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United States of The Island News


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Today President David announced that the Civil War between the North and the South may come to a close soon. The North has said that they, "do not want a ununited Island. We need to be together and as one" says a Union of People's Republics spokesperson, "We just want the Union to be how it was before. We want Communism and Socialism to reign in our nations while you can have your capitalism and freedom in yours."

We questioned Vice President Robert on this statement and here was his reply, "I do not feel the communists are being truthful. We can not just have the north come back with the same rebellious leaders that would leave at any moment they want to and stay united. If the north would be willing to only stick with each other and not the entire Island, then they must be dealt with. Communism is a cancer to freedom that delivers a quick and swift death. The United States government will talk to the north and we will try to make peace.
While we are on the edge of total war, and while I support bringing the north back to be united with the south, we still need to try diplomacy before war. I will give the north the benefit of the doubt and say that they might be willing to compromise.
You should all be prepared for the inevitable, I think we all know what it is."

The Vice President makes it sound like we are going to war but can this really be initiated without the President himself here? The Island, and possibly a war, is waiting for our President to come back from Ireland. The entire Island, north and south, is currently in political turmoil. Why? Because neither side will strike first. If the President would return, then the south would definitely get back on track and it is sure that the north would prepare.

Mr. President, your country needs you.

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[b]The President of The United States[/b]

President David safely landed in Ireland a few minutes ago. There were some complications with his escort but everything has gone according to plan so far. The President is going to Ireland to get some type of monatary, diplomatic, humanitarian, or (unconformed) military assistance to fight the north. The Kingdom of Ireland does ofcourse have a treaty with Union of Island Nations. The Union of Island Nations merely changed their name and vowed themselves to capitalism and freedom. Making a more centralised government they kept the Executive Branch the same and set up a less complicated legislative branch. The North declared war on the south and has now offered a peace treaty, which is what we have been told by our government. The United States (south) has not made an official statement yet. Not declaring war, but not declaring peace either.

The most important thing the President needs to do now is get back to the Island to serve and defend his people. Vice President Robert is a very smart man, no doubt, but he is not the man that was chosen to lead our nation. His job is to serve as president if the president himself would not be capable of doing his job. The true question is: Does the Vice President have any power if the president is on a diplomatic mission? An official Constitution has not yet been ratified for the Island but the government is currently functioning on these principals:
-Freedom of Speech
-Freedom of Expression
-Freedom of The Press

-The Right to Bear Arms
-Right to Protest Peacefully
-Right to Privacy
-Innocent until proven guilty by a court of one Judge and a set of 16 peers
-Freedom of Religion

These principals are only the groundwork of what will become our new nation. A constitutional convention was called into order but lead to this war. Hopefully it will come to an end soon so everything can be more clear on to how things work. The government can not pass laws, police officiers can not arrest anyone breaking the law unless they are caught red handed (for the exception of murder, rape or anything else that has a capital offense), and the National Guard has basically declared a weak form of martial law on the southern half of the Island. From what we know, they have prevented 50 small bombs from being detonated and have also stopped some rebels from sneaking into the country.

The one thing we can all agree on is our flag. The red white and blue, the one star, it all symbolizes something. We know the star symbolizes one united nation under one flag. But what does the red, white, and blue stand for? Next time a special segment will be printed on what makes our flag so special and tied to ourselves.
When the President gets back, he needs to make sure that flag makes it to the north cape of North Front otherwise we will be looking at a house divided.

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[b]The Island's Children[/b]


With economic recession, cold months of winter, a war splitting our nation in half, and the stress of every day life we wonder how we are staying afloat. We sometimes tend to neglect our children who need just as much attention, if not more, then we do from our spouses and each other.
In a disturbing report from the Department Civil Care, suicide rates have raised on the Island by 5% in the past few months. Here is the shocking thing; these suicide rates are of minors from ages 13-16. Right now we are all thinking of ourselves and how we are going to keep our jobs. How are we going to keep making money? How can we keep our homes warm? Ladies and gentlemen, you need to be thinking of how you can keep your children alive.

Something our Island lacks is the therapists and not many counselors at schools. Apparently our government has started looking into some foreigners that could help. Our Island is very unwelcoming to foreigners, mostly because of our close culture, but maybe we could let a few come temporarily.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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  • 3 weeks later...

[b]An Island Currency[/b]

The currency of the Island has never been made official. The government has had notes that they would use to trade with other nations but the majority of the Island had local currencies.

President David announced that, to also help organize the nation against the north, a basic National currency will be made for the entire Island, although it will only be used in the South until the war is over.
The new currency is going to be backed by silver. There will be the following bills:


Here is a picture of the $2 bill. The front and reverse have the same image.


According to law, the silver can only be exchanged by an Islander individual and it is illegal to leave the country with United States money for now.

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