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Emergency Meeting


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[b]The Airport[/b]

David shook Robert's hand and gave him the few master key's to the Orange House, "Take good care of our Island while I am gone. Remember, no violence unless it is in retaliation and you keep Badb safe and with you at all times." Robert scratched his head, "She isn't coming with you?" David grabbed his leather jacket with the United States flag on the side of it, "I need Áine to come with me. Remember, her specialty is wisdom.." Robert chuckled, "And love." David threw a shoebox and Robert, "Have fun with Badb, we all know she likes you so much" said David sarcastically.

David shook Robert's hand before getting on the red carpet to enter the private jet, "Work with Badb. She is a genius in tactics. The first thing you need to do is secure Douglas and make sure it is totally secure. Hopefully I can get some Irish special forces to come back and help me with that. I'll be back soon Robert.. Stay strong."

[b]The Airport (Big J. and Lenard)[/b]

Big J. and Lenard were already inside the airplane. They were going to be the personal guard of the President, along with a few intimidating armed men, that would escort him around Ireland for the meeting. Big J. heard the door being unlatched and stood up immediately to look impressive to the President. Lenard saw and pushed Big J. down and stood up while saluting the door. Before Big J. could stand, President David walked into the cockpit and gave the two men a odd look. "Good morning Mr. President! Nice to finally meet you!" David scratched his head and squinted his eyes to read Lenard's name tag, "Nice to meet you to uh... Lenard. The flight shouldn't be that long so if you guys need anything just tell one of the flight attendants.." David saw Big. J trying to get back on his feet so he grabbed his hand and helped him up, "There you go partner. It's nice to meet both of you. Maybe after all of this is over we could have a beer and just forget about all of this." The to men laughed a bunch, making the president feel even more awkward in the situation.

The President took a seat. He opened a book and began reading. Before the large door closed Áine walked in with her thick winter coat and blue jeans. Her long blue hair, with slightly greenish bangs, was down and absolutely perfect. She went and sat next to David who didn't pay any attention to her because he was use to seeing her but immediately Big J. and Lenard had their mouths dropped. Probably in awe and because she was so pretty.

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[b]One The Way To Ireland[/b]

Everyone else in the cabin was sleeping, including Áine who only did it out of luxury. He got on his cell phone and called the Irish King's office, "This is President David of the United States. This is a secure line. I would like to talk to the king if he is here. It is concerning our meeting today."

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Suzanne, the King's personal secretary was approached by a member of the Diplomatic Corps. This was unusual as most messages were passed through email or phone lines, to be approached in person meant the King was needed rather urgently. She stood, swallowing a lump of nervousness - her family had been hit rather hard by the recent war, her sisters perishing in Cardiff from the nuclear blasts that had forced the other side to the peace table. Memories of the funerals haunted her thoughts as she stood and expected to hear that her beloved country was attacked again. Blinking away the ghosts dancing around her head, she said, "Good afternoon Keith, I'm assuming something is needing the his Highness's attention?"

Keith smiled, a good sign the Kingdom hadn't been attacked, "Ah, Suzanne you are always on top of things. It looks like the U.I.N.'s" he cleared his throat, "ah, excuse me I mean the United States' President is wishing to speak with the King before his flight lands at Dublin International."

Suzanne raised one delicate, manicured eyebrow at that statement. Why would the President need to speak with the King when his flight would be less than thirty minutes to Dublin from the Isle of Man? Sighing she shrugged and walked over to the King's door, knocking twice. "Yes, come in." was the muffled answer to the knocks from the other side of the door. Ushering in Keith, Suzanne shut the door once more and went back to her desk to enjoy a cup of tea.

"And so you see, your highness, he says it's a secure line." finished Keith after he explained the situation.

"Very well, Keith, patch me through to the President."

A few button pushes and a slight wait would bring the Irish King in contact with the United State's President.

"This is Richard Dinsmore, what seems to be the problem, my friend?"

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[b][size="5"]Talking To The King[/size][/b]

David scratched his head and thought for a moment. He looked over at Áine who was soundly sleeping in the chair next to him. He knew he couldn't say something like [i]She is the the wisest person to ever walk the face of the Earth right after the Lord himself and has a strong connection to supernatural beings.[/i] He lied to himself in his own thoughts, because he knew there was even more to it then that, so he did what all good and bad politicians did, lie. The King of Ireland was probably the person he most respected. His heritage was from Ireland and some of his family still lives in Dublin. Maybe later he could reveal the truth to the King, but for now it has to stay between himself, Robert, and the twins.

