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:rolleyes: Introducing ROCK Alliance FLAG(1).JPG

I Announce now the foundation of ROCK Alliance

Our Alliance Color:We are a multi colored alliance



Irc: irc.synirc.net Channel: #Rock

Our charter :

ROCK Charter

This here is the charter of the ROCK Alliance. We hope you read it carefully nad understand us a bit more! So all you dudes , ROCK ON!

Section I : Love For Music


Most of the members of this alliance have a crush on music! Music is like water and food! It's how we live!

Section II : Government


The Alliance government is composed of a Quartet. In the world of rock, a quartet is the band of 4. Well, we are implementing this hear. All 4 quartets have equal power but each has a specific responsibility

Quarter 1: Minster of Finance and Trade

Quartet 2: Minster of Defense

Quartet 3: Minster of Foreign Affairs

Quartet 4: Minster of Interior

Section III : AID


Our alliance is focused on peace and prosperity. So we mainly focus on growth. That's why this section is a priority. However, Aiding people at war or their alliance is at war is prohibited.

Section IV : War Material


ROCK does NOT allow any type of raiding. However, we are very strict in the field of rouge and how it should be dealt with. Also, Any ROCK nation wanting to purchase a nuclear weapon can do so. But, He will need permission fro the quartet to launch it.

Section V : Admission


For a member to enter rock. He must be reviewed by the quartet and given a 2/4 score. He must NOT be on any ZI list or at war. He must also not be aiding a nation at war or at an alliance war.

Section VI : Conclusion


That was the charter of the ROCK alliance! ROCK ON!

Signing Up Rules:

Please post your application in a new topic entitled, "Application".

Follow these instructions, then post in the following format on a new thread. Be as accurate as possible. Lying on your app, just like in real life, is grounds for expulsion.

When U Post an application check these things:

Is your alliance affiliation set to "ROCK applicant" ? If not, go to "edit my profile" in your nation page, go to the "alliance affiliation" box, click it, then select "specify other" from the drop down menu, and enter in "ROCK Applicant".

You will not be accepted as a member if you are claiming another alliance affliation or if you put "ROCK" immediatly as your Alliance Affliation. If any of the above are found , your application is subject to automatic rejection

We are a multi-colored alliance. So don't worry about your color.

ROCK is not accepting applicants that are currently at war. Once your war is completed, you are more than welcome to submit an application.


Edited by C3t2
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