Aircraft (On ACS [i]Halifax[/i], CV-2)

[*][b]98th Naval Interception Squadron (ACNF)[/b] – Grumman/AA NIF-14 “Tomcat” Interception Aircraft (On ACS [i]Fredricton[/i], CV-3)

[*][b]156th Naval Strike Squadron (ACNF)[/b] – [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Rafale-060427-N-2959L-196.jpg]Dassault/CAR NMF “Rafale” Multirole Aircraft[/url] (On ACS Halifax, CV-2)

[*][b]168th Naval Strike Squadron (ACNF)[/b] – Dassault/CAR NMF “Rafale” Multirole Aircraft (On ACS Fredricton, CV-3)

[*][b]31st and 52nd Naval Strike Squadrons (ACNF)[/b] – Dassault/CAR NMF “Rafale” Multirole Aircraft

[*][b]29th, 77th, 89th, and 159th Tactical Squadrons[/b] – Gen. Dynamics, AC Division [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/F-111_3-view.jpg]TF-111H “Bronco” Tactical Strike Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]205th and 209th Close Support Squadrons[/b] – Douglas/AA [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/AD-4_BuAer_3_side_view.jpg]CS-1 “Skyraider” Close Support Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]222nd “Deuces Wild” Strategic Squadron[/b] – Boeing Atlantika [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/B1s.jpg]SB-1J “Lancer” Strategic Strike Aircraft[/url]

[*][b]66th “Hell’s Own” Special Operations Squadron[/b] – (3) Boeing Atlantika [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bb/Ac130_gunship.jpg]AG-130M Airborne Gunships[/url], (12) Sikorski/AA [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ec/CH-53_Super_Stallion.jpg]HH-150G Heavy Strike Helicopters[/url], (24) AA Helicopters [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/MH-6_Little_Bird.jpg]LUH-45C Light Utility Helicopters[/url]

[*][b]348th, 359th, 361st, and 368th Tactical Helicopter Squadrons[/b] – Sikorsky/AA [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/SIKORSKY_UH-60A_BLACK_HAWK.png]MUH-60 “Cormorant” Medium Utility Helicopters[/url]

[*][b]398th Heavy Tactical Helicopter Squadron[/b] Sikorski/AA HH-150G Heavy Strike Helicopters

[*][b]405th, 411th, 489th Tactical Strike Helicopter Squadrons[/b] – AA Helicopters [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Australian_Army_ARH_Tiger_front_view.jpg]SH-68F Strike Helicopters[/url]

[*][b]491st, 505th, 607th Transport Squadrons[/b] – Boeing Atlantika [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/C-130J_Drawing.svg]CT-130L Transports[/url], [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Globemaster_0026.jpg]CT-7H Transports[/url], and Gulfstream/CAR [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Gulfstream_V_NASA.jpg]GV VIP Transports[/url]

[*][b]609th Airborne Control and Warning Squadron[/b] - Boeing Atlantika [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Boeing.e3-d.sentry.underside.arp.jpg]AWACS-10 Airborne Control Aircraft[/url]

[size="5"][b]ACNF Naval Ships[/b][/size]

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Charles_De_Gaulle_%28R91%29_underway_2009.jpg][b]Capital Class[/b][/url] Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carriers - 2 Vessels

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/US_Navy_030903-N-5024R-003_USS_Port_Royal_%28DDG_73%29_departed_on_deployment.jpg][b]City Class[/b][/url] Guided-Missile Cruisers - 10 Vessels

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Burke_class_destroyer_profile%3Bwpe47485.gif][b]Battle Class[/b][/url] Guided-Missile Destroyers - 13 Vessels

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/HMCS_Halifax_%28FFH_330%29_en_route_to_Haiti_2010-01-18.jpg][b]Swiftsure Class[/b][/url] Frigate - 21 Vessels

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Korvette_Braunschweig_F260_2895.jpg][b]Town Class[/b][/url] Corvette - 27 Vessels

[*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/U-Boot_U31.JPG][b]Prowler Class[/b][/url] Attack Submarine - 9 Vessels

[*] Various Auxiliaries, Oilers, Transport, and Patrol Craft

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[center][size="5"]Factbook Profile: Federatsiya Arkhangelsk[/size]
Federation of Archangel[/center][/size]



[b]Chairman of the Committee:[/b] [url="http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/2743/tovk.jpg"]General Ivan Mikhailovich Novikov[/url]

[b]The Committee[/b]

- Colonel Ilya Vrubletsky, Officer of Foreign Affairs

- Colonel Nikolai Kolkharin, Officer of the Interior

- Colonel Anna Averin, Officer of Research and Science

- Colonel Aleksei Konev, Officer of Education and Industry

The Federation's government is a military committee under the head of General Ivan Novikov, formerly Director of the Military in the Russian Federation before it collapsed and fractured; he had become disillusioned with what he perceived as the corruption and selfish inefficiency of the bloated Russian bureaucracy. Along with four of his most trusted comrades, Novikov, a popular officer who garnered much support amongst the army of Russia after the nation fell, fought against other revolutionary elements throughout northern Russia, eventually carving out his own territory from north-western Russia and Siberia. Subsequently General Novikov created a 'Committee' in which he placed those officers with whom he had fought to gain his territory, allowing them to utilise their own areas of expertise. The Committee maintains a severe clamp on such things as religion, which is described as a degrading influence on the youth; therefore, it is illegal to preach religion publicly, though worship in privacy is permitted.