"I am bringing a girl, age 15. I can't tell you who she is but I can tell you why I am bringing her. The United States of The Island is currently under terrible threat of terrorism from every step. Because the Island is so small, it is not hard for someone to travel a distance from one side to the other, plant a bomb, then detonate it and get away with it. The Orange House and Capital itself are under a serious threat and have emergency security forces around them, on top of them, inside them, and even underneath them.
As you may know, my nation's society and culture is pretty.. Unique to the rest of the world. For instance, changing one's hair color is considered a terrible taboo all across the Island. It is not something that maybe one generation decides to be rebellious and maybe change their hair color from red to blond. No, every single generation is scared of doing it and thinks it is a terrible disgrace to one's body, family, and heritage to do so. So you may find it ironic that this girl's hair is blue." David gulped because he knew that was in fact her natural hair color but didn't dare say so. "I am going to send you a [url="http://cf2.polyvoreimg.com/thing.23463229.l.jpg"]picture of her[/url] and some information to your email.

I really need you to understand that my people cherish her, and her sister who is in a secure location right now. I need to ask you of a big favor my friend.. I need her to stay in Ireland until this conflict is over." David paused one last time, starting to speak more truth as he goes along, "If she were to die, it would be a tragedy my people, and myself, would [i]not[/i] be able to overcome.
Just keep her safe, out of the public eye, and well fed. That is all I ask. I will pay you back in whatever way is necessary but I am desperate my friend. Desperate."

David just fed the King a lot of information but hoped he would be understanding to his cause. He, in fact, did need to keep Áine in a safe place. Of course she was magnificent in wisdom, but Badb was the war specialist. Before he had left, he spoke with Badb and she insisted that her sister stayed in Ireland until the war would be over. If Badb were to be killed, it would be for a purpose, if Áine would be killed, it would have been in vain.

[b]Near The Airport[/b]

While the President Spoke to the King of Ireland, the captain of one of the fighters radioed into Dublin International, "Dublin International this is the U.S. Air National Guard, we have the President here coming for a diplomatic mission in Dublin and are escorting him close enough for your fighters to finish the job and escort his craft to Dublin. We are 10 miles from Irish Soil and were given orders to contact you once we reached this point. It would be greatly appreciated if you could get two birds in the air to escort the President over."
Two fighters flew along the President's plane for safety precautions. Because they were going into Irish Airspace, this usually wouldn't be a problem, but because the Union of People's Republics now had a minority of the Island's air units, they could do some unsuspected damage.

[b][size="5"]The Scoop[/size][/b]

TO: His Majesty, Richard Dinsmore of Ireland
FROM: The President of The United States of The Island, David

RE: Áine

[i]The following information in this email is confidential information between the President and yourself. It is expected that everything within this email is thought of as totally confidential and shouldn't be printed, forwarded, or shown to anyone.[/i]

[b]Private Information[/b]

First Name: Áine
Last Name: *Classified*

Age: 15
Birthplace: The Island
Religion: Irish Catholic
Place Of Baptism: New Dublin

[b]Sacrament's Received[/b]

First Communion-Yes

[b]Physical Features[/b]

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blue (With Green Bangs)
Race: Irish
Weight: Average
[url="http://cf2.polyvoreimg.com/thing.23463229.l.jpg"]Picture[/url] [i]The preceding picture is a recent picture that was taken to be put in the Identity Base In the Orange House[/i]

[b]Mental Features[/b]

Attitude: Shy/Flirty
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Becomes Shy When: Talking about her hair
Hates: Violent Conflicts

This is everything you need to know about her. I sent this during our conversation so if you agreed this will come in handy. The only thing I left out is that her favorite dish is seafood but besides that, this is all I, and the U.S. government for that matter, knows about her.

Thank you for everything your Majesty, whether you say yes or no will be understandable but you still have thanks for everything you have done for me and my people.

The President of The United States,
President David

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Richard Dinsmore wrote a word on his note pad and showed it to Keith. Shrugging his shoulders in apology Keith left the room and shut the door behind him.

He listed as the US President spoke, and after the President ended he began to speak, "My friend, no offense, but why exactly was I pulled from a meeting with my military advisers to hear about a girl when you are literally less than a thirty minute plane ride from Ireland. Not to mention the fact that we have a meeting in a very short amount of time." Frowning, Richard continued, "Yes, I will grant asylum and assign a protection detail for this girl but I do not appreciate being pulled from important meetings with my people when we have a meeting scheduled later today to talk about a girl when it could have all been brought up before, during or after the meeting. Please do not use this secure line for matters such as this in the future. I will see you at the meeting later today, good bye." Grumbling Richard slammed the phone down on to his desk, what a waste of time, he thought.


