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Orrilea Rises Again


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As the High Commander Shepard walked to the stage news reporters from across the globe lined up preparing for his speech. The scene was magnificent, but one thing stood out. There where military personnel everywhere in the crowd and on stage. You would think some military would be there to ensure the protection of the High Commander but the sheer number of personnel that was there some people thought was "over doing it". Little did the people know that Orrilea had been at war for much longer than anyone realized, and current attacks on the country put it on high alert.

"Today the world will make way for a great nation, a strong nation, a unified nation. Many before me have talked about freeing ourself, well i finally have done just that. We are an independent nation once again, this time it will stay this way, our military as you can see is on high alert and across our great nation they are securing our borders to ensure that we are safe from the attacks many would see to make on us."

[b]*A flag is brought in by military personnel* [/b]
"This my brothers and sisters, is our new national flag. It will symbolize our dominance in this region, and soon in the world. Many would see to destroy us, but we the people of Orrilea will stand united once again!" After letting the crowd a[size="2"]pplause he continues "Those who watch this now let it be known, we are a kind nation, but do not mistake that kindness as weakness for you shall see just how strong we truly are. We search for friends but we may find enemy's, this is a fact of life but this will not stop our great nation from reaching out to the world. All questions will be answered in a timely manner by our foreign affairs team. Thank you all."[/size]

[size="2"]Shepard steps off stage and is greeted by his military adviser.[/size]

[size="2"]Shepard: What is it?[/size]
[size="2"]Adviser: Our attacks plans are ready sir, they only require your signature.[/size]
[size="2"]Shepard: Very well, meet me in sector 2 for a debriefing.[/size]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1294888411' post='2573704']
OOC: High Commander Shepard...that wouldn't be a Mass Effect reference, would it? :awesome:

OOC: Nope, its stargate my fav show, if you look at my High Council all of them are stargate people.

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