[b]Location in the World[/b]


Administrative Zones

1 - Arkhangelsk

2 - Vologda

3 - Kalugo

4 - Komi

5 - Neretsia

6 - Kirov

7 - Perm

8 - Sverdlovsk

9 - Khanta-mansia

10 - Novosibirsk

11 - Yamalia

12 - Krasnoyarsk

13 - Military Zone (access forbidden to all but high ranking military personnel; used for military research, exercises, and experiments)

Total Population: 103,500,000 (estimate)

Largest Cities:

Arkhangelsk - 9,400,000 (estimate)

Komi - 5,200,000

Novosibirsk - 2,100,000

Kalugo - 1,000,000

[b]Federal Armed Forces[/b]

- Federal Army: 798,000 Active Personnel

- Federal Air Force: 215,000 Active Personnel

- Federal Naval Force: 168,000 Active Personnel

[b]Federal Army Equipment[/b]

- AK-200 Assault Rifle

- AK-200u Carbine

- MP-443 Grach Pistol

- VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle

- KSVK Anti-Materiel Rifle

- PKM-2 Machine Gun

- RPG-34

- Igyn 9K40 Man-portable SAM


- T-102 Main Battle Tank

- BTR-102A APC

- BMP-102 IFV

- S-400 Long Range SAM

- Pantsir S1 Short/Medium Range SAM/Anti Aircraft

- 2S31 Vena Self Propelled Artillery

- TOS-1 Thermobaric Rocket Launcher

[b]Federal Air Forces[/b]

- [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-35BM"]Sukhoi Su-35BM Combat Aircraft[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Tu-160_at_MAKS_2007.jpg"]Tupolev Tu-160 Strategic Bomber[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Beriev_A-50_over_Moscow_on_6_May_2010.jpg"]Beriev A-50M Reconnaissance[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/%D0%9C%D0%B8-28%D0%9D%D0%AD_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%90%D0%9A%D0%A1-2007_%2802%29.jpg"]Mi-28 Attack Helicoptor[/url]

- [url="http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/9150/41050117.jpg"]HA-10 Heavy Assault Craft[/url]

- [url="http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/3488/wizb.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-K1 Experimental Fighter-Bomber[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/A-10_Thunderbolt_II_In-flight-2.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-10A Ground Attack Aircraft[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/10/Pak_fa_in_flight.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-J10 Advanced Stealth Fighter[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/B-2_Spirit_original.jpg"]Tupolev Tu-1A Experimental Stealth Strategic Bomber[/url]

[b]Federal Naval Forces Ships[/b]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/USS_Nimitz_%28CVN-68%29.jpg"]Novikov-class Aircraft Carrier[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Kirov-class_battlecruiser.jpg"]Averin-class battlecruiser[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Submarine_Vepr_by_Ilya_Kurganov_crop.jpg"]Kolkharin-class Nuclear Submarine[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/Kerch2007Sevastopol.jpg"]Konev-class Missile Cruiser[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/AdmiralVinogradov2009.jpg"]Vrubletsky-class Destroyer[/url]

Edited by dotCom
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[center][size="5"]Factbook Profile: República do Brasil[/size]

[size="3"]Republic of Brazil[/size]



[b]Presidente/President[/b]: [url="http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/7526/bram.jpg"]Isabelle Vieira[/url]

[b]Vice-Presidente[/b]: Viscount Elias Evangelista

Diretor da Câmara dos Deputados/Director of the Chamber of Deputies: Sergio de Ville

Diretor do Conselho/Director of the Council: Andre Senna


Total Population: 202,732,694

Largest Cities:

São Paulo - 12,044,369

Rio de Janeiro - 6,147,037

Brasilia - 2,872,995

Fortaleza - 2,657,409

Salvador - 2,626,606

[b]Forças Armadas Brasileiras/Armed Forces of Brazil[/b]

- Força Exército Brasileira/Brazilian Army Forces: 539,910 Active Personnel

- Força Aérea Brasileira/Brazilian Air Forces: 149,330 Active Personnel

- Força Marinha Brasileira/Brazilian Naval Forces: 210,450 Active Personnel

[b]Força Exército Brasileira Equipment[/b]

- AK-200 Assault Rifle

- IMBEL MD-5 Assault Rifle

- G36K Carbine

- Taurus M937 Pistol

- SPAS-16 Combat Shotgun

- VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle

- Sig-Sauer SSG 3000 Sniper Rifle

- KSVK Anti-Materiel Rifle

- FN MAG M213 Machine Gun

- Igyn 9K40 Man-portable SAM

- BA-10 Man-portable SAM


- T-102 Main Battle Tank

- EE-213 Cascavel Main Battle Tank

- EE-12 Urutu APC

- BTR-102A APC

- BMP-102 IFV

- EE-301 Long Range SAM System

- 2S31 Vena Self Propelled Artillery

[b]Força Aérea Brasileira[/b]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Russian_Air_Force_Sukhoi_Su-35_Belyakov.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-35BM Combat Aircraft[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/MiG-35_airliners_net.jpg"]Neiva T25 Fighter Aircraft[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/F-117_Nighthawk_Front.jpg"]EE-15 Advanced Stealth Bomber[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/E-2D_Hawkeyes_in_flight_c2009.JPG"]EE-1BA Argonaut AWACS[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Russian_Air_Force_Kamov_Ka-50.jpg"]Neiva T12 Attack Helicoptor[/url]

- [url="http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/9150/41050117.jpg"]HA-10 Heavy Assault Craft[/url]

- [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Eurofighter_Typhoon_02.jpg"]EE-16 Advanced Stealth Fighter[/url]
Força Marinha Brasileira[/b]: To be updated

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