"US National Guard, this is Emerald One, we've been tracking you since you entered our EEZ. In the future, please contact us before you enter our EEZ if we had not know your flight path, Irish fighters could have shot you out of the sky as soon as you entered our airspace. Land in Dublin International on Runway 3, it is being reserved for you plane. Emerald Out."

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Áine yawned next to David, "Didn't go so well huh?" David sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I-" Áine laughed, "I knew you wouldn't bring me, a mere child to a actual meeting." She laughed. He scratched the back of his head, "Just don't get the King mad. He doesn't know the Red SP is after you." Áine laughed, "You think I'm afraid of a couple of communists with bad mustaches?" David sighed, "Just don't get him mad." Áine was a little offended that her charm didn't make him laugh but quickly ignored it as Ireland came into view.

OOC: Will make the rest of the reply tomorrow. Thanks partner.

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The craft landed with permission for Dublin International, and with almost exact persission. David swiftly breafed Áine on what to do and not do. While they gathered their personal belongings which were slightly scattered across the plane David started briefing the girl on how to be good while she didn't really care who thought what of her. David bent over his seat, searching for his wallet, and talked to Áine who was trying to get cell-phone service. "Remember, you do [i]not[/i] call the King by his first name. From what he understands, you are some little brat that problably just had your daddy pay to keep you in Ireland until this bloody conflict is over. However, you and I know you are way more then that." He gave a sigh of relief as he picked up his leather wallet. He had about $1,000 in it and his own personal Government ID so it was pretty important that he had it. "Don't disrespect anyone in his government, don't give him advice or even speak to him unless he does it first. Don't complain, don't correct anyone, and go to church every Sunday that you are here. It's Ireland, I'm sure you can't throw a rock without it hitting a church. Got all of that?"

David sat back up and made sure every $100 bill was still inside the leather pocket of his wallet. Áine had given up on her phone and was just sitting in a chair near the door, "Yeah whatever... Just let's get this over with. I can flirt with anyone I want though.. It's my job anyway." David stood up, straightened his tie, fixed his slightly shaggy hair back to it's combed position, "That's not your job. Your job is to help people that are in love or show people how to love. It is just an added bonus that you can flirt with practically any male and have them give you some type of positive response back." Áine, who was normally a very respectful teenager, was pretty aggravated that she had to leave the Island.

Áine stood up and brushed off her jeans which didn't even have any noticable, if any, dust on them, "David, I know what to do. Just leave me alone.." Áine got close to the door and tapped her foot as she waited for it to be opened. David wasn't one to go against someone like Áine so he simply walked over to the door and opened the latch. Outside was waiting a few National Guardsmen that came in advance to escort the President and Áine.

David needed to get this meeting done. The Island was at a total standstill and he knew it could only last so long. He could have a civil war where he is in power, or he could have a civil war where all law and order breaks down and he is left a refugee of communism. What was now on his mind was, [i]I need to get this done now.[/i]

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1294470858' post='2568405']

Irish security personnel would meet the the plane at Dublin International. Since the runway was already shut down for the regular public, there wasn't any press or civilians to disrupt security. Three limousines, and ten black SUVs augmented by helicopter air coverage would ensure that the foreign dignitaries would make it to the Palace without harm. As soon as the President and his entourage landed, they would be escorted into the limousines and the whole party would take off without spending more than three minutes from plane to caravan. The Irish security personnel weren't taking any chances with the recent trouble coming from the Isle of Man.

Once the caravan of automobiles arrived at the palace, they would be met by the King's personal security personnel, commonly known as Patrick's Shield. The King would wait for the dignitaries in a secured conference room with his security advisers. Naturally, all people would be searched thoroughly for weapons before being allowed to meet with the Ireland's monarch.

[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1294622815' post='2570517']
David and Áine stood on the tarmac. David scratched his head, "We have been standing her for an hour. Where do you think everybody is?"

OOC: I'm going to ignore this, you have to give me a chance to respond before doing a follow up RP like that. Twenty-four hours isn't considered an adequate time to respond in CNRP.

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EDIT: David was happy not to be hassled by the press. Not only because of the immense stress he had but also because he had a suspicious character with him that didn't need to be in the public's eye. Áine didn't really mind what was going on, she was more focused on trying to anger David although it was hard because at the same time her instincts were telling her to be a happy-go-lucky person.
Once outside of the small craft they were escorted to the trim limousines that were fit for... well a king.

Inside David felt he was fortunate to be alone with Áine until they made it to their destination because he wanted to talk her down one more time. "Áine, no matter how upset you are with me, I don't want you to hurt the National Security of our country because of it. Please, while you are here, just be good. Ok? I can't stress this enough." Áine was looking out one of the tented windows. Her eyes quickly left the true physical reality of the world and drifted off into a mysterious land. Her mind leaped into what we call "daydreaming".

[i]The Daydream[/i]

Words were being burned into Áine's mind. She saw the vision but would only remember certain parts and maybe 55% with extensive meditation. The words that were etched into her head was simply, Two battles. One by land, then one by sea. The one with defense shall prevail.

[i]Back To Normal[/i]

Áine focused back to reality to find David snapping in her face. She slapped his hand away and she then grabbed him by his tie, "You will not even attempt to tell me what to do. You think you are above me? You think you have any right to hold me captive?" Her eyes looked deep into his and then back, even though she was the one of love and wisdom, her ancestor's furry could be taped within her if she needed it, "Do you understand me.. Mr. President?" she slowly let go of his tie and sat back down.

President David was quite for a few moments, straightened his tie, swallowed a large amount of guilt and fear and then slightly bowed his head, "I apologize." Áine was quite for a while and then sighed, "I forgive you. Your only human after all, we all do dumb things at one time or another." David was happy he closed the privacy glass before this conversation started.

David knew that they were approaching the Palace so he checked his iPhone for any updates or news bulletins. He had one message from Robert:


Return once meeting is over.
I wish I was joking."

David gulped as the he watched the door of the limo open. He, and the Áine, stepped out. David and Áine made their way to the palace and once inside they met with the men of Patrick's Shield. "Good evening gentlemen." Once politely escorted by the men of Patrick's Shield, he and Áine willingly let them search their persons for weapons or any items of interest. He kept a close eye on when they searched young Áine, but they seemed to be very mature and perfect gentlemen of the search.

After the quick yet thorough search, David put his hand on Áine's shoulder and assured her they wouldn't have to wait to long, "Just stay in the room out here. You'll be fine. This is one of the greatest nation's on the planet, I'm sure they have a pretty good group of people making sure their most important building is secure." Áine slightly smiled and then went find a seat.
He gave her one final nod of assurance and then went into the room with the escort.

As much as David might have wanted to, he knew he couldn't bow to the King. Public or private, he knew the Island public would not approve so instead he put his hand out for a friendly handshake. "Gentlemen, as you may know my Island is embroiled in a terrible civil war. Not much blood has been spilled but enough has been spilled that I can stand for this no longer. It is one thing to leave the Union, but another to murder civilians." David knew this was true. He had gotten an official security report saying that 30 citizens of New Dublin were executed for trying to leave the northern part to get to the southern, capitalist part of the city.

"I think it is obvious why I am here but I will say it allowed anyway..." David looked down for a moment and then sighed, "I need your help- we need your help. My military is spread all around the South just trying to defend key members of government and setting up defense perimiters. What I need is for someone very experienced to take their place and help. I need my forces to take back the north. Weather you want recognition, or to keep this on the down low, I do not mind, I just need help gentlemen. I'm running out of options, you, my friends, are the second to last one."

David wanted to slap himself because he knew he talked to much but he just stayed quite, waiting for a response.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1294782797' post='2572275']
David and were happy to now be so close to the King. Although they both knew they should be on the Island, it was good to be near one of the reasons why their nation existed: The King. Áine stayed outside while David walked into the meeting room
OOC: Mind expanding your RP? I'd rather not have to post a one line thing saying my King greeted your people and asked why they were there when it was your government that requested the meeting.

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Richard listened quietly as his counterpart in the United States explained why he called for an emergency meeting. Frowning at the other's request, the King made sure his advisers were listening closely as they were ultimately going to be the one's in charge of organizing any sort of military operations.

Field Marshal Bernard spoke up as the President finished his request, "Mr. President, with all due respect - why cant your civilian agencies handle policing the south? While the Kingdom does have a large military, we're also in the midst of a war of our own. I don't mean to be rude, but I have to make sure that your agencies are truly at their max before I can in good conscious organize any sort of military response outside of the war against Nod."

Gerard, listening from the corner of the room continued as the Field Marshal ended, glancing at the Field Marshal, he began to speak, "My good sir, I'm sure the Kingdom won't be overly burdened by helping our neighbors. The problem, in my eyes, is how the President wishes our military to help out. Unfortunately, the Kingdom's military is not trained as a urban police force. They can handle urban assualt but policing is a whole other issue."

Admiral Donnely interjected, "I must concur with the Count, the Irish military is not set up to handle urban policing - if you wanted a blockade on the North, we could handle it with ease - same with an airborne assualt but policing? That requires a separate set of skills all together. Without massive support from your civilian agencies who know the land, the people and the local customs the Irish military would probably just become a target for people wishing your own government harm. Surely the Kingdom's forces would be better suited helping to augment your own troops when the fighting is taken to the North?"

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David's eye vision wasn't to bad. He was a little far sited, which meant he couldn't see up close to well, which was uncommon for a young man like himself. After listening to the respectful arguments from the King's advisers he took off his reading glasses, sat them on the table in front of him and folded his hands, "Why can't my civilian police agencies handle the south... The United States Department of Civil Defense was being set up right before the war. It was small, and made a small transition from having the name changed from the UIN Department of Civil Defense to the US Department of Civil Defense. My close friend, Aime Garfield, was the director of the Department of Civil Defense.
When the North declared independence she enacted our government's emergency response measures.

When I called to talk to her about keeping Douglas and New Dublin secure, I came to a voice-mail from her office. Fifteen minutes later I got a call that she was shot while getting a cup of coffee that morning. General Thomas Revere was shot twice in the back and left for dead. I am sure as we speak another one of my good friends that are in some type of leadership role are going to be killed soon. The Department of Civil Defense is a basic police force that, along with the National Guard, distributes aid in times of troubles, stops violence, and protects the President and his Cabinet at all costs.

My Director of Civil Defense is dead, my number two general is dead, I am running out of friends here gentlemen. These people who are killing my people are not random gunmen playing cowboy. These are the trained special forces of the North that were previously used to execute civilians who spoke out against the communist nations, to assassinate leaders and create and run coups, and also your every day swat-teams. May I mind you that these people have security forces at all times around them, so those two people have not been the only two casualties.

My military has been slashed in half, my nation has been sliced in half, my people have been forced apart by the torments of war. My men are spread thin, tired, and trying to police a border while at the same time planning for an offensive strike against the North so they don't strike first and wipe us out.

Also, the Kingdom of Ireland is aware of the results of nuclear war. On our Island we do not have nuclear capabilities however we do have about 250 cruise missiles. 115 of them are either in the north or at large somewhere on the Island. These surface to surface missiles don't need to launch to be detonated, they can be brought in a van to say a governors mansion and detonated, wiping half of it out.

That gentlemen, is why I can't police every square acre of the Island. Every minute I sit here is another minute that I hope my phone doesn't start ringing to let me know that the Vice President has been shot and was found in the Irish Sea.

I only have once chance at this. There is no three lives, there is no restart button, this is a game of chess that is life or death and a a few more wrong moves I will be in checkmate. Your men can't police cities? Very well, I am sure we can figure it out. Your men aren't especially trained to search civilians or make sure the streets are clean - I can't blame you. That is a police officer's job.

Here is what my two biggest issues are gentlemen: my executive's safety and an offensive strike against the North. My tacticians have it planned out and we know what we are going to do, however we are lacking men. I don't need air support, I don't need the latest tank, I don't need three destroyers, I just need a few thousand ground troops and a few hundred special forces."

David sighed, looked down at his glasses, and put them back on. "I am the first president of the United States of The Island. I do not want my great-grandchildren reading about how David O'Reilly couldn't get help from the Irish and had freedom fall from the land forever. I don't care if I have to grab a rifle and head into the fields myself I refuse to let that happen. What I need to know, friends, is are you going to help me accomplish my goal, or are you going to assume that everything is alright while the biggest conflict in that rock's history goes on."

David sat back and took a deep breath, "3,000 soldiers that know what they are doing and can help overrun the North when the time comes and 700 special forces to protect the government buildings in Douglas and New Dublin so no more of my people die. That is all I need your Majesty, that is all I need."


Áine sat calmly outside but could hear every single word the men, or at least David, were saying. Her blue eyes shimmered while she leaned her head to the side to take a nap - ironically she knew that she wouldn't have enough time to fall asleep.

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Field Marshal Bernard began to protest but a quick shake of the King's head silenced his rant before it could leave his throat. Now wasn't the time to explain to the President that the Kingdom's military knew what a missile's destruction could be or how one could transport a missile. The President's words could be taken as the words of a man at his limit and there was no need for the Field Marshal to insult the man because he accidentally insulted the Field Marshal's beloved military.

Richard Dinsmore began to speak, and when he spoke his words carried the weight of the Kingdom, "My friend, of course the Kingdom is not about to abandon you in your time of need. We are allies secondary and friends first. The Field Marshal is being far too conservative with our forces - we have the men and material to spare. That said though, I can not send in my troops without air coverage at least. I'd prefer to have naval assets in the area, but I absolutely insist on having air coverage. I also can not send 700 special forces soldiers to do guard duty - that is not what they're trained to do and absolutely not trained to perform their duties in such massive numbers. I can send in a division* with armor support to help your nation's troubles. From that division 2000 can be assigned protective duty, but if I am to assign these men to protect your people, you must understand that when they're guarding what they say is law. If they say jump, your men ask how high. These men are trained soldiers who can recognize danger, and not listening to them will cost people their lives. It will take four days to gather the men and material and have it shipped to your nation, so your men must continue to hold out for that period of time. I can send in bombing runs immediately to target the North, but the men and armor support will take time."

OOC: * - the Kingdom divides its divisions into 10,000 men.

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David was very happy that his friend stood up to him in his time of need. He feared that he would have to get up and leave but the King proved his fears wrong. David nodded, "I understand that you want air support and might want a naval presence. I can understand where you are coming from your Majesty.
Luckily, the majority of the air force's presence is in the South so the North has the low side on that front. I have plenty of stealths that the North would never see coming. I would be honored to have your Majesty's air force to help us however one thing that I need to tell you about is that we need to be very careful with civilian areas. The majority of northern civilians are on our side and I do not want that to change. When I am on my way home today I can send an email with locations that we will need bombed immediately. If you can guarantee that you can send bombers today then I can also send mine.

Furthermore, a small naval presence could be understood and until we are ready for the full scale attack it could be docked in Douglas or New Dublin for the time being. Your opinion?"

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1295353627' post='2581154']
David was very happy that his friend stood up to him in his time of need. He feared that he would have to get up and leave but the King proved his fears wrong. David nodded, "I understand that you want air support and might want a naval presence. I can understand where you are coming from your Majesty.
Luckily, the majority of the air force's presence is in the South so the North has the low side on that front. I have plenty of stealths that the North would never see coming. I would be honored to have your Majesty's air force to help us however one thing that I need to tell you about is that we need to be very careful with civilian areas. The majority of northern civilians are on our side and I do not want that to change. When I am on my way home today I can send an email with locations that we will need bombed immediately. If you can guarantee that you can send bombers today then I can also send mine.

Furthermore, a small naval presence could be understood and until we are ready for the full scale attack it could be docked in Douglas or New Dublin for the time being. Your opinion?"

"Understandable, civilian casualties are always something we try to avoid. There's no need to have the navy dock in your harbors, Scotland and Ireland are close enough to your nation that the ships won't have to dock and can stay at sea thereby minimizing the chance that the North will hit them. If there isn't anything left you need, I shall have some men escort you back to the airport so we can get the air force prepped for operations."

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David nodded at what the King said about the Navy, "Very well. By the way" David looked at the advisers, "I tend to speak from the heart when I am upset, which is a good thing to do, although I could also use my brain a little when doing so." David adjusted his tie and stood, "By the way your Majesty, Áine is in the room just outside. She will be a very humble guest, I can assure you of that. Thank you gentlemen for your time, I am most grateful for that and the assistance you are providing to me and my people."

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Irish security would escort the President back to Dublin International where they would see his plane safely into the air before returning to the palace.

Members of Patrick's Guard would transfer Aine to a conference room where food and drink would be provided. She would have to stay in the room for an hour or two before being transferred to a Royal estate in northern Ireland. There, she would be watched over by members of Patrick's Guard day and night to ensure her protection.

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President David successfully made it back to The Island without a hitch, the people were happy to have their president back. Áine, on the other hand, would need to try to stay calm in the environment she was going to be in for now. A very unfamiliar one at that.

OOC: I will send the email soon

Edited by PresidentDavid
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A single squadron of the Kingdom's bombers escorted by two squadrons of Irish fighters escorting the bombers lifted off from air fields in Scotland aiming for the coordinates provided by the United States. On the ground, Irish personnel were preparing for their deployment to the nearby isle. Commanders were busy in strategy sessions while the enlisted men triple checked all their equipment and prepped for war.

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